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Ebon Jaguar (Cauldron-Born) Builds!

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#41 Wildstreak


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Posted 22 July 2015 - 12:52 PM

I finally get to use Ebons and they are meh. :(

#42 Thorn Fidelis


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Posted 22 July 2015 - 11:23 PM

Weapon Grouping And Chain Fire Makes A Difference Combo With Other Weapons If You Know What I Mean

#43 ScreamingSkull


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 08:52 AM

I've been experimenting with this build > EBJ-PRIME Critter

It has a lot of spread out damage, but I think it'll be good at clean up and hunting lighter mechs.

#44 Shadey99


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 07:50 PM

This EBJ-B has become my all time favorite EBJ... It uses a Clan ERLL to poke at range and then 6 MPLs up close, fired as the 4 arm MPLs and the 2 Torso MPLs to reduce heat buildup. Or deal with the high heat and dish out a 76 damage alpha perfect to ruin someones day. It's net me matches like the one below... In which I may have died, but I took half the enemy team (including all three lights and 2 DWFS) out before I did so.
Posted Image
Posted Image

Edited by Shadey99, 25 July 2015 - 09:01 PM.

#45 Wildstreak


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 08:09 PM

Seems like it is turning around into better play.
Just need the 4th build.

#46 Not A Real RAbbi


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 10:03 PM


#47 Rawnblaed


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 06:24 PM

View PostRaso, on 27 June 2015 - 06:05 AM, said:

I do wonder if anyone has any thoughts or opinions on the Ebon Jaguar as an LRM support? I've read here and there that some people are of the opinion that clan LRMs are weak because of spread and the stream of missiles rather than the LRuMp you get with IS missiles. I like having different styled builds on each of my mechs and would definitely like try to run one of my Ebon Jaguars run as a LRM boat.

I actually have the same query. I own all 4 variants of the ebj (just got the C) and think it is the best lrm boat of all the mechs I own. I am new so I only own EBJ's, SHC's, ACH's and HBK's. I got some good ideas from this thread already and came up with a few more.
EBJ-Prime LRM20x3 + ERLLx2+Tcomp+cBAP
I still have to test these but I would appreciate any comments or suggestions.

#48 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 06 September 2015 - 07:03 PM

I wonder if 2 LRM5's or 10s, 2 U A/C-2s, and 2 ERPPCs would do?



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Posted 22 September 2015 - 05:27 PM

Did not enjoy the Dakka build, actually I hated it.

My 1st and 3rd UAC 5 would without fail jam every single time I engaged the enemy. If you use your 3 ERSLs liberally it can be a tad hot.

I went with my old Cataphract build on the EBJ (2 LBX10 4 ERML) it works OK, but I was expecting a lot more from the EBJ after it was hyped up so much

#50 Not A Real RAbbi


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 05:36 PM

Sorry. There's a lot you can do with the EBJ. That dakka build works alright for me, but UAC jams are still a pain. Sorry that RNGesus trolled you.

The Gauss & ERML build is a good one if you like Gauss.

2x LPL & 4x ERML laser vomit is pretty sweet.

2x ALRM15, ERLL, 4x ERML is another good one.

Go asymmetric with 2x UAC/10 (or LB-10X or plain old AC/10) with some pew on the LT? Sure. Why not?

There's so much you can do with this mech.

#51 flynia


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 04:52 PM

I have 3 of these and run them all a little different:

EBJ 1 - 5 ER Small Lasers, 2 Ultra AC10's (5 Ton of Ammo) and a Targeting Computer 1

EBJ 2 - 5 ER Medium Lasers, 2 Ultra AC5's (5 Ton of Ammo) and a Targeting Computer 1

EBJ 3 - 5 ER Medium Lasers, 2 Large Pulse and a Targeting Computer 1

Edited by flynia, 28 September 2015 - 08:19 PM.

#52 Cato Phoenix


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 07:08 AM

Do you like symmetry? Do you like low profiles? Do you like every critical spot used with efficient simplicity?


#53 J I N


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 04:34 AM

Anybody interested in some fast dakka with shortrange support?

This one really suprised me. Enemys seem to start running when they are hit by an EBJ, expecting the triple UAC5 ;-P

#54 Digimat


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Posted 25 October 2015 - 08:57 AM

i like this build:

while you cant shoot over obstacles, you can hide behind them and sneack onto target. then thoose U-AC10s do a good job of churning through armor :)

Edited by Digimat, 25 October 2015 - 09:00 AM.

