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Streak 6. Why Has This Not Been Nerfed?

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#41 Hellcat420


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:47 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 05:33 PM, said:

He's talking about CW. Nobody brings Streaks in Play Now game.

No, we didn't take 12 lights. How could we? We were a pug defence, notice my faction and notice the OP's faction. We couldn't mount an attack as a mix of factions.

We had the normal IS mechs.. Thunderbolts, Highlanders, Shadowhawks, Orions, etc. We were just obliterated when the clanners came with 6 streakcrows + 3 hellbringers + 3 others for 3 waves in a row.

And if I recall correctly (OP correct me) we were up 15 to 12 in the first wave. (or 12-9 if you count the attackers' wave because defense doesn't really have waves). Then came the waves and waves of streakboats.

Sounds more like your team lost because you guys bought tickets for the uss failboat, not because streaks are op

#42 Slambot


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:50 PM

Heh, I can't believe people are actually defending the streaks. The point that the OP was trying to make is that they require exactly zero skill to use. I mean, what's a 60-72 point alpha that CAN NOT MISS? ECM is a defense, but only if there are at least 2. Any mech builder worth anything always puts a probe in his mech when running streaks. So, that Spider .. meh, just get within 180 m and he's toast. I don't run streak boats as a general rule because I always feel like I'm cheating.

The most impressive smackdowns I have ever seen anywhere were in Tukayyid when CI ran all TBR, MDG, and HBR with 3-6 streak 6s and a few med pulse lasers on every mech. (except the HBR which were there just for ECM) Just two mechs could kill an atlas in 6 seconds and there was nothing that pilot could do about it. We had ECM, it didnt matter. They had probes on all their mechs.

The devs have nerfed streaks in the past because the community asked them to. The argument then was that streak 2s were overpowered. Now with mechs capable of carrying 5-6 launchers and with streaks having 50% more range... The time has come to do something about them. MWO, like any shooter, is supposed to be a game about skill. Streaks require none. They represent a huge alpha that doesn't miss and there is no system except ECM to counter them.

I predict that PGI will do little or nothing about Streaks because:

1. Most devs do NOT play the game.
2. Clan mechs are by far their biggest cash cows.

Oh and as for rarity. I see a streak crow or mad dog about every 5 to 6 games.

#43 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:51 PM

View PostSoggyGorilla, on 24 June 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

Yes, im talking about CW.

so here are the raw stats.

Alpha: 72
Range: 396m

Sustained Damage over 15 seconds (burst): 216 (3 volleys)
Seconds to overheat 16 seconds (4th volley)
Seconds to Cool:25.4 from 99% heat

not sure why ******** people flocked to this post, but i am guessing anyone that already knew these stats would agree with me.

a splatboat has 1/3 better dps and more focused damage; why don't you complain of srms?

cooldown module is wastly better than range

alpha 72 it's a streakdog, ugh, just try it and you understand why people prefer crow if they want streaks

#44 Hellcat420


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:53 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

Of course they played better, with better tech.

You seem to be imagining a fight between two front lines. No, we were fighting a group of streakcrows near omega and another group of streakcrows killed us from behind, while 4 more of our mechs were on their way from spawnpoint and 4 more mechs of our mechs were waiting for respawn.. something like that.

Anyway, I wasn't complaining. I'm just giving perspective to what the OP posted. Because everybody thought he was talking about Play Now but its not that, streakcrows are nearly useless in the Play Now mode.

That lol the problem is your team had no clue how to defend that position and you left the backdoor undefended/unwatched. That is not op streaks, that is riding the failboat you can't set up in a killzone and leave your back undefended and expect to win.

Edited by Hellcat420, 24 June 2015 - 05:59 PM.

#45 masCh


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:53 PM

View PostHellcat420, on 24 June 2015 - 05:47 PM, said:

Sounds more like your team lost because you guys bought tickets for the uss failboat, not because streaks are op

Excuse my poor English but I have no idea what you just said or if it was meant for me.

#46 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:54 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

Of course they played better, with better tech.

You seem to be imagining a fight between two front lines. No, we were fighting a group of streakcrows near omega and another group of streakcrows killed us from behind, while 4 more of our mechs were on their way from spawnpoint and 4 more mechs of our mechs were waiting for respawn.. something like that.

Anyway, I wasn't complaining. I'm just giving perspective to what the OP posted. Because everybody thought he was talking about Play Now but its not that, streakcrows are nearly useless in the Play Now mode.

dude, thunderbolts, highlanders and orions which you mentioned reliably kill streakcrows while shadowhawks have a good chance to kill them

if you couldn't pull it means they outmaneuvered you and focused fire better
oh wait, you said 'we were fighting a group of streakcrows near omega and another group of streakcrows killed us from behind' - you were flanked and that's why you lost, it has nothing to do with weapon

#47 Wintersdark


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:58 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

Of course they played better, with better tech.

