second, give 50% rate of fire penalty to gauss rifles if yo bring more than one.
you dont like this...GO AND PLAY CALL OF DUTY OR BATTLEFIELD, this not supposed to be a goddamn instagib shooter!
you dont like´re not interest in a balanced game and just want keep your easymode.
and yes, i got a dualgauss crab myself, by far easiest and most boring way to play. no skill needed (mechs move slow), just point, click, watch mech disappear, repeat.
dualgauss needs to go - or at least be adjusted so it´s not the goto config anymore, just like poptarting had to.
"but there are mechs in tabletop with dualgauss"...sad info for you, this is a computer game, apples and oranges...
edit: didn´t bother reading replies, thi i noaout discussng if it needs adjustment, common sense and wantig a balanc game/weapons demand a gauss/dal gauss adjustement.
I though aout it and would go ee furher:
1. remove gauss cooldow module
2. remve all gass cooldow quirks
3. remove fast firing effeft on gauss
4. double cooldow for 2nd gauss rifle so dps stays the same for 1 and 2 gauss rifls.
you want big alpha effective on all ranges without heat? than deal wit lowest dps...thats the only real balancing factor. gauss explosions are not enough risk...otherwie it wuld´nt be te surrent no brainer it is t slap on anny mech able to carry one.
Edited by Kutfroat, 30 May 2015 - 11:25 AM.