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If Pgi Made "premium" Versions Of Every Chassis And Variant Available, Would You Buy Them?

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#21 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:07 PM

View PostLordKnightFandragon, on 22 May 2015 - 02:48 PM, said:

Id rather have a Premium Module, which takes up its own slot on the mech, basically, its a module bought for $30 MC that you apply to w/e mech you want and it becomes a premium. It would be immovable upon placement but it would allow US to choose which mech we want as our premium/heros.

Suggested a similar thing on AW forums, apparently it is to much P2W?

Er, I think the pricing model for the hero of the chassis is fair.
Don't want to shell out 30 dollars for a hero locust 1E

View PostMister Blastman, on 22 May 2015 - 02:57 PM, said:


I'm sick of 'mechs. I want a complete game.

It isn't more mechs. It's a modifier.

#22 Appogee


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:15 PM

We already have a way to earn +30% on our favourite chassis. It's called Premium Time ... and it gives you +50%.

The real issue here is that, even running Hero Mechs with Premium Time, it still takes way too long to be able to buy new Mechs.

Grind is out of control.

#23 anonymous161


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:18 PM

Personally no. This is supposed to be a fair free to play game set in the mechwarrior universe.

This clearly isn't and never was truly the case.

Way too many options for pay that you cant get by grinding that are better mechs, maybe not by a huge amount but can make a difference.

#24 Mister Blastman


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:24 PM

View PostBurktross, on 22 May 2015 - 03:07 PM, said:

It isn't more mechs. It's a modifier.

Right, I saw that. And I won't buy it. I gave them my 60 bucks way back when and still haven't seen a complete product for it. Until I do, I won't spend any more money.

#25 Wintersdark


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:38 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 22 May 2015 - 03:24 PM, said:

Right, I saw that. And I won't buy it. I gave them my 60 bucks way back when and still haven't seen a complete product for it. Until I do, I won't spend any more money.

Honestly, I don't see what they can do realistically that'll make you happy, though, so what's the point even posting that?

View PostAppogee, on 22 May 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:

We already have a way to earn +30% on our favourite chassis. It's called Premium Time ... and it gives you +50%.

The real issue here is that, even running Hero Mechs with Premium Time, it still takes way too long to be able to buy new Mechs.

Grind is out of control.

I don't disagree (the grind *IS* crazy, even with Premium+Bonus Mechs, but I'll point out:

The advantage of the cbill bonus is it's always worth it, while Premium Time is often a very poor value unless you've got a silly amount of free time (retired? Young? No family of your own?)

I often have premium time via mech packs, but I'd never want to buy it. I can't play regularly enough, so much goes to waste. But, like my hero mechs, once you paid to upgrade a mech to having a cbill bonus, you'd always have that.

I'd really like a way to make my non-cbill mechs that I like a lot (which, basically, is all my favourite mechs) also be bonus mechs so I don't feel like I'm throwing away cbills using them.

#26 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 03:41 PM

View PostAppogee, on 22 May 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:

We already have a way to earn +30% on our favourite chassis. It's called Premium Time ... and it gives you +50%.

The real issue here is that, even running Hero Mechs with Premium Time, it still takes way too long to be able to buy new Mechs.

Grind is out of control.

You're right, let's lessen it by allowing us to get that extra 30% on all mechs. ;)

View PostDarth Bane001, on 22 May 2015 - 03:18 PM, said:

Personally no. This is supposed to be a fair free to play game set in the mechwarrior universe.

This clearly isn't and never was truly the case.

Way too many options for pay that you cant get by grinding that are better mechs, maybe not by a huge amount but can make a difference.

These aren't better mechs. They're the exact same mech with a cbill bonus, a la Founders, Phoenix, Resistance, or Invasion variants.

View PostMister Blastman, on 22 May 2015 - 03:24 PM, said:

Right, I saw that. And I won't buy it. I gave them my 60 bucks way back when and still haven't seen a complete product for it. Until I do, I won't spend any more money.

Suit yourself I suppose.

Also, Bishop, made this so that people don't glance over the link ;)

Yields you this-- a clickable image.

Posted Image

#27 Mister Blastman


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:03 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 22 May 2015 - 03:38 PM, said:

Honestly, I don't see what they can do realistically that'll make you happy, though, so what's the point even posting that?

