Origins IIC Clan Collection Pre-Order Is Here!
Posted 01 July 2015 - 11:36 AM
Honestly, I have no plan to ever buy Clan Battlemechs or IS Omnimechs. I like having the seperation where each side of the conflict has its own feel to them. By jumping to this we are just "greying" the difference and feel for me. I know the 2 classes of mechs exist on each side but I prefer for it not to for this game.
Not to mention....
I still have 1.5 mech packs worth of mechs pre-bought (2 more mechs from Wave 3, 4 from Resistance 2) to even get and now a 4th varient to master with them...
Honestly I feel like we are way too early to be putting up new mechs for sale and wish they took the time they spent "modifying" IS models for Clan IICs to be spent fixing sizing issues and other with the existing models.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 12:03 PM
Eden Blackheaven, on 01 July 2015 - 11:15 AM, said:
Not the clans, the SLDF took with them. After that they created the clans.
The mechs they took was Inner Sphere because everything before exodus was IS.
And IS + Clan techs is? Thats why ppl call it mixtech.
first line... semantics
second line... uh, exactly.
third line... not what we have here.
This is not a mix of techs, this is a clan modification of an early IS chassis. All the tech on the chassis is Clan so it is not mixed tech. to be mixed tech, you'd have to have a combo of clan and IS tech such as Clan DHS and IS lasers with both being advantageous over the other in some way (Clan DHS being smaller and IS lasers being cooler with a shorter duration).
Posted 01 July 2015 - 12:23 PM

Posted 01 July 2015 - 12:55 PM
That's PGI's roadmap, all the crap they mentioned to get into CW is IN there, it's still being worked on... this is why we're still in CW Beta.
Also, there's a Balance and Quirk (hopefully to remove them altogether) pass next month.
Honestly, the actual way to get people to use all the mechs in CW is simply to put a popularity Battle Value on them. the more a chassis is used, the more restrictions it comes with, i.e. Stormcrows, say, are used a lot in certain builds, or Wub Bolts... the more often they're used, the less desirable it is to use that variant, thus making people cycle through different builds, and keeping the game fresh and with a varied set of mechs and builds. it would also prevent a certain merc corp which would remain nameless from always being able to specifically go full meta clan without having to switch up from time to time to keep in the green.
in all honesty, Cyclical popularity Battle Value would keep the game fresh and interesting, and if PGI's worried about Sales.... pretty much just have the new ones coming in with the mech packs start as a low BV so they're desirable to use. done.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 01:58 PM

I mean, Cyclop head. One arm with hand, another with a Big Freaking Gun, seriously, you paint him purple and that's him!
Edited by KuroNyra, 01 July 2015 - 01:59 PM.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 03:01 PM
RussianWolf, on 01 July 2015 - 12:03 PM, said:
second line... uh, exactly.
third line... not what we have here.
This is not a mix of techs, this is a clan modification of an early IS chassis. All the tech on the chassis is Clan so it is not mixed tech. to be mixed tech, you'd have to have a combo of clan and IS tech such as Clan DHS and IS lasers with both being advantageous over the other in some way (Clan DHS being smaller and IS lasers being cooler with a shorter duration).
To help, here is a small list of true mix-tech mechs from Sarna.
