Position : unknown.
Pilot: Kh0rn.
It was a day he had not looked forward too. After returning too the mech hanger on board his beloved mech, Skull crusher a 100 ton AS7-S Atlas mech. It was a hard time for him indeed he knew that this was it. For who knew how long and if he would ever return. The pilot had been known through out stars as the most dangerous Atlas opponent who had seen many battles and conflicts against IS and clan forces through out his time. Made many friends and helped turned the tide of battle when all seemed lost. When ever his tag would show people knew what was coming their way..nothing short of 100 tons of pure destruction. Never seeming bothered by others insulting his choice for the Atlas for him it was his pride and joy which stuck with him through the best and through the worst. And now came the hardest time of it all..too say goodbye too her. As the lumbering Atlas enters the hanger its powerful thuds echoed the area. The ground crew guiding it safely into its docking port, and with a flick of a few switches the Goliath shuts down as its passive Vlar Fusion engine ceases too function. the eyes dim and fell silent. The pilot took a few moments sitting in the seat too look back on how she had severed him. She did well really well more then he could of asked for. climbing down the ladder was long and slow, finally reaching the bottom he gently rested his hand against the thick armor plating of the Atlas as he looked up at it. " You always been there for me , you suffered a lot and brought the same too the enemy..but now its time for me too go..maybe we will meet again one day..but for now..you can rest..god speed Skull crusher." And with that the pilot turned around and exited the hanger, the lights fading and the large doors shutting. And so it was over..the Pilot and the well known Atlas was no more but perhaps one day they would return..time would tell.
this is a fair well message too the well known Atlas Pilot myself its been great while it lasted but I can no longer play this game. It just aggravates me too much too watch the way the game is going. I just can't bring himself too play it and I will be leaving behind a lot but maybe maybe one day I could return too the game I hoped for. For all those who I met I will still be around in coms and talking but the Atlas pilot is finally hanging up his weapons Its time for me too go and return too Mechwarrior living legends. So in the end thanks for all who made it awesome while it lasted.
Edited by Kh0rn, 27 May 2015 - 11:14 AM.