blinkin, on 10 September 2013 - 04:11 PM, said:
i also saw soccer balls used as examples in geometry does that make them special math tools too? would you also say magic 8 balls are math tools? they are basically a
dice suspended in a solution
it would also appear that Sir Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstien (famous mathematicians)...
also agree with me that dice are "
arbitrary and random""]http://www.hawking.o...-play-dice.html[/url]...
... so if you wish to continue this absurd fantasy about dice being precision tools i think i will just refer you to them.
Soccer balls in and of themselves are not used to determine a mathematical result - false comparison. I was pointing out that dice in and of themselves are math tools,
not that they were examples used in some branch of math.
Most magic 8 balls I've seen aren't marked with numbers on every side. I suppose one could be; and than it would, as you've said, just be a suspended die, and in your words, would be usable as a statistics tool.
If you need to have a result chosen from two to twelve; two six sided dice will work; just like flipping a coin will get you any one of three results.
Name dropping. Fame in any particular field doesn't make someone's conclusions correct.
To quote the
first line of the linked article: "This lecture is about whether we can predict the future, or whether it is arbitrary and random." It's a discussion of the philosophy of science; in particular determinism vs non-determinism. The word "dice" pops up as a literary tool only; and he gives zero indication that he believes actual dice (or RNG generators in software) are "arbitrary and random" - the matter of actual dice or RNG's in software simply isn't discussed - directly or indirectly.
In fact, hawking states that, even in the instance of the information and certainty eating black-hole boogeyman:
"The loss of particles and information down black holes meant that the particles that came out were random.
One could calculate probabilities, but one could not make any definite predictions. "
Now, either hawking means that you can actually definitely calculate the probability, but you can't predict anything else about it... or he's contradicting himself by saying you can predict a probability about something which no predictions can be made. Take your pick... either way, the article doesn't support your assertion.
Which is really moot, because:
... you're simply putting words in my mouth. I have not posted that dice are "precision tools" nor have I posted anything that means that they are. This is nothing but your abusive and illogical conclusion. You're arguing against something that's not even been put forth.
have posted that they give results from,
as you yourself called it, a
statistical range; a hit percentage; a range of possible results. I have posted that you can know the range; and that you can know the statistical chances that any number in that range will come up - for a D6, you know there is a 1 in 6 chance that any number from 1 to 6 will result.
For 2d6 being used in a "roll equal to or higher than (x)" (the to-hit) you can KNOW that you will ALWAYS hit on or less 2, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to roll less than 2 on 2d6. You can also KNOW that you can't roll a 13 or higher, so you can never hit on a 13 or more. Anything on 2d6 "roll equal or higher than" mechanic from 3 to 12 describes a different sort of statistical chance, from nearly certain to roll more than to nearly certain to not roll in steps of 8.33 percent.
Your statement that I have been arguing that "dice are precision tools" would not have been utterly ludicrous if I had actually said that you can always know which specific number in the possible range will come up in any given particular instance.
But I have never stated this ... directly or indirectly.
You have either somehow managed to remain ignorant of this fact... or you have realized this fact and are simply being abusive.
and now we reach my home turf, programing. first off tracing a ray (even within a 3D environment) is incredibly easy and costs almost nothing to do.
i love how you conveniently left out all of my references to the endless ways that 3D graphics use ray tracing. i have one reference to throw at you "Planetside 2". if ray tracing were intensive computers would regularly lag when there are high levels of rapid fire gunfire. do you want to know a game that used lots of ray tracing for fully automatic weapons from (to put it mildly) several sources? "Doom" or also "Doom 2". either of those games used as much or possibly more ray tracing than MWO does and when those game were popular processors were just a little bit less advanced.
here are the "expensive" requirements for running multiple realtime ray traces at a high rate of speed in "Doom" ...
you are a moron
"Disadvantages of Ray Tracing over Rasterization
Typically slow-Ray tracing and rasterization are both very computationally expensive. However, it is trivial to implement rasterization in hardware (like commodity GPUs)
leaving ray tracing principally to software approaches
Acceleration structures-
Without acceleration structures, ray tracing is prohibitively, horrendously slow. For a static scene, they can be precomputed, but for a dynamic scene they sometimes need to be completely rebuilt every frame, which can be very expensive"
And our consumer (and most other) GPU's don't do ray-tracing in hardware:
Ray tracing is a rendering technique that’s hovered just over the horizon for decades. It was boosted to prominence (and tremendous controversy) when Intel announced Larrabee in 2007 and proclaimed that the chip would deliver a digital
Holy Grail — real-time ray tracing (RTRT) at playable framerates in modern games.
