Matthew Ace, on 16 June 2015 - 12:44 AM, said:
Sorry I miscalculated. +33% running speed. No, +10 or 20% isn't 33%, but the massive enhancement to accel/decel/turn is worth it.
I'm not convinced with the Shadowcat.
25% twist bonus? I had better hope the SHC gets that as a normal quirk, because guess what? The DoomCrow gets that, all the time, due to a 15% CT quirk and 10% ST quirk.
I'll assume the Acceleration boost affects both forward and reverse (as there's a reverse speed quirk, but no also makes sense it's a universal aspect)
The Accel boost of 75% is better than doubled basics, at 45%. I'll assume they stack, for a 220% base acceleration. Over double a stock robot.
Lasting 7.5 seconds (safely), for not even a 10 Kph boost, it will be used almost exclusively to peek. Which JJs would allow as well (seeing as there are 3 tons hardwired).
I think I'd prefer the 2 tons to be able to take a Gauss rifle (30 rounds, 2 ERMLs) or UAC20 (4 tons ammo, 2 ERSLs) with 18 tons of pod space.
Not going to happen, I know, but that's my preference. It doesn't have the hardpoints for much. It can't even perform anti light duties effectively, as it's outclassed by the Crow, seeing as it theoretically would have ran 142Kph for 7 seconds as opposed to 116.
At least it gets 10 TrueDubs and high mounts.