Eldagore, on 26 June 2015 - 07:50 AM, said:
Regardless of what has been said recently, IMO we will see little change in how the decisions for the game are handled. Russ won't change the grouping unless players are leaving because of it.
PGI has had this info since.... forever. Seriously, as if they have just discovered how many 12 mans there are? Get real. We have had a <1% crowd holding the ear of the lead dev for ages. nothing changed now, so far as I can tell.
- Recent "Esport" talk. really? the uber comp teams are insignificant, but we will push for ubercomp esports?
- CW, essentially designed for everyone, but with a total lack of seperation to keep the ubercomps out of puglandia. The praise was loud and long when they spilt group/solo. We put it right back in for CW, because the <1% wanted to do some clubbing. All they had to do was leave a planet or two available for only groups of 10 or more, or something similar, and the seperation would have been there. It was not, because Russ' tryhard pals needed some epeen pills. Yeah it sounds pretty blunt, but it's how I feel about that subject.
- Mech tiers, quirks- apparently the <1% were the go to for balance there. how bout those thunderbolt "trash" mechs. "lol Stalker 4N" Good thing we put those quirks where they are at, those mechs were total junk, and a little buff should put them right in the middle. Yup, thats how it worked out. GGClose tryhard mech tiers.
-New players. Our new player XP is terribad. How many new players do you think DL the game, and before logging in go looking for a tryhard unit to make a comp team? Now think about steam release in regards to the importance of <1%.
Look, i don;t want to exclude anyone. Some people love 12 man teams. Not really a big deal to make a spot for that, just make a game mode for it using existing game mechanics(maps, etc), add those "12 man only" planets to CW, etc. We had a 12 man only once. They complained there was nobody there. IMO, if it's less than 1% complaining they are a tiny minority.... yup, you sure are, deal with it. I mean, it's like sense of entitlement over 9000 to think the game should accomodate you.... no scratch that, be designed for you when you constitute essentially nothing of the playerbase.
I mean, is MWO trying to be the Ferrari of online games or something? Catering to the less than 1%? Too bad the industry, even genre of game, doesn't work that way.
Once the tutorial is added the entire situation for new players is improved and all queues will improve at least a bit. Any other improvements to the NPE everyone is chatting about will also help.
The Star map having challenges like 12 man premade teams isnt a bad thing. Once balance is better and everything else taken into account the situation wont be nearly as bad as before in any way.
Had to add this yet again, newbie players should be warned to be preped for some hard core battle before they go onto the Galaxy map. That sort of thing would help alot, even for the regular queues or Solaris if that is ever added. Should have been in yesterday.
A 12 man team working their way to the top of each House and Clan is awsome, like really awsome for those teams. Maybe 2 rival guilds fighting it out trying to out do each other with advances on the Galaxy map to take a lead position in a given faction etc. Great stuff for guilds/units.
Making something to strive for, for lance sized groups and solo players would also be cool.
Edited by Johnny Z, 26 June 2015 - 08:10 AM.