<a href="">
Raytracing in doom is not the same level of complexity of raytracing in MWO.
All of which may be entirely moot, because apparently they're using ray casts:
Which are only as computationally expensive as the environments you plan to use them in:
"How do you define expensive? The cost of a raycast is the cost of the intersection algorithm for each object checked until a hit is registered if the objects are depth sorted, otherwise, it must check every object. Simple object's have much simpler intersection algorithms. Raycasts that are far enough away from an object being checked should not check against the object, but should quit out early. Raycasts against convex 3D geometry even with a fast optimized algorithm is the cost of several subtractions, additions and in many cases at most like one division per triangle. The number of cycles taken by each of these operations is generally hardware dependent. If your scene has your colliders spaced enough, you are using simple colliders and you are not raycasting too often, it should be quite cheap."
... and apparently MWO isn't a cheap environment to raycast in:
"If you can visually see a mech, it will show up on radar most of the time. With all 3d games, there is a chance you can see something but the ray cast fails. It all depends on how many casts are done and from which point to point. Ray casts are not cheap to use" -
Bryan Ekman
Non-sequiter; nothing but abusive invalid name-calling.
now lets look at what your system would do (bearing in mind that all of the ray tracing likely takes up around 1% of the entire network load, maybe 2% if every mech fired every weapon at the same time). so out of this 1% you say that your system would be more efficient? WRONG,
to implement the little to-hit feedback on the cursor the system would need to constantly run ray traces...
...the target does not know where it is with respect to the one firing. the only thing the target knows is it's own speed and whether it is jumping or not. if you intend to include terrain features in the equation (which your OP indicates that you do) then repeated ray traces are required to check for intervening trees, to check if a hit is even possible (is there a mountain in the way), to check if you are still designating the target, and probably more.
I did not post that real time ray tracing is expensive in network load.
I did not post that the target(client) knows where it is in relation to any 'Mech firing at it. Nor did I post that it would need to know this for the to-hit switches to be properly flipped. Nor does it need to know these things.
All of the factors you've listed are already accounted for by MWO right now. It has to know if a target is behind a building, or behind a tree or trees - in fact, it already has to know exactly where every 'Mech is on the map and what it is doing in real time just so that it may send that information to to the clients so that the clients may know where to render the 'Mechs on the client side; and so that it may resolve damage properly.
again you ramble on saying nothing and then somehow equating your babbling to me being wrong. of course my "most cases" refer to something else, I WAS REFERRING TO THE CURRENT SYSTEM...
...THAT DOES NOT SUCK unlike the trash in your OP.
i don't like the idea of my mech actively gimping my ability to hit because it can't compensate for lead as well as i can.
Hyperbole. I knew you were referring to the current system. I was pointing out that you saying that "apples" were correct, and than trying to treat the "oranges" in the OP as if they were "apples."
Text screaming, emotional appeal by the false use of loaded descriptive words, and presuming your conclusion...
As I've already pointed out; In a MechWarrior video game the 'Mech part of the combat actually has to be carried out as it is in the lore; and it's been demonstrated that the 'Mechs aren't capable of getting every weapon to hit perfectly under the reticule in any instance with the sole exclusion of an absolute extreme mathematical outlier - not in the novels, not in the sourcebook fluff, not in any version of the boardgame, or in any other definitive source can the 'Mechs do what you want them to do.
Besides, your calculating lead for a single direct-fire weapon you are physically holding...<-- "RL"
...or lead for a single or multiple weapons in a video game that uses its reticule to perfectly indicate to you exactly where all of your weapons are actually "physically" perfectly pointed at, leaving you only to calculate for weapons fire velocity... <--This is what MWO currently does
is not the same as having to independently calculate individual lead points for multiple
independently aimed direct fire weapons, mounted in disparate positions all across a bipedal armored combat unit's "body." <-- This is what a 'Mech actually has to do in order to hit what the pilot has under the reticule.
Calculating lead independently for multiple weapons that are independently aimed is not the same thing as calculating lead for a single weapon or a group of weapons that are aimed as if they were a single weapon ("perfect physical alignment"), and as the OP has already conclusively shown beyond any rational doubt (if you allow the IP holders and writers to define their own universe) that BattleMechs are not capable of perfectly converging multiple independent weapons under the reticule; with the single sole exclusion being the you were a stupid ***** and stood still or were somehow rendered immobile PLUS "murphy's law/the universe hates you" effect, which virtually never happens.