Why shouldn't I? Bishop asked a question. I provided an answer.

Unless all you are interested in hearing is opinions you agree with...

#28 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:08 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 22 May 2015 - 04:03 PM, said:

Why shouldn't I? Bishop asked a question. I provided an answer.

Unless all you are interested in hearing is opinions you agree with...

It's rather that you're essentially voting no on the premise of the game's direction. Imagine if the game was in the direction you wanted it, would you vote yes then? Because now it sounds like you're voting no by default, not necessarily on the merit of the idea.

Edited by Burktross, 22 May 2015 - 04:08 PM.

#29 Wintersdark


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:11 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 22 May 2015 - 04:03 PM, said:

Why shouldn't I? Bishop asked a question. I provided an answer.

Unless all you are interested in hearing is opinions you agree with...

It's not the "no"; it's the "no more mechs! Until there's a complete game..." as if "complete game" actually meant anything. It doesn't. MMO's are never "complete". Sorry, I get kind of annoyed with statements like that - lots of people make them, but the hard truth is that "complete game" or whatever "until..." qualification they add... it means something entirely different to everyone saying that... and has nothing at all to do with the subject at hand.

Gah. Anyways, I'm sorry, it was somewhat out of line.

View PostBurktross, on 22 May 2015 - 04:08 PM, said:

It's rather that you're essentially voting no on the premise of the game's direction. Imagine if the game was in the direction you wanted it, would you vote yes then? Because now it sounds like you're voting no by default, not necessarily on the merit of the idea.

Thanks, this is basically where I was going with that, but doing a piss poor job of it.

Edited by Wintersdark, 22 May 2015 - 04:12 PM.

#30 Ehjay_52


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:13 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 22 May 2015 - 02:05 PM, said:

Kind of like a combo of the Hero and Champion ideas.

Get the lovely 30% Cbill bonus, but no special hardpoints and geometry. Just literally pick and choose from every available Chassis, and get your favorite mechs with Cbill boosts.

Fan of the HBK-4J, but don't like the GridIron (and like me, find Champions to be pointless)?
Don't care for the Boars Head, but want to get a bonus from your AS7-RS or D-DC instead?

TBH, I don't like a lot of the Heroes. I'm fortunate, that my Favorite Mech, the HBK-4G is also my Founder's Mech. But what about for the people like Burktross who love the 4G, and want to get premium results. Why should he have to drive a GridIron? Why not just a HBK-4G that you can paint however you want, that just earns you that same 30% Cbill bonus?

And best part, is it doesn't invalidate Heroes, because they still have their unique paint and hardpoints, and the Package Mech still get their geometry and package goodies.

Obviously, these would still be MC only, like Champions and Heroes. The Stock HBK-4G, for instance, is 1480 MC. The Champion HBK-4P is 1800 MC. A GridIron? 3750 MC. Considering it would be a Bonestock HBK-4G, needing to upgrade to DHS, Endo, etc, would 2000 MC be out of line?

What do you think, as a concept, and what ideas do you have for price points compared to existing options?

I'm sure that people would LOVE to have FS9-A, or TDR-5SS that they could get 30% cbill boosts on in CW. I'd buy Premium Versions of the VND-1AA, UM-R60, HBK-4J, CN9-D, ENF-4R and the CPLT-K2 pretty much guaranteed.

Seems like it would be one of the easiest and quickest revenue streams PGI could add, wouldn't it?

thx Burk!


Hunchback 4G with 30% cbill bonus... It wasn't that hard was it??

(I'm totally being humorous, not trolling)(yes I know the 4G is quirked for AC20, and the Grid Iron for Gauss, MPL)

Edited by Toker Hv52, 22 May 2015 - 04:15 PM.

#31 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:15 PM

Lets see...
It costs 4000MC for 6.5mil c-bills.

To get a 30% c-bill bonus on a hunchback:
2000MC for barebone HBK with a 30% c-bill bonus
+ approx. 6.5mil cbills (another 4000mc, to make math easy) of equipment and upgrades (depnding on engine, weapons, double heat sinks, endo, weapons. Excluding modules as they don't come with any mech anyways)

So.... if i'm averaging 150,000 cb's per match... it would take me:
Around 25-33 matches to make up for the c-bills spent on retrofitting the hunchback (averaging 150,000 c-bills per match, +30% boost)
Another 72 matches before buying 2000mc worth of c-bills is negated by the bonus on the mech. (it would take 72 matches of an average of +45000 c-bills to earn an extra 3.24mil c-bills, which is half of 6.5mill (costing 4000mc)
~105 matches total I would have to use the mech to make it a better deal than just buying the c-bills outright.
Anything over 105 matches is free money.

