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Is It Normal When People Reveal You?

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#241 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 06:51 AM

View PostLunatic_Asylum, on 22 June 2015 - 11:34 PM, said:

Rushin, that is why I think GMs have too little time and resources on their hands to process any such reports (they cannot even check the "perpetrator's" damage if there is no screenshot, and might assume that it was nil). This is a big problem in our game.
Unfortunately, I deleted the quoted message in your post, as I thought that I would get all answers from the GM first (it takes 3 days to get one sometimes!)

That GM needs to be reported to Russ. :ph34r:

View PostKubernetes, on 23 June 2015 - 12:48 AM, said:

Meh, I can't sympathize with the OP considering his response, unless it was obvious from his actions that he was powering down as a combat tactic (i.e. powering down immediately after firing in order to avoid detection). His response sounds like a glib acknowledgement/taunt that he didn't intend to fight. That tends to piss off teammates.

And you can say it's fine under PGI rules until your face turns blue, but there are also unwritten rules about acceptable and unacceptable behavior. These unwritten rules very much exist, as evidenced by opinions in this thread, and by what I've seen over thousands of matches. Hiding or running with no intention to fight (in skirmish) will bring out very vocal and loud disapproval by the 20+ people who are forced to endure it. You'd best placate your teammates with a declaration that you intend to fight (or show it in your actions), otherwise prepare to get ratted out.

I do not listen to dead people. Those who do need immediate professional help because they're obviously hallucinating. ;)

Edited by Mystere, 23 June 2015 - 06:53 AM.

#242 Kubernetes


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 06:59 AM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 23 June 2015 - 03:07 AM, said:

No one is "Forced to endure it" So your premise is bunk.

I disco all the time after I died and drop into another mech.

We have to understand in solo new players are feeling out their mech, tactics and strategy. We are going to see silly things.
Having no room for going outside the norms means over time gameplay will become stale and uninteresting.

Watching an ambush work is epic in my view even if they don't win the match. Of course I like to win but I enjoy the fight more so I can tolerate the noob making a mistake in his approach.

This thread is about tolerance over anything else. If you can't tolerate new players or people trying out new tactics (for them) then roll into group or CW.

For now I will still use the shut down ambush tactic when its called for. It makes sense when one is out manned and out gunned.

If you team treason be assured I will report you in a heartbeat. I hope everyone else does the same. Seen way to many chances at a good fight denied by some idiot who thinks the match is theirs even though they are dead.

I've never done it. I will volunteer the coords of a disco, but never a live teammate. All I'm saying is that there is a very widespread sentiment regarding "unwritten rules" about the acceptability of running/hiding. I doubt anyone will rat you out if you're using ambush tactics--that is indeed cool and worth spectating-- but be sure to communicate that with your team. All it takes is one out of eleven dead dudes to get angry and rat you out if you don't make your intentions clear.

#243 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:11 AM

View PostKubernetes, on 23 June 2015 - 06:59 AM, said:

I've never done it. I will volunteer the coords of a disco, but never a live teammate. All I'm saying is that there is a very widespread sentiment regarding "unwritten rules" about the acceptability of running/hiding. I doubt anyone will rat you out if you're using ambush tactics--that is indeed cool and worth spectating-- but be sure to communicate that with your team. All it takes is one out of eleven dead dudes to get angry and rat you out if you don't make your intentions clear.

Many of those so-called unwritten rules are so ridiculous I just ignore the whole lot.

Here is a very good example of one of them: legging. The first time someone complained, I did nothing but leg and dismember enemies for a few days while letting my teammates finish them off. I didn't care for the kills myself.

Here is another example: dumping artillery on a legged mech. :P

As for ratting someone's location for trying ambush tactics, I can no longer count the number it times it has happened to me. Heck, I've even been ratted out for stalking the enemy as they desperately tried to find me. Although most were amused when I taunted and poked the enemy from time to time, one obviously was not -- what a humorless lowlife he was.

Edited by Mystere, 23 June 2015 - 07:13 AM.

#244 Alardus


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 08:54 AM

View PostAgent 0 Fortune, on 21 June 2015 - 07:46 PM, said:

Here is the bitter truth. Your time is not more valuable than the other 23 people. If disagree, then cry to PGI, and when they don't support your position (no pun intended), come cry to the forums.
I see we have already come full circle.

if you want the other 23 people to have 'the right gameplay experience' squish the RAM/memory bugs.

