Posted 23 June 2015 - 06:40 PM
So, I'm just behind... mostly because I've been playing the game less.. as playing the game less is better for my health (the monotony is generally getting to me) and playing other games suddenly has more appeal (even if it's brief for a time, watching other teammates play other games is a norm).
Instead of being totally salty, I'll just get to the less than serious matter... how PGI has been hatin' on the Gargles for a long time.
I'll just put it in 3 parts, since it's easier to get my train of thought and posting in 3 (3 is a magic #, please google for the reference).
1) Gargles has only faction (and Polygon) camo:
One of the things PGI has always been down for doing is selling camo. This is obvious from the Wave 3 mechs getting all their camo made available early. However, the Gargles is still limited to Polygon (Wave 2 preorder bonus) and the faction camos.
If one were to bother checking with the files, I believe most, if not all have a Gargoyle camo ready to go and could be enabled. Whether or not it is finished is another matter, but the Gargoyle was released for players that preordered at least6 months ago and well... it sucks to be the Gargles.
Execution has its camos, but nope.. Gargles is sad.
Poor Gargles.
I would like to point out that other camo packs get updates.. although some have weird files that should not be there, like checking the Founders packs have references to some of the mechs of Resistance Pack (Wave 1), Clan Wave 3 Pack, and the Urbie (and King Crab).
Why that is the case, I do not know, but it's incomplete, and it adds to "updating" these files needlessly (it's just filler) and it's "infected" all other camo packs that shouldn't have them (see the Gold Mech camo pack, and others).
Go figure. Gargles still gets screwed.
2) MASC - It's more than speed, it's space magic!
I thought there would be more threads on MASC, as it's currently the only defining feature of Garglesv2 aka Executioner. While the original Gargles is pretty fast, the Executioner can put that and the Warhawk to shame... despite weighing 15 tons more than its "little brother" (and 10 tons more than a mech that too much like the Dire Wolf).
I'm surprised less talk about MASC has been had. The biggest thing that has gone unmentioned is how MASC works... when you're in the air.
I had an epiphany, and of course, I tell someone and he gets amused by it.
When you use MASC in the air, there is some "space magic" involved that allows one to turn/torso twist in mid air quickly... which I guess is "OK", but why does movement get affected so significantly?
Enabling MASC in the air is like "adding more JJs in mid flight", increasing thrust into the direction you wish to go (let alone turn into/away from).
Like, I understand if you run and jump with MASC, you should get faster... which is fine. However, if you didn't run MASC before the jump (MASC gets you to top speed in no time flat, something bigger mechs tend to not be able to do with slow engines or high top speeds - which would be epic if you could equip it on a Dire Wolf...).
So, there's something wrong with this "magic mechanic", and I don't know whether PGI or anyone is planning to acknowledge this, but MASC is crack.
It's also great on working around pebbles of steel, as I believe its overacceleration or whatever allows any terrible ledge that would normally slow a mech down to be "reasonably traversable" in a short period of time when MASC is used.
Whatever... the Garglesv2 is obviously better than Garglesv1 when mobility is concerned... at least where it matters most.
3) "Big Brother" is not that much "bigger" than the "Little Brother":
I'm not sure exactly on the actual size, but just from first glance that the Executioner is at most 10% (more like 5%) bigger than the Gargles. Remember that the Executioner is less than 20% heavier than the Gargles... which says more about the Gargles than the Executioner.
Hoverjets nonwithstanding, I'm starting to wonder if Gargles get misidentified with its bigger brother. Depending on the variant (the Invasion variant does look a bit different facewise), it's kinda hard to tell the different sometimes.
I know everyone doesn't have access to Executioner-D, which is fine, but it makes the Gargles look bad, since it is totally reliant on the CT if you had to use your arms for protection. While the Executioner doesn't have any CT weaponry, the high mounted side torso weapons are a huge boon (well, there are more options once the Executioner-D is available for all, including those that own it like myself, and need more of its omnipods) compared to the Gargles with its low mounted CT naval weaponry.
Now, I'm not saying PGI needs to create a "GAR-P" (a PGI variant) or a "GAR-S" (a PGI variant that uses JJs, because "logic") that makes it comparable to the Executioner like giving the JJ variant based off the Kitfox-S/Timberwolf-S variants would be interesting for a struggling chassis. The PGI variant would give it "side torsos" that would be of use... like missile hardpoints for brawling or even just 1E for high torso pewpew like the Executioner would be cool... but that's just a longshot.
However I would be extremely weary if PGI ever decides to unleash the hero Gargles (1E CT PLUS ECM - a reason to take a Gargles over the Timberwolf? It's not a Hellbringer...)
It is food for thought.
Note: This is not a full report since I'm barely on basics with the Executioner, but these things are kinda important to know... I'm probably less likely to write stuff (maybe some encouragement or something - I dunno - I'm bored out of my mind with regards to MWO to a degree... and less ForumWarrioring as a result), so whatever. It's just thoughts before I take today off (I think) from playing this game (have been playing, but not so much because PGI/MWO).
Anyways, have fun. Keep ForumWarrioring. Make sure to have your Mist Lynx spayed or neutered until the Arctic Cheetah...
PGI hates the Gargles, by giving us the Executioner. It reminds me why the Executioner is appropriately dubbed Garglesv2. Now... only if we could make 8 tons of Hoverjets suck less, and less MASC space magic to balance things out...
Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:01 PM
Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:02 PM
Probably less impressive with the 9 Kph boon on the Shadowcat, but also considerably better JJs.
Also to note about the Mr Gargles Hero, it also has 2 torso mounted missiles in the RT; builds like ECM, 4 SRM4, 6 ERMLs come to mind as effective, and niche.
But, yet again, Poor Mr Gargles.
Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:02 PM
Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:19 PM
The Executioner loses 2 tons compared to an XL engined 4/6/4 85 ton mech and is thus also stupid.
Basically, the clan scientists can't do math. Still... at least they aren't charger grade stupid.
Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:28 PM
Mcgral18, on 23 June 2015 - 07:14 PM, said:
Some of my longer mech related posts (not that trial/Champion mechs of shame post, that took much longer than I ever wanted) take an hour to two hours to get put together.
I think I got this done in a half hour.
Writing takes time.