Black Hawk-KU
Alt Config R
Formerly known as the Bulldog variant, this configuration is a field upgrade developed in the midst of Operation Bulldog. It utilized captured Clan Smoke Jaguar weapons to help bolster the SLDF forces in later waves. A mix of arm-mounted short and long range weapons, this configuration mounts two Clan-tech ER Large Lasers mounted in the right, with two Clan Streak SRM-6 launchers in the left. Carrying a ton of reloads of each Streak Missile Launcher, a C3 Slave unit allows further enhances its abilities. [20] BV (2.0) = 2,193[21]
Blackjack (OmniMech)
Alt Config R
A field upgrade developed in the midst of Operation Bulldog, this configuration utilized captured Clan Smoke Jaguar weapons to help bolster the Star League Defense Force forces in later waves, mounting a Clan-tech Gauss Rifle supported by a single Clan Large Pulse Laser and a trio of Clan Medium Pulse Lasers and a single ER Small Laser. [19] BV (2.0) = 2,010[20]
Alt. Config. R
A field upgrade developed in the midst of Operation Bulldog, this configuration utilized captured Clan Smoke Jaguar weapons to help bolster the SLDF forces in later waves, mounting twin Clan Large Pulse Lasers in support of an LB 10-X AC, backed up by four ER Medium Lasers and a pair of Streak SRM-6 launchers.[21] BV (2.0) = 2,462[22]
Atlas II
AS7-D-H Devlin
Used by Devlin Stone, this Atlas variant used a combination of Clan and Inner Sphere technology to maximize survival. The ER Large Lasers, XL Engine, and heat sinks came from Clan sources. A Heavy Duty Gyro is also fitted to enhance survivability. The LRM and SRM launchers have been replaced by a single MML-9 with an Artemis IV system. CASE II protects each side torso from ammunition explosions, an Angel ECM suite foils Blakist communications gear, and for additional protection the left torso carries an Anti-Missile System. For additional protection the cockpit, sensors, and life support system in the head are all armored. BV (2.0) = 2,491[10]
Champion C
This variant was built by the Clans using their advanced technology, although it differs little from the original. Built in 2867 it uses an XL engine with the weight saved going into the addition of 5 jump jets that enable the 'Mech to jump up to 150 meters at a time. The medium lasers were upgraded to Medium Pulse Lasers and a pair of ER Medium Lasers were added. The small lasers are also upgraded to Small Pulse Lasers. The rest of the weaponry is upgraded to Clan standards and the remaining tonnage went to additional armor.[2] BV (1.0) = ??, BV (2.0) = 2,191[6]
MAD-3R (C)
A Clan-tech retrofit of the classic MAD-3R Marauder, the Marauder C replaces some of the Inner Spheroid weaponry with Clan equivalents. The Marauder C swaps the PPCs for a pair of Clan-tech Large Pulse Lasers and the standard autocannon for Ultra AC/5 model, but retains the Inner Sphere Medium Lasers. The munitions for the autocannon are now also protected with CASE.[22] BV (2.0) = 1,616[23]
Alt. Config. R
A field upgrade developed in the midst of Operation Bulldog, this configuration used captured Clan Smoke Jaguar weapons to help bolster the SLDF forces in later waves. Based off the Alt Config E, it retains the MRM launcher but replaces the standard and pulse lasers with three Clan ER Medium Lasers.[19] BV (2.0) = 1,215[20]
RFL-3N (C)
A Clan-tech retrofit of the standard SLDF Rifleman, the Rifleman C replaces all Inner Sphere weaponry, without altering any structural components of the original RFL-3N, carrying two Clan-tech Large Pulse Lasers and LB 5-X ACs instead.[15] BV (2.0) = 1,335[16]
The Rifleman MUSE WIND was an experiment to combine Clan and Inner Sphere equipment in a production 'Mech. An Inner Sphere produced chassis, XL Engine, XL Gyro, double heat sinks, and Jump Jets form the core of the 'Mech. The Ferro-Fibrous armor that maximizes protection comes from the Clans, as does the weaponry: Each arm mounts a HAG/20 and the torso-mounted medium lasers are Clan Medium Pulse Lasers. The HAG ammo is protected by an Inner Sphere CASE system. BV (2.0) = 2,012[40]
Edited by Nathan K, 01 July 2015 - 05:45 PM.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 03:06 PM
Bilbo, on 29 June 2015 - 02:31 PM, said:
#New Clan IIC Mech Pack
* Same Price Point as IS Packs 20/40/60/80
* Adjust the same way as IS Mechs
* Jenner
* Hunchback
* Orion
* Highlander
* Art is all original.. not just adjusting the IS mech versions
* Release Dates - Late in the Year
* May be able to tease images as soon as tomorrow
So no fixed equipment, armor, structure, or armour. Just fixed hardpoints.
I would hope so. II C mechs were not Omnimechs. Plus, if you look at some of them, it would be impossible to fit, say, 2 missiles in the Jenner IIC-2 I think it was( the one with the Narc), center torso, if the jump jet there was fixed. So now basically, if they are releasing IIC mechs, what is the point of buying or using IS mechs? Why would anyone use a normal variant of any of these, once you can buy them for C-Bills? Was never a fan of the Orion, but, the other 3 look pretty impressive, without seeing their quirks, if they have any to start with that is. Will definitely pick up the Jenner at least. Light mech queues, plus 6 Clan SPL's, yes please.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:09 PM
Mix tech means putting equipment constructed only by the Clans on Inner Sphere machines or vice versa. Example 1: I have a Clan XL engine and I put it in a Battlemaster. Example 2: I have a rotary autocannon(not currently in the game just think ultra on steroids) and I put it on a Timberwolf.
