kamiko kross, on 04 June 2015 - 04:05 AM, said:
As the game is currently designed....ALL modes outside of solo mode are DESIGNED WITH TEAM PLAY IN MIND. That is an immutable fact. People are CHOOSING to not partake of that design ethic and are then complaining about said results of their OWN CHOICE. They blame anyone else as long it's not themselves. It's PGI's fault, it's premades' fault it's the space cow living on the moon...it's shameful. Some of the silly attitude I've seen directed at team players has shocked me with it's pettiness.
Take me and my "premades" for example. A typical Kurita premade consists of: A couple of duos from a few units. Maybe once in a while a 4 man and the rest? ALL solo NON UNIT players. Only differences from a 12 man pug? They spend 10 mins getting on a TS server saying "hi guys" and be willing to work together with the other 11 people. This is why I personally, have such little empathy with solo guys complaining about solo failing in a group oriented mode. It's so easy to rectify and takes so little time it's not even funny. The only thing preventing the solution of the problem is poor attitude from certain players.
The horse will die of dehydration after you lead it to the water it seems.
The potential downsides of tying the solo queue into CW is it will encourage more and more solo play, which is an awful idea from a community standpoint and awful for a social standpoint too. It might also lead to groups giving up due to not finding as many matches thus accelerating a very serious problem. 30% (guestimate:P) of the playerbase and "probably" the greater paying portion of the playerbase might just drift off....having many players is not essentially success for PGI, but they should be promoting MWO far more than they should be...
Any solution besides the players themselves sorting their attitude out will need to accommodate EVERYONE fairly and equally, not just solo players. After all you already have a solo mode...which I think needs more things adding to it-but not at the expense of group play. WoT does not have this problem, WT does not have this problem..GW2 does not have this problem....why does MWO?
You lay that down when you know from PGI's own admission over 80% of the population drops solo. Like I said I have no problem with teams dropping against other teams its the ones who just go from stomps to stomps then come here telling us its a team game when in fact it's not by the numbers of the population.
PGI spent and inordinate amount of time accommodating teams with CW and from what I see it was poorly spent because few actually play the mode and stay in group que. Taking the approach from the team direction hasn't worked out for either teams or solo's. Now your stuck as they work on solo maps and pve.
They also spend to much effort with lore while ignoring what makes a great game. Lore be damned its a fantasy history to begin with and that population though core is small.
What PGI needs to do is look at what will bring casuals and solo's into team play as something to work towards instead of forcing it as a requirement to build c-bills faster. I would argue the vast majority of team players are not well rounded and shoehorned into roles they cant easily move out of. It breeds the slaughter for the sake of slaughter mentality. Don't know about you but I don't enjoy either side of a stomp. They will always happen but we should try to decrease the number of times it would happen. Thinking of the game as a progression from solo casual to teamplay would do a lot in that regard. Make it a flow rather than a wall to climb. It sure would stop the animosity here in the long run.
Teamplay should be a progression and something to work towards instead of how its structured now.
As far as CW goes if we could grow the population by making the game more accessible we could easily have a solo cw que as introduction to teams. So many matches in CW and you qualify for a team slot or some thing a long those lines. As it stands right now you have many exceptional players in solo only who feel no need or want to move on. Give the player something to work towards. Solo then CW solo then AAA teams then AA, A then leagues or something along those lines. Make being a team member worth something instead of ramming it onto everyone.