Speaking of MASC, the usage of MASC "improving JJs" in mid air might actually be tied to the "forward momentum" provided by Thomas D's change of the JJ a while ago.
That might actually be related in some way.
Seriously, it's weird that MASC is a secret JJ booster even when you didn't use them on the ground.
Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:45 PM
Deathlike, on 23 June 2015 - 07:28 PM, said:
Some of my longer mech related posts (not that trial/Champion mechs of shame post, that took much longer than I ever wanted) take an hour to two hours to get put together.
I think I got this done in a half hour.
Writing takes time.

Speaking of MASC, the usage of MASC "improving JJs" in mid air might actually be tied to the "forward momentum" provided by Thomas D's change of the JJ a while ago.
That might actually be related in some way.
Seriously, it's weird that MASC is a secret JJ booster even when you didn't use them on the ground.
Unlike most people who write pages here, though, yours are (usually

Posted 23 June 2015 - 07:59 PM
To recap... PGI already knew they are selling the ultimate garbage set of clan armada as wave 2 (most are replaced by wave 3 equivalents...even in lore).... Therefore, Maddog and king crab was put in as an incentive in order to convince people to grab the top tier GARbage pack.
Posted 23 June 2015 - 10:02 PM
Navid A1, on 23 June 2015 - 07:59 PM, said:
To recap... PGI already knew they are selling the ultimate garbage set of clan armada as wave 2 (most are replaced by wave 3 equivalents...even in lore).... Therefore, Maddog and king crab was put in as an incentive in order to convince people to grab the top tier GARbage pack.
Dude, thats funny.
Posted 24 June 2015 - 02:49 AM

Mr. Gargles could really need some help. Give it endo
Posted 24 June 2015 - 03:03 AM
I'll say this, PGI does love their Firestarters.

Posted 24 June 2015 - 03:04 AM
Posted 24 June 2015 - 03:23 AM
Posted 24 June 2015 - 03:24 AM
Posted 24 June 2015 - 03:30 AM
i likethe gargoyle. It is definitely not a comp mechs, but it is somehow very satisfying to drive when you can make it work.
Edited by kesmai, 24 June 2015 - 03:34 AM.
Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:30 AM
I really wish he could get endo, or at least have a reason to exist beyond being big and fat. Just compare him to the same weighted Zeus. It's like a sumo wrestler compared to a normal dude.
That said, the Gargy-D has the amusing designation as one of my highest KDR mechs at 45 kills to 8 deaths, resulting in 5.63 KDR. I'm sure it would even back out to 2-3 KDR like the rest of my more played mechs (and the more played Gargy Prime variant) but for now, I'll celebrate this particular Gargles achievement.
Posted 24 June 2015 - 07:36 AM
Posted 24 June 2015 - 07:49 AM
Posted 24 June 2015 - 09:16 AM
Summon3r, on 24 June 2015 - 07:49 AM, said:
It's a trade off, that a lot of players don't want to make.
My clan mechs have locked equipment, like Engines, JJs, DHS.
My IS mechs have locked hardpoints & hardpoint locations.
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