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Mechwarrior, Age Of Axis: The Pirate Wars.

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#1 Knightshadowsong


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 05:05 AM

I briefly mentioned long ago and far away that I was making a new time era for the MW universe. Well it took me a good bit of time, but I've finally worked out the first chapter to my first book which i'm working on in my spare time. Now mind you. This is all Un-official. But I ask that you don't use any characters I mention in any posted parts. also, please do not repost this without my permission.
I also want to ask that you forgive any spelling issues. this is a ruff draft and I've been very sick so my spelling is worse then normal.
You can find the original post where I talk about the settings Here: http://mwomercs.com/...een-working-on/
tips, support and ideas are welcome.


Age Of Axis

Book 01

The Pirate Wars.


Union of Allied Planets

planet: New Islam V

Planetary Militia Garrison HQ

For Major Green, commander of the New Islam V militia, the day was dragging on, the development of his planets newest, and possibly most dangerous defense system, a set of 9 Type-5K Fusion Bombs, a bomb that would not only dangerously irradiate anything within 500 K of the blast sight, but utterly vaporize anything within 300k of the blast zone.

The Bombs were his government's newest defensive weapon against the pirates that continued to harass the UAP planets for whatever they needed. As a Major, he'd seen 5 attacks from the pirates doing his time in the Militia, but what could they do? Well. There were other options then just build a weapon that flew in the face of the Aries convention, which Both the UAP and the next door Republic of Axis both adhered too, but what exactly? Of course the most open option. Would be to establish a joint relationship with the Republic of Axis, who's Military power was one of the reasons there forces rarely saw a pirate raid. Between the Axis Navy's new Mech Carrier class ships, which they used to grate effect to ether cripple or destroy any pirate ship

And there very well trained forces which let them take any crippled ship with relative ease,

a lot of worlds in the UAP had agreed to allow Axis bases on there planets, mostly in trade of goods that Axis needed for there recent Orbital elevator program on there 3 more populated worlds, Poseidon XV, Aries VII and there home-world of Omega.

Personally Major Green thought of Axis as a friendly nation. But one with way to much invested in Honor and fair play. And could one day become an enemy.

True Axis's system worked, but it relied heavily on all branches of there government working at any given time.

The Major sighed as he watched the boxes be loaded into the transport trucks. Commandeered trucks which bore a local fruit merchants logo that had been re-enforced to block any gamma leakage, however remote it might have been. It also was made to keep the pirate's from knowing which truck was the right one.

In his command he had 3 mech's. His Atlas, which was standing at the foot of the first truck, a Fire-starter, which would take the first set of truck's, and a Catapult, which would be taking the the second truck's. Each machine would be in charge of 3 trucks. All the trucks. Each bearing a merchants logo, would go along 3 different path's to the Missile silo's where the bombs would be held. His job, was to make sure that the bombs made it there without a hitch. Which was why he'd made the pilots of both the Fire-starter and Catapult, modify there mech's with C3 computers which fed into his Atlas's C3-Command suite, what that he'd be able to control his units. He'd also had Sargent Mallory's Catapult modded to mount both Medium lasers and Anti-mech 60mm machine guns.

The lasers had been flash welded on and there fire control systems linked to the pilots aiming system. The Sargent had been reluctant to mount the lasers of the AMMG's on his machine. But the Major had insisted, stating that even with how good his man was at Hot-loading his Star league era LRM's, that a mech which closed on his, would tear his support mech apart. At long range, the Catapult had good damage output, but in close, without Short range Missiles (SRM's) the Catapult lacked any real weapons.

“All right. Lets go over it again.” Major Green said as he turned to face his mechwarrior's. All, like him, dressed in there Axis made cooling suits, which were a damn sight more effective then the cooling vest's that many pilots in the UAP still wore.

“These trucks, are all taking different roughs to Objective Alpha. We haven't seen the pirates from there last jump in system, but with these damn things i'm not taking any chances. So each of us is on a convoy of trucks, if you encounter the enemy, hold them away from the trucks. Unless you get the okay from me. Stay with your trucks. As long as they don't know which one of us is with the real bombs, we can keep them confused.”

“Sir.” Said Sargent Mallory, “Which unit is with the real bombs?” he asked.

Major Green raised an eyebrow. But then again it wasn't that big of a leap in logic for a pilot to want to know if he was near bombs which could vaporize him.

“That's need to know. Right now no one here knows who's in with the real missiles. Lets keep it that way.” Major Green lied. Of course he knew who had the real missiles. The Fire-starter’s pilot, Staff Sargent Avery Mendez had drawn the short stick on the leap of luck, but the Major had no reserves on letting that luck play out. If any enemy DID try and take the bombs. His Atlas would be the most likely to be attacked, being the ONLY assault mech in the regiment,

“How do we know that there are even pirates on dirt?” The Fire-starter pilot asked.