#245 Moomtazz


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:19 AM

View PostMystere, on 23 June 2015 - 07:11 AM, said:

Many of those so-called unwritten rules are so ridiculous I just ignore the whole lot.

Here is a very good example of one of them: legging. The first time someone complained, I did nothing but leg and dismember enemies for a few days while letting my teammates finish them off. I didn't care for the kills myself.

Here is another example: dumping artillery on a legged mech. :P

As for ratting someone's location for trying ambush tactics, I can no longer count the number it times it has happened to me. Heck, I've even been ratted out for stalking the enemy as they desperately tried to find me. Although most were amused when I taunted and poked the enemy from time to time, one obviously was not -- what a humorless lowlife he was.

It sounds like you make a habit of hiding and being the last mech alive on your team so that you can try to "stalk" the enemy and clutch the match. Try to contribute more in the main battle please.

If anyone wants to get an adrenaline rush from stalking go play Counterstrike/COD on Search and Destroy. 5 minute rounds, no respawn. Quick and you have a much better chance of taking out 3+ remaining enemies than you do in MWO. You can kill fast in those twitch games, while you will often take too much damage in MWO over the course of taking out the enemies, even if you catch them all one at a time.

#246 MechWarrior3671771


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:28 AM

"It sounds like you make a habit of hiding and being the last mech alive on your team so that you can try to "stalk" the enemy and clutch the match. Try to contribute more in the main battle please."

That's right guys. This is Moomtazz's game and we are just casted extras....

#247 Moldur


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 10:39 AM

View PostMystere, on 22 June 2015 - 03:48 PM, said:

Have you broken any laws which you think are so terribly unjust they should not be followed, but the penalty for violating them is death or a long prison term? If you haven't yet, will you?

Instead of throwing the book at you, I'll just throw this one: Should there be laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide?

Take your time. ;)

I'm guessing if the speed limit is 65 on a freeway in rush hour and everyone is going 72, you'll keep driving 65 even if it's a potential hazard by disrupting the flow of traffic. Since we're taking things to idiotic extremes, what with asking me if I've ever broken a law that is punishable by death, you'll probably cause a minivan to crash, killing a mother and all her 6 children that had bright futures ahead of them.

No, I've never done anything that could result in my execution or a prison sentence. I don't plan to. It's not required. I doubt it will be. Your stance is of blind following and obedience. Remember the part where I said it requires using your brain? It appears the concept of individual judgement is beyond you. You apparently need written rules to do all the thinking for you and anything beyond that is extraneous and wrong. I won't argue with you, because I doubt it would make a difference.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide? Please. I won't even grace that with a response.

Note: Never go flying, planes don't come with 2000 page manuals on what to do in every instance of mechanical failure. God forbid doing something outside of the outlined 'rules' are required and you crash, killing yourself and whoever else.

#248 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 10:43 AM

View PostMoomtazz, on 23 June 2015 - 09:19 AM, said:

It sounds like you make a habit of hiding and being the last mech alive on your team so that you can try to "stalk" the enemy and clutch the match. Try to contribute more in the main battle please.

It's not my fault if my PUG team decides to get slaughtered early by derping. It's the very nature of the PUG life.

But, it is on me on how to spend the rest of the time ... and no one else's. Dead people don't fight.

View PostMoomtazz, on 23 June 2015 - 09:19 AM, said:

If anyone wants to get an adrenaline rush from stalking go play Counterstrike/COD on Search and Destroy. 5 minute rounds, no respawn. Quick and you have a much better chance of taking out 3+ remaining enemies than you do in MWO. You can kill fast in those twitch games, while you will often take too much damage in MWO over the course of taking out the enemies, even if you catch them all one at a time.

An enemy that knows it is being stalked by a potential killer tends to make mistakes.

Also, why don't you go out and play Call of Doodies. You can eat your heart out for all I care over there. But, do not ever presuppose you can tell me what I can and cannot play ... or how I play.

Edited by Mystere, 23 June 2015 - 10:53 AM.

#249 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 10:58 AM

View PostMoomtazz, on 23 June 2015 - 09:19 AM, said:

It sounds like you make a habit of hiding and being the last mech alive on your team so that you can try to "stalk" the enemy and clutch the match. Try to contribute more in the main battle please.

