Bishop Steiner, on 29 May 2015 - 12:25 PM, said:
you also can't lend damage to a teammate out of LoS with Lasers, like getting that Firestarter that is coursing your friendly DWF, etc.
Properly used, there are pros and cons for both approaches.
Being out of position was the bad thing. Either the whale goofed up and got caught out of position, or the team left him.
Lugh, on 29 May 2015 - 12:44 PM, said:
incorrect. properly utilized and supported LRMs are still devastating. Most of you mouth breathers can't figure out it requires teamwork to do it and this is why you fail.
No, most of us can. If I'm solo queue, then my LRM Cats and Doges do well. If I'm group queue, then I don't do as well because I'm usually fighting people that know how to counter LRMs.
The thing is, is that all too often the guy saying "hold locks" is in an under-engined mech so he can fit more missiles. So when I glance at the minimap, there's that one arrow 3 grids away from the rest of us turfing his missiles into walls, buildings, etc regardless of us having locks.
Those guys are as useful as the dual Gauss K2 "going off to snipe." They're out of position and they aren't actually helping the team out.
Bishop Steiner, on 29 May 2015 - 11:55 AM, said:
sounds like a good Light or fast Medium Mech jock mentality to have. What boggles my mind are the number of Lights who are in a death circle outside LoS, 7-800 meters away who won't try to hold a lock so their team can help them. Forget your personal epeen, get that enemy dead fast, so we can get back to killing the rest of their team.
Because if there is known LRM boat on the team, having a lock on your opponent in a light mech knife fight hurts you as much as him because the 80+ missiles coming in are hitting the both of you. You should also be targeting the legs of enemy lights, which a good light doesn't need to have a constant read-out of to know which leg to shoot.