BattleMechs are machines with a fixed configuration. All of the current IS mechs are Battlemechs. They have fixed hardpoints that cannot change. A Jenner-F will only ever have energy hardpoints and they will always be in the arms. OminMechs are modular which means I can switch out the pieces like Legos. This means I can move hardpoint locations and types, but the core of the mech must stay the same so the modules have something to plug into.
Now let's do lore. Go to sarna.net for the details because I'm going to be brief and we'll talk about the two ways IIC mechs came about.
First is that some are just simple upgrades. The Clans did not just spring into existence. A large portion of the SLDF left. Over time they developed new tech. As they developed new weapons they replaced older stuff on functional mechs. Let's say the first new weapon they created was the ER medium laser. They then put the new weapon on existing mechs. It would waste a ton of resources to decommission every mech that had medium lasers, so they were just swapped out. Then as new mechs were built they just put the new weapon on at the factory. Over time this lead to mechs changing into the IIC mechs. Sometimes, like in the case of the Highlander, this happened quickly. Rather than a gradual change, they just grabbed a bunch of mechs that were in long term storage and refurbished them.
The other reason IIC mechs were created was to save time. The SLDF took schematics for every mech presented to them for consideration. They didn't build all of those mechs and I'll use the Dragon as the example here. The SLDF never built any Dragons. The Draconis Combine liked it which is why we have them. When the Clan needed a new mech, they looked at there library of schematics to save time in R&D. They saw the Dragon, fiddled it a bit to their liking, and started to produce the Great Wyrm. The Great Wyrmso closely resembles a Dragon that target computers confuse it for it's parent.
Finally, to answer the question of why the Clan still produce BattleMechs when OmniMechs are more advanced. This comes down to cost. Omnis are expensive. While the Clan don't really use money, it takes a lot of resources to build and maintain Omnis. The source material I have says that you can build five BattleMechs for the resources needed to build one Omni. Several Clans, like Blood Spirit or (cough, cough) Smoke Jaguar don't have a lot of resources available to them to construct a lot of Omnis, so they rely on their Battlemechs.
Hope this helps to clear things up. If you have any other questions, PM me and I'll try to answer. Have great luck on the Battlefield.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:26 PM
Averen, on 01 July 2015 - 11:35 AM, said:
Just look at how balanced stormcrows are in comparision to every other mech of it's class. Look at the Timber and Ebon Jaguar, and how they compare to IS - and also other clan - heavies.
And then take into account this stuff will be sold in a very expensive package. I don't think PGI intends this to be balanced.
At least if the whole balancing isn't completely overhauled before their release. The issues with certain clan mechs exist since inception and were a result of the purest pay 2 win action the game ever did.
Clans are not P2W. Especially wave 1.
Valas, on 01 July 2015 - 03:06 PM, said:
I would hope so. II C mechs were not Omnimechs. Plus, if you look at some of them, it would be impossible to fit, say, 2 missiles in the Jenner IIC-2 I think it was( the one with the Narc), center torso, if the jump jet there was fixed. So now basically, if they are releasing IIC mechs, what is the point of buying or using IS mechs? Why would anyone use a normal variant of any of these, once you can buy them for C-Bills? Was never a fan of the Orion, but, the other 3 look pretty impressive, without seeing their quirks, if they have any to start with that is. Will definitely pick up the Jenner at least. Light mech queues, plus 6 Clan SPL's, yes please.
Because those are clan mechs, and as an IS pilot, I can't pilot IIC mechs, except in the public queue.
Ed Steele, on 01 July 2015 - 11:12 AM, said:
Yes. Except we don't have any of those introduced in this pack. Not with mix tech, at least.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 01 July 2015 - 05:00 PM.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 07:20 PM
IraqiWalker, on 01 July 2015 - 03:22 AM, said:
It was sarcasm. and in a universe where anything not IS has a fixed engine, it would push the game to a closer ballance.
but then again that was just using logic to go point the flaw in the comment. Wasn't suggesting PGI to hardwire IS if they hardwire clan IIC's, but instead NOT to hardwire IIC's in away.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 07:27 PM
FupDup, on 29 June 2015 - 02:16 PM, said:
You're feeling evil? Man, I use to run the Swayback IIC all over the board map back in the hey day of the table top game. And then in the MW 2 versions. I can't wait to get mine next month. I'll miss the deadline, but at least, I'll have the Swayback IIC among them. Can't wait!