All that you have to stand on from what you've posted so far is simply that you don't personally like the idea of a mech/a that can't perfectly concentrate all of it's weapons under the reticule. You have, however, continued to equate the level of difficulty of aiming a single weapon with what a 'mech in the BT fiction does; which is a false comparison. The two things are not the same.
blinkin, on 10 September 2013 - 10:52 PM, said:
i like the overall feel of "MECHWARRIOR" and the series of "MECHWARRIOR" games.
here is straight opinion from me to you: i believe that the battletech rules and flavor text were written with the primary concern being the creation of a good TABLETOP game.
chess is also a good tabletop game, but that does not mean it accurately represents medieval combat, just as tabletop BT does not accurately represent realtime combat in a giant walking weapons platform.
it is most likely impossible to fully represent a complete combat environment in a turn based game AND still have it be fun. SO many of the complexities that surface on a battlefield are fudged and rolled up into dice...
...(you know the random and arbitrary ones that Stephen Hawking and Einstien reference) which then serve as a proxy for complex and seemingly random battlefield occurrences.
i can and have held a steady stream from 4 large lasers on a light mech that was going well over 100kph and performing a little aerial ballet at 500 meters with around 90% of the sustained beam hitting. in that situation your to-hit modifiers would probably tell me to F--- off. no thank you.
By "Feel" ... you mean? I'm betting NOT tactile perceptions.
... and? Even if your belief is right (and I'm not for a moment accepting that you have validly verified your belief) you cannot logically derive the conclusion from it that it therefore wouldn't work to make a fun game in the MW video game format. You'd have, at the least, to add another valid premise to it in order to deduct the conclusion you've made.
I haven't posted that the TT accurately represents "realtime combat in ... mechs" - nor anything that has that meaning. Nor does anything I have posted require that it would.
I haven't posted anything that requires representing a "complete combat environment." Non-sequiter.
Already discussed your references to those two men and why they're wrong.
More false comparison.
Of course you can do what you're discussing when all of the weapons you're firing are always perfectly physically aligned as if they were one weapon. All you need to do is calculate weapons velocity. Which, of course, is not the same thing as having to independently calculate lead for every single weapon and than independently physically align those weapons.
"Getting around" the forum bot to drop the f-bomb. Certainly a great way to show everyone your arguments are valid.
Yes i think 8.33% falls pretty squarely under the realm of "probably tell you to F--- off". and finally something we agree on! i don't like the idea of having a weapons platform that cannot accurately fire it's weapons as well as i can with iron sights.
i know there is plenty of lost technology and knowledge within the BT universe, but who would design an aiming system that is that thoroughly defunct in the first place? the whole purpose of targetting systems is to enhance the capabilities of the user NOT to get in the frigging way and randomly screw up shots that could have been easily made by someone who knows how to lead/follow a target.
The f-bomb, again...

and more false comparison of mutually exclusive things.
It is, however, actually possible in the setting for the more advanced pilots, when using a single weapon only, to hit a specific component; it's one of the "special pilot abilities" in the RPG, which is part of the canon (as indicated by the OP):
The Marksman Ability enables a MechWarrior ... to potentially hit any desired location on a target. A pilot ... with Marksman can make a special Aimed Shot attack as if using a targeting computer. The pilot’s unit must remain stationary and make no physical attacks during the round in which he uses this ability. In addition, only one of the unit’s weapons may be used; no other weapon may be fired in the same turn. Use of the Marksman Ability is considered a Complex Action.
The Marksman Ability may be combined with a targeting computer or enhanced-imaging technology; if the warrior’s unit is equipped with such items and they are active when this ability is used, the Aimed Shot attack receives a +2 roll modifier."
"Battletech, A Time of War - The BattleTech RPG," Pg 220.
In order to get this ability a character has to have a high "gunnery skill" (not just generalized gunnery skill - any of a number of what the RPG classifies as "gunnery skills).
Once I get some more clarification on what these "gunnery skills" represent I'll be adding this to the OP.
So, a weapons system that can get multiple non-homing ballistic weapons to hit a 'Mech sized target ... ANY target for that matter ... thirty five miles away ... is "thoroughly defunct?"