If anyone wants to get an adrenaline rush from stalking go play Counterstrike/COD on Search and Destroy. 5 minute rounds, no respawn. Quick and you have a much better chance of taking out 3+ remaining enemies than you do in MWO. You can kill fast in those twitch games, while you will often take too much damage in MWO over the course of taking out the enemies, even if you catch them all one at a time.

Actually Mystere, much like myself, plays a tactical game, and it's not uncommon for that to mean you find yourself alive, the last man on the team, and behind the enemy because you worked your way back there and were killing them from behind while they were busy wiping out your team who ran at them 1 at a time in succession for reasons beyond our comprehension(stop listening to those voices in your head people!).

This happened to me last night on HPG. We entered, the enemy had the high ground, and my team was all clustered up right inside the gate. I worked my way around the enemy, took out 2 of them from the side as I was going around, and realized that my team was, literally, walking into the enemy 1 at a time. I kept on attacking them from behind. I was the last man alive and took out 4 of the enemy solo, another enemy died to friendly fire, and that was all of the enemy who died, 5 total.

My teammates realized what I was doing, so did the enemy, so giving away my position wasn't required, but I'm sure some of them would have, since someone on my team started ragging on me for doing NOTHING. I rather impolitely told him what he could do with himself as I finished off my 4th victim and started firing at another enemy. Others on my team told that same moron what he could do with himself as well, since they realized I was the ONLY one on our team who broke 100 points of damage or got any kills.

Sometimes, tactical play means I'm alive and the rest of my team are dead due to stupidity, I can't fix that, so when you die stupidly, remember it was YOUR own fault, not mine, not Mystere's, not anyone else's, just your own fault.

#250 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:08 AM

View PostMoldur, on 23 June 2015 - 10:39 AM, said:

I'm guessing if the speed limit is 65 on a freeway in rush hour and everyone is going 72, you'll keep driving 65 even if it's a potential hazard by disrupting the flow of traffic.

Since we're taking things to idiotic extremes, what with asking me if I've ever broken a law that is punishable by death, you'll probably cause a minivan to crash, killing a mother and all her 6 children that had bright futures ahead of them.

I don't drive. I hire chauffeurs (i.e. professionals) for that. :P

View PostMoldur, on 23 June 2015 - 10:39 AM, said:

No, I've never done anything that could result in my execution or a prison sentence. I don't plan to. It's not required. I doubt it will be. Your stance is of blind following and obedience. Remember the part where I said it requires using your brain? It appears the concept of individual judgement is beyond you. You apparently need written rules to do all the thinking for you and anything beyond that is extraneous and wrong. I won't argue with you, because I doubt it would make a difference.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide? Please. I won't even grace that with a response.

Note: Never go flying, planes don't come with 2000 page manuals on what to do in every instance of mechanical failure. God forbid doing something outside of the outlined 'rules' are required and you crash, killing yourself and whoever else.

Considering you do not know me personally, you're totally excused for thinking I am someone who blindly follows rules. I'm actually even surprised that you think that way, especially given all that I have written on this thread alone -- including challenging others' very narrow (and probably highly self-serving) interpretation of the "rules". So I suggest you go reread everything.

I can also choose tell you what I have done. But, this is the internet and you may or may not choose to believe me. Besides, I have no inclination to say something that just might incriminate me.

#251 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:11 AM

View PostMystere, on 23 June 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:

I don't drive. I hire chauffeurs (i.e. professionals) for that. :P

Considering you do not know me personally, you're totally excused for thinking I am someone who blindly follows rules. I'm actually even surprised that you think that way, especially given all that I have written on this thread alone -- including challenging others' very narrow (and probably highly self-serving) interpretation of the "rules". So I suggest you go reread everything.

I can also choose tell you what I have done. But, this is the internet and you may or may not choose to believe me. Besides, I have no inclination to say something that just might incriminate me.

Statute of limitations, always know what it is for anything you may or may not have done that could possibly be considered a violation of the law, or so I've heard from lawyers in the past ;)

#252 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:14 AM

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 23 June 2015 - 10:58 AM, said:

<good points>

I still hate you for killing me yesterday(?) in my freshly acquired Grid Iron. I'm eagerly waiting for the next encounter, especially because it's now close to being elited. I intend to serve things cold, though.


#253 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:21 AM

View PostMystere, on 23 June 2015 - 11:14 AM, said:

I still hate you for killing me yesterday(?) in my freshly acquired Grid Iron. I'm eagerly waiting for the next encounter, especially because it's now close to being elited. I intend to serve things cold, though.


