IraqiWalker, on 03 June 2015 - 10:09 PM, said:
I understand a lot of what you said, and don't have much to argue about.
I can see problems of this model, such as temporary P2W arguments, but I still think it's better than the alternative, and considering the game mechanics, and how it plays, I still don't think it's P2W. It can be perceived, and argued that away, but I don't think so.
I think m experience is colored by dealing with games that have actual P2W. Even when the clans debuted, and were rolling IS mechs, I never called them P2W. Sure, some were OP, but they were not P2W. Not when my Orion can still cave their cockpits in.
So it can be argued as a matter of perspective, but in my opinion, it's not even close to P2W.
Actually, re-reading your post, I have one point of contention. I wouldn't call it "PGI incompetence" that their internal testing is weak. It's a lack of resources. Between all of them, I highly doubt they can get a 1000 matches per mech before the pack is released. Even if they did. The first 3 hours after a pack hits the field, will guarantee several thousand more matches, easily.
EDIT: Also, Hi Hades! Been a while.
\Yeah i pretty much agree with what u said.
I should clarify, in mwo the early access while under tested and released as OP mechs to then get nerfed once or shortly after they become for c-bills is what is called pay to win in this game.
And lets be realistic, i call it pay to early access, but like when the clans where 1st released there where OP which caused the cries of pay2win.
Now amy i being a cynic or the nerf of the doom crow and timber god just happen to line up with the release of the new clan heavy mech now with the same high hard points lik the timber god?
The cynic in me says that's PGI's pay2win scheme, thanks for all your cash but it's too good, we shall nerf but hey there's this new shiny mech coming that could be even more OP that what the timber god was and now it's nerfed you know u really want the new shiny.
Please tell me i'm a cynic and this really isn't PGI doing. An if it's not, can they flarkin next time realise this and do it different or there is gonna be always cries of pay2win.
An just for those out there, I'm a Summoner man, those timber suck, i refuse to be a sheep, i will drive the mechs i like and they will NOT have meta builds.