This is exactly what the LOS range bracket describes; and you only need an a ISML and thirty seconds of the target being in your front arc (EASY when the target is that far away) to drive the to-hit down to +5 vs a stationary target; +6 vs a slow moving target. If your ISML is arm-mounted and you brace it on some structure (like a one story building or a large boulder) you can knock another +2 off for a total to-hit of +3 vs a stationary target, meaning you can hit a target that's going 97 kph(60mph) over thirty-five miles away at only +6 (72% hit rate) - with a completely "plain jane" battlemech. Or, using the marksman SPA, you could use a single ISML to hit a specific component on a target at that range going 22Kph/13Mph at +6 (72%) - or against a target standing still, at +2 - yes, 100% hit rate.
In fact, in space combat, Mechs can do this vs Mech sized targets over *sixty* miles away, using the same hardware. These sorts of shots are possible with even some of the worst scavenger-tech long range succession wars hardware. Their pilot's abilities to actually keep the reticule center of mass at max zoom at that range, however, is another thing; but in the MW video game, that's our problem.
8.33% accuracy versus my 90ish% accuracy. your statement directly above this one clearly explains (MATH INCLUDED) how what i said is not a red herring and is in fact fairly accurate.
yet another in your long line of abuses of logical fallacies. if you have actually read up on logic then there is no excuse whatsoever for your endless ignorance, only making all of your failed claims all the more pathetic.
my "personal reasons" are that i don't want this game to suck and your system very clearly strips power away from the player making it far more boring to me.
you say players need to think more but why do they need to think when you intend to slap the to hit modifier directly on their screen with an alarm that tells the player when it is a good idea to shoot?
and as for your list of what the pilot does, i have already explained how most of those mechanics are in plenty of other solid first person shooters...
merely listing the myriad of ways that those things can and have been done WITHOUT any need for dice (see Einstien, Hawking) rolls
...(a few are even well represented in world of tanks), some are already in the game just by it's very nature. the only one that i do not have a direct example of is heat penalties and i have seen plenty of solid suggestions on these forums as to how that could be implemented. in short none of the things require your system to operate,...
Yes; you're right that this particular instance is not a red herring. My mistake calling it one.
What I should have said is that you're still putting forth that it's proper in an MW video game to have the BattleMechs be able to perfectly calculate multiple independent aim points and than perfectly independently physically align each weapon to those points - and the lore/setting clearly refutes this; and MW is, by definition, a video game genre "all about" having the BattleMechs perform in combat in the video game as they do in the setting.
Abuses that have not happened and logical fallacies - with the exception of the mistake I just acknowledged and owned - that do not exist - abuses and fallacies which you won't quote, and you won't point out, because any attempt to do so on your would be to reveal that you're wrong to accuse me of this.
A rather ironic claim coming from someone who has alleged that they took several critical thinking classes, all the while committing a string of epistemological blunders in their claims about me, my intent and my knowledge (you'd have to know my thoughts and memories to know those), and even my access to a TV set. You've claimed things about me - multiple times - that you are in no position to know. There's also your repetitively putting words in my mouth (in the post I'm replying to here, no less), making false comparisons of mutually exclusive things as if they were the exact same thing and than basing conclusions upon said false comparisons, your use of emotionally loaded weasel words, you've called me "self absorbed" and a "moron" with no valid justification, and to top it all off, you've dropped the f-bomb repeatedly. These are all things you've done in
just the last few posts of this thread. You've also called me a "pretentious D-bag" for no valid reason, you've admitted publicly with no shame that you had been quoting me in an "evil and nefarious manner" in one of my other threads:
"yes i am directly quoting him in an evil and nefarious manner." -
You also spammed one of my other poll threads with nearly a full quote of a mutilated by emphasis previous version of the OP of this thread and indicated that I had taken the previous version down for underhanded reasons - when the entire non-mutilated post you were spamming had been (and still is) linked very clearly
at the top of the original post of this thread, right under the very first line, telling everyone the OP had been edited... and before that, in our very first interaction you spent
pages doing the text version of screaming at me with a repetitive phrase, only because I had the temerity to actually agree with you and dared to ask you legitimate questions; and all triggered off by a reply I made to someone else
besides you. Every single one of these things is easily proven with in-context quotes of your posts (I have the forum threads in question saved).
Yet in spite of all of this, somehow, between you and me,
I'm the one who's been engaging in "abuses and a long line logical fallacies."