“we don’t. But lets assume nothing. If that report from Axis is true, they might have that new stealth tech in play, and if they do they could be any where on the planet and we wouldn't know it until we were right in front of them. Keep one eye on your thermals.” Major Green said. Then added “Any other questions?”

the men in front of him all shook there heads. “Alright then. Mount your machines. Convoy roll's out in 5!” The Major said before taking the boarding latter of his Atlas and started to climb.

He made it about half way up before the wind got bad, battering him on the Atlas's armor, past the large bore Flashet- Auto cannon

an renovation of the LBX-10-AC shotgun, it fired 45mm needles which were laser sharpened, the tips would rip through armor like needles would through a sheet. The needles also had an explosive charge in them. Which added to it's deadly effect.

Major Green had customized his Atlas from the ground up. Mounting the most armor the mech would mount, but adding a Light-endo steel structure to save weight. Instead of a normal laser load-out, he'd chosen to add two medium lasers in the chest of his atlas. Then added a second medium laser to the one his arms normally mounted.

The Flachet cannon he'd mounted with 2 and ½ tons of ammo. Finally he'd added two LRM 5 Long Bows. Allowing him to strike at long ranges well he moved in. these were fed by two 1 ton ammo bins protected by a CASE system. All in all, his mech was built to be what it was. A death machine. And he'd chosen to build on the fear most pilots felt when seeing an Atlas walking twords you, the glowing red eye's, and painted skull on the head, and add painted bones and blood dripping from painted flesh wounds. The last 3 pirates he'd faced with the machine had said it was terrifying. So he saw little reason to change it.

Once he was in the mech's 'head' he dogged the hatch shut, climbed into the command couch, strapped in and started up his Mech's 350-FMG Fusion reactor, which hummed to life under him.

A quick voice lock check brought his lasers, missiles and cannon online.

“Gold one to all mech's and convoy units. Report status over?” The Major asked.

“Convoy 1 here. We're all good to go. Cargo's loaded and secure” said a ground ponder who'd been assigned to the trucks.

“Ditto two and three” said another.

“All set here Major” said Sargent Mallory.

The other two mech's flashed green status lights to show they were up.

“alright. Convoy. Your clear to roll out. Radio silence unless in contact.” Major Green ordered, and took a step foreword in his mech.

(Sargent Mallory's Catapult 5 minutes later)

Everything was going as it should be. He could almost taste the money promised him by the Ranniki Cobra's when he'd found out about the Fusion Bombs. Oh sure, he'd been in the militia for a few years. But a Sargent's salary didn't pay the bills, and he wanted a good life on some far away planet off this good for nothing rock.

So he'd take the 500 Million C-bills per bomb the Cobra's had promised him. With those bombs they could do anything. Even (and Mallory thought this was the most likely) Selling them off for ransom to the Republic of Axis in exchange for some of there newest generation Battle Mech's.

As much as he loved his Family's Catapult A1, some of those new mech's Developed by Axis, were just plane awesome. Maybe he'd cash in some of his money and head over to Gandrada. The Solarias VII of Axis and get a reputation as a class one Mech jock.

After they reached the C point, as in the third point in there 24 point trip, his friends would show up. Of course the issue with the plan remained, he didn't know WHO had the real missiles, he'd hoped that the Major would say who was guarding the real missiles. But, the man was cautious by nature.

Finally they reached the defensive line, and Mallories Missile lock alarm wailed.

“Contact! Enemy Contact! Grid 193 by 124, They have missile lock on me! Oh ****!”

Mallory slapped at the AMS system. Which wired to life spitting 5mm slugs along the missiles path as they closed, this was part of the plan too. He had to appear to go down with his mech. But no matter how much he braced himself, he couldn't help but bite his tong when 50 LRM's hit his Catapult, blowing armor off and severing one of the Box shaped, shoulder missile launchers. Those missiles had also done something internally because his Gyro screamed in protest to added stress.

“Contact! Grid 04 by 323! they have me pinned! Major!” the last bit of that was lost in a wash of static.

No time like the present. Mallory thought before getting back on the COM line “I'm Ejecting! Eject! Eject” before he said the 3rd 'eject' which would trigger the voice activated eject system, he yanked a wire out of his COM box to sever the power linkage. All the major would hear is static, “Eject!” he finished and felt something kick him in the ass as his command couch was shot up and into the air. His part of the deal was done.

Major green felt his pulse racing, I'll be gray before I’m 60... he thought as he moved his atlas along the road. The pirates had appeared, but hadn't taken the bait his mech had presented. Sargent Mallory had been shot down, and he'd lost contact with Mendez just seconds before that.

“convoy. Your on your own. I'm going to help Mendez. If worst comes to worst, ditch the trucks.” Major Green ordered.