Posted 01 July 2015 - 08:02 PM
Koshirou, on 01 July 2015 - 02:48 AM, said:
Comparing what would be the common engine on both chassis and most probable geometry and such...
IS jenner is superior at...
1) DPS
2) Heat efficiency
3) Durration
4) Size - would be significantly smaller especially in CT, arms, and legs)
just some stuff... And if the jenner IIC trades stuff of for one of those, they sacrifice another advantage. ie sacraficing ammo for more boom thus more dps would mean no heat difference and even more ammo dependent.
But ofc if you are hard set on what you believe is better or worse then I can't change that from your perspective if you are hard set on it.
Another problem is what YOU want more in a mech, thus you would take Y instead of X.
Similar would apply to say all IS mechs.
If you want a light mech to have ECM, do not care about jumpjets, and has more side torso mounted weapons. The raven would be much better then the jenner by said persons eye.
If you want something much bigger with more dakka and big cannons and lots of lasers and missiles, banshee for eg would be better then jenner. Depends on what you want but for me; a person who have at least successfully done every thing in MW: O especially roles and techniques (besides meta spam and odd cheese and oddities ie 15 er ppc direwolf). I see the value in both mechs and would play with both as often as the other (after mastery ofc... my mastered jenners vs not even basiced jenner IIC would cause a bit of an imbalance in playing...)
Posted 01 July 2015 - 09:40 PM
Kosmaj, on 01 July 2015 - 04:02 AM, said:
For first you can slap yourself if you like that, don't bring childish arguments into discusion. You should fell ashmed
So it is not a mix tech when you have IS upgrades and clan weapons and engines?! your logic failed and your lie is big.
Also you can like anything even crap, you have the right to , But you can't tell others to like something that isn't good, hula girls are not maps or new mods or even the new mechs. CW is still the same game mode as others with the ability to spawn 4 times- end of diversity. In your post you didn't address any of mentioned problem you dodge the question. Once more you have the right to not answer any of those. And you bluntly lie to all of us telling us other Mechwarrior games weren't better, because they were better, they delivered what developers promised us players.
O tempora o mores! For your information most of us mechwarrior fans didn't asked for quirks. Developers had to implement them because they shove a clan mechs towards us, which were rolf stomping IS. They could do so many other things like:
put players in their own tiers IS and Clan or
set the game in pre jihad timeline when you could justify mixed tech but no!
For developers the best possibility for balanced game was unbalanced clan invasion (btw in my opinion one of the best timeline for solo campaign like in mechwarrior 2 or 3) Which made almost everybody unhappy. Clan players got not so omni mechs that had less modification option then IS, then they implemented clan weapons which even for me where slap in the face. They made them broken for both sides. And that is why they had to designe quirks which once more made no one happy. For a good reason we should be split in two diffrent tiers IS and Clan and play stock loadouts and it would be better.
Anothere thing is, if CW is not broken why people prefer to play normal matches? .... Hmmm, what are you saying? Because i'm stupid and don't understand how great PGI is with slow development and constant lies? You remember, i hope, that in 2012 the monitors in cockpit were supposed to show real time information? How many years has passed for this one simple thing? And please don't tell me to do this myself because PGI is trying to make money and ban us even from creating custom maps. Remeber Living legends? We were already making there steady progress.
White Knight? what is that supposed to mean? I can't really tell if that's a compliment, insult, or sarcasm. It is most likely a inside joke that I am not part of as it is definitely not a meme or a common insult or a insult pulled from a TV show like He man that's for sure.
Also trying to ridicule you? you already did that by yourself mate. I didn't really need to do anything for you to make a fool of yourself and look like you have been sitting on a pin for over a year while staring at the MW: O forums.
It's kind of obvious, especially how you are trying to avoid me recieving a notification by talking directly at me while not quoting me due to fear of me reading it and responding, thus you look like you got the last laugh- at least in your mind.