You seem to be imagining a fight between two front lines. No, we were fighting a group of streakcrows near omega and another group of streakcrows killed us from behind, while 4 more of our mechs were on their way from spawnpoint and 4 more mechs of our mechs were waiting for respawn.. something like that.

Anyway, I wasn't complaining. I'm just giving perspective to what the OP posted. Because everybody thought he was talking about Play Now but its not that, streakcrows are nearly useless in the Play Now mode.

Tell me: Was your opposition groups, or other pugs?

In CW, Streakcrows are an effective option, and often taken by Clan groups when playing against IS, because IS light rushes are EXTREMELY effective otherwise, and streak drops are extremely effective counters.

But even then, they're ONLY effective mechs when used against lights. If the Clan side brings out Streakcrows, and you bring Heavies and Assaults, those Streakcrows are getting crushed.

The situation you speak of, though, it had nothing to do with streakcrows.

If you're 4 vs. 12, you were going to die in short order no matter what you where fighting.

#48 Templar Dane


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:58 PM

View PostJohnny Z, on 24 June 2015 - 05:00 PM, said:

Well everyone knows they are an "I WIN" button against only light mechs that are under 360m, no aim, just fire and win. I have no idea at all how they will be nerfed or when.


Edited by lordtzar, 24 June 2015 - 05:59 PM.

#49 Wintersdark


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 05:59 PM

View Postbad arcade kitty, on 24 June 2015 - 05:54 PM, said:

dude, thunderbolts, highlanders and orions which you mentioned reliably kill streakcrows while shadowhawks have a good chance to kill them

if you couldn't pull it means they outmaneuvered you and focused fire better
oh wait, you said 'we were fighting a group of streakcrows near omega and another group of streakcrows killed us from behind' - you were flanked and that's why you lost, it has nothing to do with weapon

Yup. Replace the streakcrows in his story with other Dragons/Thunderbolts/Wolverines/etc and he'd still have lost handily.

#50 masCh


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:00 PM

Why oh why did I even participate in this thread.

I don't want streaks nerfed. I want the ECM imbalance fixed between the two sides.

No amount of back stepping or changing direction can help evade 4 streakcrows focus firing on you. And the few times the three of us focussed fire back they killed two of us before we killed 1 streakcrow.

The only defense against streakboats is ECM and I can't bring 4 ravens to a CW match.

Anyway, I'm done here. I didn't come here to complain, just helping to correct the perspective to the OP's post. I've lost maybe 30 to every win against the Clans so I don't see much point in whining about it, that's just normal life.

The OP is Steiner, so I udnerstand that they tend to whine quite a bit when losing :)

Edited by masCh, 24 June 2015 - 06:02 PM.

#51 Wintersdark


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:01 PM

Not to mention: You don't need to aim, but that ISN'T AN ADVANTAGE unless you're terrifically bad and CAN'T aim. You're always better off being able to direct your fire where it needs to go than vomiting it randomly all over the enemy. The Streakcrow still needs to stare at it's target for a good couple seconds in order to get a missile lock to be able to fire, so it's going to have at least the same face time as a laser mech, and more than a ballistic mech.

#52 Hellcat420


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:02 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 05:53 PM, said:

Excuse my poor English but I have no idea what you just said or if it was meant for me.

That means your team used poor tactics and got outplayed, it has nothing to do with streaks being op because ssrm4&6 suck overall and are only good for very select circumstances

#53 Bigbacon


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:02 PM

Complaining about it at the extreme which is premade CW isnt really fair. Cw isboken as it is and the tRyhard groups will always take it too extremes. Out side this very specific game instance, they dont perform well.

#54 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:03 PM

View PostSoggyGorilla, on 24 June 2015 - 04:19 PM, said:

what does the inner sphere have that can counter 6x6 streak mad dog? or 5x6 streak crow?

i don't understand why this became the new meta, but they forced everyone to use that now instead of laser vomit.

does anyone agree with me on this?

View PostJohnny Z, on 24 June 2015 - 05:28 PM, said:

A Streak Crow is a stick figure moving at 110 kph with a 72 alpha that doesnt need to be aimed and always hits. The Streak Crow is easily the most OP mech in the game and is a safe bet CSSRM will be nerfed so keep on trolling.

I would be upset about your claims this easy mode mech is balanced, but you cant be serious and are having a bit of fun is obvious. ;)

I await your reply about how balance sucks and asymetrical gameplay is where Mechwarrior should be going. :)

ITT: Two guys who might be trolling.

#55 anonymous161


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:03 PM

They can do great damage if no one is focusing on them or using ecm at all...otherwise they dont do much good.

