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What Are Your Mwo Guilty Pleasures?

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#1 Zodal


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:27 PM

You know, the little things that are frowned upon by the community, but you do it anways for self-satisfaction.

I'll admit that when the team is chasing down the last enemy, I go in for the kill, even if this results multiple alphas to blow teammate components out of the way.

#2 Y E O N N E


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:35 PM

The LB-10X. It is my baby.

#3 mailin


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:37 PM

I'm a leg man. It gives me great pleasure to take the legs off of mechs just to watch them stumble around. Then, I'll sometimes dance away and let my team mates finish them.

#4 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:44 PM

Suffice it to say, I keep a "Naughty or Nice" List.

If you TK me, consistently FF, Just talk too much crap, Cockblock me, etc, you earn your way onto the list.
If you use comms, show common sense, take charge, etc, you also make the list.

What happens from there, I'll leave to your imagination.

Also, I find Meta Tryhards utterly boring, and have been known to drive "bad" mechs with great relish.

Vindicators, anyone?

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 20 June 2015 - 11:54 PM.

#5 stjobe


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:46 PM

I sometimes drop in Commandos.

#6 Xetelian


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:49 PM

I know it is frowned upon but Dual Gauss makes me smile.

#7 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 20 June 2015 - 11:53 PM

I love running them, but i feel so guilty for the rest of the team, because i'm basically robbing them of a heavy mech slot, which could be filled by a Cauldron Born, Loki or a Mad Cat, all of which are better than the Quickdraw in every possible way.

That is, until i see the scores at the end of the match and see that i had the highest score of the entire team.

#8 Elizander


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 12:16 AM

Shooting light mechs in the back with 2 AC/20s.

#9 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 12:32 AM

well, apart from my love to streaks...

i'm prone to scoff at enemy (there is a reason why i had /all turned off before i knew how people betray their teammates) and to throw hissy fits, and, i'm afraid, sometimes go way too far there. i'm not really that mean as i sometimes may look like, honestly -_- it's a bad habit from lol, from its soloq normal drafts (who keeps company with the wolves, will learn to howl), and also i'm not very emotionally stable

Edited by bad arcade kitty, 21 June 2015 - 12:34 AM.

#10 Sir Wulfrick


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 12:52 AM

Guilty pleasure? Every so often I take my Atlas-K for a ride to see if I can develop a loadout that makes it effective.

Hasn't worked yet but it's been occasional fun trying... :ph34r:

Yes, I really do mean an Atlas-K. When did you see one of them last in-game?

Edited by Sir Wulfrick, 21 June 2015 - 12:53 AM.

#11 odiemoncrew


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 01:01 AM

Guilty pleasure, head shotting Hunchbacks while driving my Hunchback 4P or Hunchback 4p (C)'s.
nothing says cannibalism like 6 mpla to the head.

#12 CycKath


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 02:07 AM

Extreme ECM target fixation.

To the point I'll surge forward full pelt into a mass of enemies to keep the pressure on, considering my death an even trade for its removal.

#13 Kiiyor


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 02:15 AM

View PostXetelian, on 20 June 2015 - 11:49 PM, said:

I know it is frowned upon but Dual Gauss makes me smile.



#14 Charronn


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 02:19 AM

Pumping my ac20 into the enemy in my Misery or my Hunchie 4G.I just love it when they recoil from the shot.Makes me feel all warm n fuzzy inside.

#15 Satan n stuff


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 02:23 AM

View PostElizander, on 21 June 2015 - 12:16 AM, said:

Shooting light mechs in the back with 2 AC/20s.

It's absolutely hilarious to do this when your target is in your teamspeak channel. I had some fun with that back when groups were capped at four and Jagermechs were the hot new thing. Some of my buddies would run a light lance and I'd try to sync with my boom jager and inevitably end up on the enemy team. After a few matches they'd start running as soon as they saw me. :D

#16 Anjian


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 03:10 AM

The quad ER PPCs of my Warhawk.


The array of UACs in my Dire Wolf.

#17 El Bandito


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 03:30 AM

I play Assault Lurm boat.

El Bandito, the bringer of steel rain, harvester of tears and hate.

#18 Fragnot


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 03:43 AM

I started to make an Atlas build last week that used LRMs, but stopped myself. Now I'm thinking I should just do it.

#19 Alistair Winter


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 04:09 AM

I feel like some people in this thread don't understand the purpose of it.

"You know, the little things that are frowned upon by the community, but you do it anways for self-satisfaction."

That doesn't include stuff like "Headshotting a Spider", because that's not really frowned upon.

View PostZodal, on 20 June 2015 - 11:27 PM, said:

You know, the little things that are frowned upon by the community, but you do it anways for self-satisfaction.
I'll admit that when the team is chasing down the last enemy, I go in for the kill, even if this results multiple alphas to blow teammate components out of the way.

That's pretty weak sauce, in my opinion. It's weird how everyone's morality changes depending on whether or not they're closest to the last mech.
If they're really close to the enemy, they're like "Well, I'm just going to hug this guy, because I was here first and **** you guys."
And if they're furher away, they're like "Well, I'll just shoot through my teammates, because they're clearly stepping in front of me, so **** you guys."
The amount of FF increases exponentially as the number of enemies decreases.

Anyway, my guilty pleasures:
  • I like to open the match with a lot of bravado in public match. Just stupid stuff like "I'll only use half the weapons on my Locust to kill you guys." or "I'm going to take Theta now, so you guys may want to pull back." Some people get it and they exchange some quips, but a lot of people really take it the wrong way. They just stay quiet and if my team loses the match, they come back with straight up insults. But screw it, I like the bravado.
  • If I or someone else makes a big effort to communicate and lead the team, and everyone else just ignores them, I will go into single player mode after a while. Which may or may not mean dragging the fight out, if I'm really angry. Inevitably, if I'm the last man standing, people who have made zero effort to communicate or work together will start using team chat and ask me to end the match, and I'll whisper... "Nah."
  • If I spot assault mechs who are being cowards and hiding behind their teammates, I will hide behind those assault mechs, use them as cover. Sorry, dude. That's how it goes.
  • I like to openly discuss tactics in public chat when I get bored. I don't mean stuff like "My team is trying to flank you through cave", which would ruin the match. I mean like if we're dropping on Terra Therma, I'll just straight up ask if the other team is going inside the volcano. Or if we're on Alpine, I'll tell the other team not to go to H9, because it's boring. Sometimes I'll announce where I'm going. Sometimes I'll discuss enemy positions in public chat. That seems to tick some people off, but... meh. It's all good fun in my eyes.

#20 Duke Nedo


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 04:12 AM

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The all Dragon dropdeck... ;)

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