Cimarb, on 15 June 2015 - 06:01 AM, said:
I am pretty sure that is not 100% correct. A better comparison would be ECM, not JJs. I think MASC will actually be fixed equipment, like jump jets are on some pods, but IF it is not, it will be a hardpoint somewhere like ECM is.
I will go with JJ for the example of IS MASC becuase it's already confirmed that you can have it where ever it is allowed in a restricted area. There is no "MASC" hardpoint for it as said in the patchnotes (+1 for me!) and also the fact you can put it on and off freely.
For clan MASC, at least on the chassis we got thus far, it's hardwired. like MASC, and if we ever get an omnimech that has a MASC but not all variants I will bet you that equiping that side torso will force MASC to tag along.
ECM is restricted to a hardpoint and do not come in different forms depending on the weight of the mech and stuff.
Jumpjets however have classes to fit the tonnage, thrust, and other parameters of the weight of the mech, same with MASC as said on patch notes.