Not that the mechs
look bad, and aesthetics being a subjective thing, what bothers me is that certain mechs don't entirely fit the established MWO art style. Like, the Highlander IIC in particular. It does not follow the same sort of style that we've come to expect in the game. The quality is fine, and it is a very, very close mimicry of the tabletop model, but it doesn't look like it belongs in MWO. Too lanky and the proportions seem off (lower legs and the head, the oversized rifle arm). Fits the model but deviates an awful lot from the chunkier, bulkier redesigns everything else seems to have received.
Orion IIC and Hunchback IIC look about right to me, though I dislike the Hunchback's center torso design. It just looks odd to me. The Jenner IIC, otoh, has a really, really weird looking face and the legs seem too skinny to me. Almost like they bolted locust legs to it and smashed it in the face with a hammer.
The pack does not interest me too heavy in and of itself, but what it represents, Clan Battlemechs,
does. We might get to see some interesting mech designs like the Vapor Eagle (oh god yes), Grizzly, Kodiak, and Supernova. Come to think of it, I do not think the Vape was
ever in any prior mechwarrior game, and it is such a sexy, sexy looking mech.
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 27 June 2015 - 09:12 AM.