#55 Epic Tuna


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Posted 25 October 2015 - 09:25 AM

Haha. I did 3 large pulse on those high mounts and 4 spl. I do no less than 300 a match. 1.08 heat management with 10 heatsinks. Don't fire them all at once and you'll be good. I run that on my Prime. On my A, I do 2 UAC10s and 3 medium lasers with about 320 shots.

#56 Krispy Fiend


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Posted 30 October 2015 - 09:25 AM

This definitely is not the most efficient build - too short on ammo for my taste, and stripped off more armor than I'd like to. But it's hilarious when you can core a Dire Wolf or Atlas or watch them squirm and actually try to run away once they see how much damage they've taken and what you're packing when they scan you: Dual UAC-20 EBJ

#57 Krispy Fiend


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Posted 30 October 2015 - 09:38 AM

View PostKrispy Fiend, on 30 October 2015 - 09:25 AM, said:

This definitely is not the most efficient build - too short on ammo for my taste, and stripped off more armor than I'd like to. But it's hilarious when you can core a Dire Wolf or Atlas or watch them squirm and actually try to run away once they see how much damage they've taken and what you're packing when they scan you: Dual UAC-20 EBJ

You can do it this way too, but if you lose that left torso you're as good as dead: Alternate Dual UAC-20 EBJ

#58 orion343


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Posted 31 October 2015 - 10:31 PM

Not much of a poster but I thought I'd share. I've been having a ton of success with this build -- fastest I've ever leveled up a mech (granted I'm not exactly l337 skillz MLG pro).

I've got two other variants that I keep experimenting with, including builds that SHOULD be better--but they never do as well.

I built it off the Prime variant but honestly if you're willing to buy Omipods it doesn't really matter.

Short version is 2 UAC-5s, 2 streak SRM6s, and 2 cMLAS. Added a Probe and a lvl 1 comp to cut down on the streak's lock time. Modules for the streak or the UACs are helpful but not required.


There's some fine tuning to be done in terms of maybe ammo placement and such, but whenever I deviate from this it seems to do worse so I keep going back. I dunno, brah!

I like to keep the UACs in separate groups and alternate fire between them rapidly -- keeps a steady stream going and also reduces the number of times you reflexively use the double-tap (and thus jam potential).

Also you could argue over potentially placing the same mix of weapons in different sections (with different omnipods) and take advantage of the Ebon's high ballistic mounts, but I find that this arrangement suits me better. Doesn't need to be a symmetric build, but I like it as such--no matter the hills or cover situation, I can always bring whichever weapon I want to bear. Usually sit back and plink with the cannons until about mid-match when the teams have closed and traded hits, then try to find a straggler to finish off quick and close with the streaks--you can basically fire everything for a good while before you overheat (note that I tend to go a little lighter on the laser use--those are the biggest contributor). Can definitely deal with larger (sometimes much larger) mechs 1 on 1 if you get the drop on them--preferably if they've already taken some armor damage, of course.

Also I'm starting to love the streaks against the light hard-to-hit mechs. The active probe means you have a decent shot of getting a lock even if they have ECM, and the ebon is quick enough with the torso twist that they can't COMPLETELY avoid your other guns.

Enough outta me. Have fun!

Edited by orion343, 31 October 2015 - 10:37 PM.

#59 Digimat


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Posted 16 November 2015 - 12:01 PM

2 Large Pulse
4 Medium Pulse
3 Machine Guns


Might not look special but its very beastly up close. Alpha with all Lasers does melt away (most) of the center Torso Armor of a Heavy, then the guns make short work of the Inside. Depending on the Map you can carefully add pulse Laser fire to the mix. 100 Damage in no time. And the Ebon Jaguar is still very underrated, if you have a mad cat or anything heavier near you, no one will shoot you first.

Also very nice when going for the limbs of an assault...

Edited by Digimat, 16 November 2015 - 12:04 PM.

#60 ExplicitContent


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Posted 21 November 2015 - 09:21 AM

The EBJ is so flexible it can really be whatever. I prefer it to the madcat for many reasons, but primarily because I feel it attracts less attention and seems to have greater agility.

In Solo Queue I run a prime CT (for the lootz) with a Gauss (3 tons ammo), 5 ERML, TC1 and DHS for the rest of tonnage/slots (9 additional for a total of 22 DHS 12/10).

In CW I stick to 2 LPL and 5 or 6 SPL depending what variant I am running. I mix omnipods because whats the point in havin them if you don't use them.

Definitely a Tier 1 chassis. Pretty easy to average 500 dmg and I hit the 1k dmg mark every 8-10 rounds in it.

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