Pure luck I got you, LRMs on that EBJ, and for some reason the rest of my team didn't seem to realize you were up there, PUG life right?

I do look forward to the next time, always a fun dance.

#254 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:23 AM

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 23 June 2015 - 11:11 AM, said:

Statute of limitations, always know what it is for anything you may or may not have done that could possibly be considered a violation of the law, or so I've heard from lawyers in the past ;)

Unfortunately, there is no statute of limitations on ... :ph34r:

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 23 June 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:

Pure luck I got you, LRMs on that EBJ, and for some reason the rest of my team didn't seem to realize you were up there, PUG life right?

I do look forward to the next time, always a fun dance.

But I suspect you already know my drill, so it's time to make some necessary "adjustments". ;)

Edited by Mystere, 23 June 2015 - 11:25 AM.

#255 Navy Sixes


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:27 AM

View PostAEgg, on 21 June 2015 - 06:40 PM, said:

...that is quite rare anymore. Maybe once every hundred or so games.

I agree that most of the time, a player who powers down will be betrayed (given up, snitched on, ratted out...) by his already-dead teammates before he can do whatever it is he wants to do.

That one game in a hundred is only a little about how good a player is or how good the enemy is. It's mostly about how colossally lame the last player's teammates are.

#256 Wildstreak


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 01:06 PM

View Postmogs01gt, on 22 June 2015 - 12:09 PM, said:

again, that has nothing to do with the OP.......We arent talking about disconnects and players rejoining....

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 22 June 2015 - 12:10 PM, said:

Yeah, I was waiting for the bit where this situation had anything to do with the OP or the topic myself.

Then you both are being intentionally obtuse. :mellow:

View PostBig Tin Man, on 22 June 2015 - 02:21 PM, said:

Community enforcement of the rules can be a thing. People exercising good judgement should not be punished. There are shades of grey in everything.

Nope. Shades of grey is a myth invented to justify something that is not justified.

View PostMoldur, on 22 June 2015 - 03:31 PM, said:

I'd say in most of the situations I've witnessed, 23 people in the match are in favor of calling this person's position.

In all the situations I have witnessed, about half of the 24 players left before the last guy's position was given away. Gee I wonder why? ^_^

View PostMoldur, on 23 June 2015 - 10:39 AM, said:

I'm guessing if the speed limit is 65 on a freeway in rush hour and everyone is going 72, you'll keep driving 65 even if it's a potential hazard by disrupting the flow of traffic.

Its called passing on the left, a legal law allowing the people going 72 to pass the guy going 65 or even the old people doing 50. Great for watching those times when those going 72 are pulled over and the slower ones pass them while the ticket is given out. :lol:

#257 Knight2416


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 06:47 PM

You team mates should have VOIP and chat tried to contact. If on reply from you report, though I have seen people say if no reply your are AFK/DC and advised team like that with words DC/AFK in chat so clearly stating why they are sending the location. I have seen matches where 1 guy kills the 3-4 other left and won, so it can be done.

I also had a game where my team was 4 on 1 and tried to cap base, but bar was not moving. None of them though lets shoot the mech that looked destoried just to be on save side, oh look I shot it and got a kill game over. While that time it was just stalling, it was a great plan.

Edited by Knight2416, 23 June 2015 - 07:19 PM.

#258 MechWarrior3671771


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 08:29 PM

"In all the situations I have witnessed, about half of the 24 players left before the last guy's position was given away. Gee I wonder why?"

We should investigate this in more detail. From comments here, it appears all the dead pilots are trapped in the match and anyone who drags things out is "wasting" their time. But apparently half of them manage to escape somehow. Where do they go? What do they do?

#259 Mystere


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 08:34 PM

View PostFenrisulvyn, on 23 June 2015 - 08:29 PM, said:

"In all the situations I have witnessed, about half of the 24 players left before the last guy's position was given away. Gee I wonder why?"

We should investigate this in more detail. From comments here, it appears all the dead pilots are trapped in the match and anyone who drags things out is "wasting" their time. But apparently half of them manage to escape somehow. Where do they go? What do they do?


#260 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 08:49 PM

Sorry Wildstreak, but your video still has nothing to do with the OP or the topic. The OP was in game, and he said in team chat that he was hiding with honor after he shut down. Your video has a guy who was disconnected, he wasn't shutdown, he didn't say he was hiding, and he wasn't hiding. Very different things going on.

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