So, because you don't like your perception of my system, does that justify your behavior towards me? Even if I had (
and I have not) treated you in ways that you don't validly deserve, would my (
theoretical) wrong(s) morally justify your demonstrable and repeated wrongs?
Indicating the to-hit modifier visually and audibly does not make it something you don't have to think about. Furthermore, you have to know WHY the to-hit modifier that is being indicated at any given time has happened, if you're to predict when it will happen again, and how to get that to happen (or not happen). Something that's not present in the game at all right now as something to be tracked and considered - weapons lock of any sort on direct fire weapons is not even in MWO.
Their being present in other shooters does not mean that they were done in the way that is right for the MW genre, there being other ways to implement the things I listed does not mean that those other ways are the right way from the MW genre, and nowhere have I said that the way I mentioned is the ONLY way. More logical fallacies on your part.
there is the self absorbed Pht we all know and love!
the only difference is (this is the part i love) that none of those systems revolve around dice rolls with to-hit modifiers or hit location tables.
many people (myself included) tend to like games where THEY are in control instead of a random number generator. i don't like the idea of pulling a lever on a slot machine to see if i get to hit my target today.
This statement also brought to you by Albert Einstien and Stephen Hawking.
you have done just about everything else you could to inflate that list.
So, are you presuming that the ONLY way possible in all of humanity to make that statement is to be self absorbed? ... which would be to have used the form "All swans are white - and only because every swan I've observed is white" (arguing from the particular to the general); or are you posting what you know is only your opinion... as if it were truth ... or is it something else?
Combat mechanics which you have yet to demonstrate as wrong for the MW genre. As of yet the best you've managed to demonstrate is your visceral dislike for your perception of them.
... and a different false comparison of two other mutually exclusive things; slot machine behavior and the OP system.
There is no way to predict if a slot machine will pay out.
The OP is the exact opposite - you can know with 100% perfection if your weapons will pass their to-hit rolls.
You'll even know 100% which hit location table is used - and because you know the hit table math, you can statistically predict the spread... and the "aiming for center of mass" hit tables bell curve heavily under the reticule; the others give an equal chance.
You even know 100% what you need to do to significantly narrow your field of fire. The marksman SPA mentioned above even means you can hit component level targets predictably; as long as you're using only one weapon - and the to-hit for that is a known and predictable factor.
Demonstrated as wrong in the post above already.
You cannot have deduced this statement. Your conclusion is not justified by your possible knowledge. You should never have posted it as if it were a statement of truth. Yet another blunder - again, the only way you could KNOW this is if you had read my thoughts and knew all of my memories.
so you are proud of the packing peanuts...
...that you have crammed into your description to make it seem like more than it is?
pro-tip: when used in argument the term "inflate" usually refers to the addition of things that lack substance or quality ...
---- an effort to make something unnecessarily large much like using air to inflate a beach ball.
so when will you add pulling the trigger and looking at the HUD to your list?
You don't posses the means to know if I'm proud of that list or not.
"Packing peanuts" - a phrase that majoritarily serves as an appeal to emotion.
Yet more things you can't humanly know. You have no way of *knowing* that I put anything into the OP to "inflate" the description.
The content of the OP does not "lack substance or quality" and none of it is filler.
After all your replies and your specific retorts about the list of piloting skills in question here you
stilldon't even know what's in it and what isn't.
and here is the rest of that quote that he left out because it reveals the ugly truth about his system
if you want solid examples of pilot skill listed then here is a list of games ...
The idea that posting a list of other games that do similar things by a different means somehow reveals an "ugly truth" about the OP is laughable. All you are doing is saying that the to-hit and hit-location combat mechanics are "ugly"... and the only justifications you've offered for this is your statement of your dislike of those combat mechanics and a false comparison of mutually exclusive things - aiming a single weapon; or aiming multiple weapons as if they were a single weapon, vs. multiple independent weapons being individually aimed as the lore actually has it.
You've also simply presumed the "solidity"of the games you've quoted, when their "solidity" is the basic foundation for your entire line of argument in quoting these other games.
I could just as easily use the exact same form of argument that you've used here to say that MWO shouldn't use the combat mechanics that you enjoy and like, because some other games that I called "solid" didn't do it that way and still got the same "end results" - and you'd reject it, because you wouldn't like the conclusion - and in so doing you'd be rejecting your own form of argument - you'd be saying that you were wrong.
Already replied to this.
Edited by Pht, 15 September 2013 - 10:15 AM.