I pretty much only use my fs9-a spl boater that thing just destroys anything in close range is very fast with the xl and can take a decent amount of damage it's my most use mech ever now. I dont even really bother with any of the other class mechs anymore especially heavy since it's always a long wait.

#56 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:03 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 06:00 PM, said:

Why oh why did I even participate in this thread.

I don't want streaks nerfed. I want the ECM imbalance fixed between the two sides.

No amount of back stepping or changing direction can help evade 4 streakcrows focus firing on you. And the few times the three of us focussed fire back they killed two of us before we killed 1 streakcrow.

The only defense against streakboats is ECM and I can't bring 4 ravens to a CW match.

Anyway, I'm done here. I didn't come here to complain, just helping to correct the perspective to the OP's post. I've lost maybe 30 to every win against the Clans so I don't see much point in whining about it, that's just normal life.

i agree thats more of a focus fire situation not a Streak Problem,
im sure you would have the same results with 4 Cents with AC20s,

#57 masCh


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:04 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 24 June 2015 - 06:01 PM, said:

Not to mention: You don't need to aim, but that ISN'T AN ADVANTAGE unless you're terrifically bad and CAN'T aim. You're always better off being able to direct your fire where it needs to go than vomiting it randomly all over the enemy. The Streakcrow still needs to stare at it's target for a good couple seconds in order to get a missile lock to be able to fire, so it's going to have at least the same face time as a laser mech, and more than a ballistic mech.

Tell that to the Wolves then. Tell them to use direct fire weapons because taking streakcrows after streakcrows is not only uncool, it is also inefficient. But they lost their first wave and half of their second wave pretty quickly with their direct fire weapons.

Ok really my last post.

#58 Wintersdark


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:05 PM

View PostmasCh, on 24 June 2015 - 06:00 PM, said:

I don't want streaks nerfed. I want the ECM imbalance fixed between the two sides.
Agreed. ECM (and streak mechanics overall) BADLY need a full rework, and have for longer than Clans have been around.


No amount of back stepping or changing direction can help evade 4 streakcrows focus firing on you. And the few times the three of us focussed fire back they killed two of us before we killed 1 streakcrow.
Them being streakcrows has no bearing on this story, not does faction. 4 mechs focus firing ANYTHING kills it instantly.


The only defense against streakboats is ECM and I can't bring 4 ravens to a CW match.
The only defense against laser boats is... Nothing. ECM doesn't even help, just point, click, and burn. See what a silly argument that was? And in the laser boat category:

1) Higher DPS than streaks.
2) Even if you have bad aim and spread it everywhere, you're no worse off than streaks. And even with mediocre aim, you're still going to get at least half where you want it.
3) No travel time, if you can see it, you can burn it.


Anyway, I'm done here. I didn't come here to complain, just helping to correct the perspective to the OP's post. I've lost maybe 30 to every win against the Clans so I don't see much point in whining about it, that's just normal life.

Play less pugs.

I know our CGBI drops vs. IS units are far, far closer to 50:50 than 30:1.

#59 masCh


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:09 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 24 June 2015 - 06:05 PM, said:

The only defense against laser boats is... Nothing. ECM doesn't even help, just point, click, and burn. See what a silly argument that was?

No, lasers can be evaded. We're faster than the stormcrows. But we have to have XL engine, surely you guys aren't going to tell us : "Well don't run XL engines then!" and the problem with streaks is some missiles in a salvo will hit the red side torso all the time regardless of how you twist.

View PostWintersdark, on 24 June 2015 - 06:05 PM, said:

Play less pugs.

I know our CGBI drops vs. IS units are far, far closer to 50:50 than 30:1.

Currently the only way to play against the Clans is to pug.

Unless you mount an attack against our borders then probably we can have some pilots come back. Everyone's gone and we don't have enough pilots to form a 12, even across multiple units in EU timezone.

Edited by masCh, 24 June 2015 - 06:13 PM.

#60 Y E O N N E


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Posted 24 June 2015 - 06:09 PM

Streak boating is fairly potent against up to at least 45 tons, but it doesn't really need nerfed. Just hit those f*ckers from outside 393 meters, specifically in the legs so they can't bother anybody at all. Whatever your stance on the Storm Crow, its legs are just as vulnerable as anybody else's.

I can't honestly remember the last time I was wrecked in my Locusts by a Streak boat. I got wrecked plenty in the Arrow during the event, but those Storm Crows were not exactly pretty after those encounters and I had a 10 ton disadvantage in armor anyway. Far more dangerous were those surprise Griffins that can blow out a side in two shots. *** for tat, an SRM Griffin will win against a Streak Crow unless RNJesus guides the Streaks into a side torso.

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