I guess it's worth it if people really love the mech, and have the time for it... but I only play about 5 matches, 3 times a week lol. and maybe enough over the weekend to do the challenges.
So that's a long time.

But it seems to make good sense. I'd back the idea.
So sure, why not! Put it up. :)

Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 22 May 2015 - 04:20 PM.

#32 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:18 PM

View PostMoonUnitBeta, on 22 May 2015 - 04:15 PM, said:

Lets see...
It costs 4000MC for 6.5mil c-bills.

To get a 30% c-bill bonus on a hunchback:
2000MC for barebone HBK with a 30% c-bill bonus
+ approx. 6.5mil cbills (another 4000mc, to make math easy) of equipment and upgrades (depnding on engine, weapons, double heat sinks, endo, weapons. Excluding modules as they don't come with any mech anyways)

So.... if i'm averaging 150,000 cb's per match... it would take me:
Around 33 matches to make up for the c-bills spent on retrofitting the hunchback (averaging 150,000 c-bills per match, +30% boost)
Another 72 matches before buying 2000mc worth of c-bills is negated by the bonus on the mech. (it would take 72 matches of an average of +45000 c-bills to earn an extra 3.24mil c-bills, which is half of 6.5mill (costing 4000mc)
~105 matches total I would have to use the mech to make it a better deal than just buying the c-bills outright.
Anything over 105 matches is free money.

I guess it's worth it if people really love the mech, and have the time for it... but I only play about 5 matches, 3 times a week lol. and maybe enough over the weekend to do the challenges.
So that's a long time.

But it seems to make good sense. I'd back the idea.
So sure, why not! Put it up. :)

I believe the angle of approach would be "hey friend i see that hunchback you've had since CB, how would you like it if we heroize it?"
"well, ok"
"*grid iron MC cost* please"
"Alright friend, you have 30% cbill bonus congrats."

No refit or skill grinding necessary.

#33 Zordicron


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:21 PM

Has anyone at PGI outright said "NO" to the idea of making a hero ability on the skill tree or other some sch way to making normal mechs get a bonus?

The idea of a hero bonus on a normal mech has been around since the Yen Lo Wang. One would think, after this much time, PGI would have decided either way on the topic and told us "NO" or "we have that as a stretch goal for later" or something.

I have always liked the idea of making it unlockable through mech XP on the skill tree. As it stands the XP after master is only worth anything if you spend money to convert to GXP, and then that is only useful for module unlocks. Making a mech require 250K XP or something to unlock "salvage master" or something to me makes the most sense.

#34 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:22 PM

View PostEldagore, on 22 May 2015 - 04:21 PM, said:

Has anyone at PGI outright said "NO" to the idea of making a hero ability on the skill tree or other some sch way to making normal mechs get a bonus?

The idea of a hero bonus on a normal mech has been around since the Yen Lo Wang. One would think, after this much time, PGI would have decided either way on the topic and told us "NO" or "we have that as a stretch goal for later" or something.

I have always liked the idea of making it unlockable through mech XP on the skill tree. As it stands the XP after master is only worth anything if you spend money to convert to GXP, and then that is only useful for module unlocks. Making a mech require 250K XP or something to unlock "salvage master" or something to me makes the most sense.

I remember Russ saying "No," to something of the sort
But maybe it was a different sort of idea or its implementation

#35 Mycrus


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:23 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 22 May 2015 - 02:05 PM, said:

Kind of like a combo of the Hero and Champion ideas.

Get the lovely 30% Cbill bonus, but no special hardpoints and geometry. Just literally pick and choose from every available Chassis, and get your favorite mechs with Cbill boosts.

Fan of the HBK-4J, but don't like the GridIron (and like me, find Champions to be pointless)?
Don't care for the Boars Head, but want to get a bonus from your AS7-RS or D-DC instead?