“Green to Militia HQ, Mayday Mayday Mayday! We have Code 6. Enemy attack, Mech's down in these grids.” he transmitted the last known location of both mech's. “alert the Planetary governor, Missiles are compromised, Missiles Are Compromised. I'll hold them as long as I can. I need SAR and re-enforcement ASAP. Message repeats every 10 seconds. Major Green out” he set the message to repeat at the start of every 10 seconds. And made his best speed to the nearby grid where Mendez's Fire-starter was supposed to be. It took him 3 minutes, but it was perhaps the longest 3 minutes of his life.

He spotted the enemy on his long range scanners before he saw them. His Computer pinged 3 mech's. 2 Catafracts and a Raven. Next to there were a pair of APC's and the trucks which held the bombs.

Now all he needed to do was cripple those trucks so they couldn't move, and kill the APC's so the bombs couldn't be loaded into them.

Green carefully aimed, his lasers had a max range of 450m and he was still 600 out, so he had to close the distance, but that didn't mean he didn't have teeth, locking onto the first APC he squeezed the trigger for his Long Range missiles. Which soared and 5 seconds later, crashed into the first APC, ripping it off it's axle and blowing off large chunks of armor, the three mech's. Who had to be running on passive scanners or they'd have noticed him right away, all turned twords where the missiles had come from, by then the Hulking Atlas had closed into laser range.

The Raven was the first target, being the fastest mech on the field the Major targeted it's left leg first, carefully leading the target so that his lasers would hit where the mech would be, crimson beams sheered off armor from the light mech's stubby leg, metal caved in as the damage from 6 medium lasers burned through supports and the raven fell to the ground with one leg amputated.

By that point the two Catafracts had brought there own weapons on him, large lasers melted armor off his mech's leg's and upper arm, but that didn't stop him. Taking careful aim he fired the 3 shot Flashet cannon. Razor sharp needles flew like a shotgun spread at the two mech's. One torso twisted in time to block the needle's from hitting him dead on. The second wasn't as lucky as the needle's drilled in and exploded, popping armor plates off.

The Major was still out numbered. But he had armor and tonnage to spare.

Again he fired his missiles, this time aimed at the mech's. Missiles hit the lead mech, blowing it's right arm off, and Green fired his lasers in an alpha strike again, heat spiked in his cockpit and he struggled to draw air from the super heated cockpit air,

alarms wailed as his heat gauge went above mid yellow line, but he ignored it, he HAD to keep those missiles on this world. Or at worst destroy them. Better he be killed in the blast which would turn everything for miles to slag then let these pirates get away with them... lord only knew what would happen if these guys made off with those bombs! Why the hell had they built them!

Hind sight was 20/20 as they said...

Again lasers burned across his mech's chest. One of his chest mounted lasers winked red and green on his HUD (Heads Up Display) meaning it had a 50/50 chance of working.

This time he used his torso lasers to hit the lead machine, his arm mounted lasers to burn armor from the second, then let loose again with another 3 burst from the Flashet cannon.

The lead mech took the bulk of the needles right in the chest, if a mech could look like it was having a seizure, this one did as it toppled to the ground. The pilot dead from the impacts breaking through the Furro-Glass canopy which was all that stood between the Mechwarrior, and a closed casket funeral.

The second Catafract, seeing his friend die, took a step back and let loose with all his weapons in a deadly alpha strike. Armor rained from both mech's as both pilots ignored there heat gauges, and continued to exchange heavy fire.

“WARNING!: Incoming Missile!” Displayed on Green's HUD. The pirates had sent more mech's! Alarms wailed as missiles smashed into his read armor, and Green had to turn to bring his left arm lasers to bear, the new enemy mech was a modified Fire-starter. Instead of the lasers and flamers on the arms. This one mounted an LRM-5 launcher on one arm, and an SRM-6 on the other according to his computers, along with two Medium lasers in the CT

Green fired but missed, the light mech's pilot using his Jump jets to close the distance.

It was then he saw the other mech's. 20 at least, all classes of mech, including an Axis Made Iron-Maiden, it's back pack mounted Long Tom cannons barked as they fired, a moment later, artillery class slugs blew large crater's in the ground next to him.

Green's heat alarm wailed as a heat sync popped, blowing gray green liquid all over,

It was at that point he realized that this was it... there would be no walking off this battle field for him... his eye's went to the picture of his wife, what would they tell her? That he'd died fighting trying to save some dammed missiles that technically should never have been built to begin with?

No... if he went down he was going to make sure those damn missiles were destroyed. No if's, ands or buts about it.

Turning his weapons on one of the trucks he took a deep. Last breath, then fired all his weapons at once into the truck, which blew up.

What Major Green didn't know, was that only 3 missiles were really 'completed' with the Fusion cores installed inside them, the two trucks he had hit, had the in-compleated bombs in them. Just shells with the mountings for the Fusion core that made it work in place.

But as he stared unbelieving at the destroyed trucks, the husk of one missile clearly visible a pirate landed a head shot with a Guass Rifle, blowing the Atlas's painted skull head off. Major Green's Atlas's arms slumped to ether side, and his dead machine fell.

Major Green's last act, had failed.

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