TBH, I don't like a lot of the Heroes. I'm fortunate, that my Favorite Mech, the HBK-4G is also my Founder's Mech. But what about for the people like Burktross who love the 4G, and want to get premium results. Why should he have to drive a GridIron? Why not just a HBK-4G that you can paint however you want, that just earns you that same 30% Cbill bonus?

And best part, is it doesn't invalidate Heroes, because they still have their unique paint and hardpoints, and the Package Mech still get their geometry and package goodies.

Obviously, these would still be MC only, like Champions and Heroes. The Stock HBK-4G, for instance, is 1480 MC. The Champion HBK-4P is 1800 MC. A GridIron? 3750 MC. Considering it would be a Bonestock HBK-4G, needing to upgrade to DHS, Endo, etc, would 2000 MC be out of line?

What do you think, as a concept, and what ideas do you have for price points compared to existing options?

I'm sure that people would LOVE to have FS9-A, or TDR-5SS that they could get 30% cbill boosts on in CW. I'd buy Premium Versions of the VND-1AA, UM-R60, HBK-4J, CN9-D, ENF-4R and the CPLT-K2 pretty much guaranteed.

Seems like it would be one of the easiest and quickest revenue streams PGI could add, wouldn't it?

thx Burk!

If everybody is super... nobody is.

#36 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:27 PM

View PostBurktross, on 22 May 2015 - 04:18 PM, said:

I believe the angle of approach would be "hey friend i see that hunchback you've had since CB, how would you like it if we heroize it?"
"well, ok"
"*grid iron MC cost* please"
"Alright friend, you have 30% cbill bonus congrats."

No refit or skill grinding necessary.

Is that merchant Canadian? He's so nice!
I think that makes good sense!
Except I think people would over simplify it, and then complain about it.

"How come it only costs medium mech players 3750mc to get the bonus, but it costs us 4250 mc for the same bonus?"
"Make it standard PGI!"
Rabble rabble rabble.

View PostMycrus, on 22 May 2015 - 04:23 PM, said:

If everybody is super... nobody is.

That's deep, man.

#37 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:35 PM

View PostMoonUnitBeta, on 22 May 2015 - 04:27 PM, said:

Is that merchant Canadian? He's so nice!
I think that makes good sense!
Except I think people would over simplify it, and then complain about it.

"How come it only costs medium mech players 3750mc to get the bonus, but it costs us 4250 mc for the same bonus?"
"Make it standard PGI!"
Rabble rabble rabble.

That's deep, man.

That price difference is already incarnate in current hero pricing. The rabble can and should be redirected to the core hero mechanics instead.
Well... in a logical world, at least.

View PostMycrus, on 22 May 2015 - 04:23 PM, said:

If everybody is super... nobody is.

Queue philosophical discussion on the misery of the human condition.

#38 Mister Blastman


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:42 PM

View PostBurktross, on 22 May 2015 - 04:08 PM, said:

It's rather that you're essentially voting no on the premise of the game's direction. Imagine if the game was in the direction you wanted it, would you vote yes then? Because now it sounds like you're voting no by default, not necessarily on the merit of the idea.

I'm voting no yes both on game direction and also because I don't believe they should have another revenue stream. I'm doing this out of spite because I don't think they've earned it. I won't buy it. PGI works too hard on monetizing premium content versus delivering content and then monetizing later based on the merits of their performance.

It is frustrating because damnit, I want this to be a good game. :(

#39 Burktross


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:43 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 22 May 2015 - 04:42 PM, said:

I'm voting no yes both on game direction and also because I don't believe they should have another revenue stream. I'm doing this out of spite because I don't think they've earned it. I won't buy it. PGI works too hard on monetizing premium content versus delivering content and then monetizing later based on the merits of their performance.

It is frustrating because damnit, I want this to be a good game. :(

Don't think about it as them getting cash, think about it as us grinding less and having fun more! :D

#40 Roadkill


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Posted 22 May 2015 - 04:47 PM

View PostAlphaToaster, on 22 May 2015 - 02:13 PM, said:

Why buy 2 heroes when you can buy 1 token and just move it to your other mech?

I think the key to something like this working would be for it to be a permanent change to a selected Mech, not a cockpit item.

For $10 (or whatever) you can make any Mech a Champion with +30% bonus to c-bills earned. But once the bonus is applied to a Mech, it is permanently attached to that Mech, cannot be removed, does not add to the sale value of the Mech, etc, etc.

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