And I can't really be ashamed, I am not the one throwing a tantrum and being illogical and throwing a bigger tantrum just because someone said you are wrong for something that should have nothing to do with your life and would not affect a normal human being. If anything I would be rather proud to not stoop as low as you. But that's more of a normal thing that most people everywhere should do instead of try to act special that you can do something billions of people have done.
"So it is not a mix tech when you have IS upgrades and clan weapons and engines?! your logic failed and your lie is big."
IS upgrades? nope...
Second generation clan mechs use only clan upgrades, clan engines, clan weapons, clan structure, clan armour, clan jumpjets, clan heatsinks, clan ammo, clan cockpit, clan sensors, clan life support, clan acutators, clan hands, clan CASE, clan ECM, Clan active probe, Clan AMS, clan TAG, clan NARC, etc.
The Hunchback IIC is as much a clan mech as the Hellbringer is.
Both spotless from Inner sphere equipment and technology.
Your logic is worse then mine. Because for you Clan + Clan = Inner sphere mixed tech!
While for me it is Clan + Clan = Still Clan.
Tell me, whose logic is worse?
I wans't forcing you to like something that you don't want to like. I simply said many thousands like this game, and you can't change that. You are an outlier as if you dislike the game you wouldn't be trying to make it look bad and stay for years talking about how bad it is because you fail to enjoy the game.
Hula girls are Hula girls. Which is a cockpit item. I never said it was a Map, Mech ,Game mode, or a Mechanic.
You fail to realise the same people who make cockpit items are not the same people who design maps or make coding for the new Union dropship or what have you. No resources spent, only income and data from insensitive received. If anything it gives PGI more resources to make a map or to ballance the game then take anything away.
"CW is still the same game mode as others with the ability to spawn 4 times- end of diversity."
ahem... only game mode with turrets. Much larger map then even a few of the normal maps combined. Due to 4 respawns instead of 1 the game plays a lot more differently and diverse to the normal game mode. Only game mode (currently) to have Leopard dropships. Only game mode (currently planed) to have Overlord dropships.
And the objective is much more interesting and engaging then the normal match...
In simplicity... this is normal games.
Skimish = kill all enemies
Conquest = kill all enemies +(having half the caps or more, stay in the middle of map)
Assault = Kill all enemies +(stay in middle of map)
Community warfare =
Stay near the base, have scouts find which lane the enemies are coming from, Deffend the gates, Defend the generators, Deffend the main Naval Gauss rifle.
co ordinate to punch through the gates, take out generators and deffenders,take out main turret.
you can not...
Deffend + attack:
go to the middle of the map and brawl till everyone is dead.
and I am not jodging questions, you just didn't form them correctly to the point of it being recognised as a question, if you want me to answer them I will to the best of my abilities, just bullet point them bellow o7
"Mechwarrior games weren't better, because they were better, they delivered what developers promised us players."
I am not lying. Lets look at it like this....
Mechwarrior 2: all mechs of the same weight class have little to no differences besides not having endo/ ferro, which resaults in it automatically being very bad. If they got endo/ ferro, they are not different to each other besides hitbox.
Stone rhino, Kodiak, and Direwolf... all very different mechs, but to MW2, these are the same besides the fact they are extremely easy to hit and kill, still easy to hit and kill, and hard to kill and hit.
Just due to profile.
You do not see MW: O having 0 differences between an adder, raven, panther, jenner, and firestarter do you?
Also the biggest problem I can find with MW2...
Lag, the game and era was very laggy, you can lag shoot all you want, but it is still very hard to kill, an enemy 500 or 700 meters away could actually be already behind you corring, and killing you via your rear (Lighter mechs) or alreay killed you with a spammed ER PPC gauss alpha strike which you kept playing for 20 seconds until you teleport back to where you were before hand in ruins.
MW3? very buggy, many people even with 100% of the recommended specs on there PC have issues running it, only a bare few people got it running without problems and this is why MW3 is 1 of the 4 MW games that never got a free version out legally.
MW4? Some made up weapons... made up variants and mechs... ruined iconic features of a mech (Wolverine IIC for eg...). etc.Mechs that can fit a Long tom in the CT (it doesn't say it's an artillery or cannon I think... but I think it's meant to be the arty. which is THIRTY TONS and THIRTY crit slots... in the CT? tell me when a mech can have 30 crit slots in the CT... even if it wasn't the artillery and was the lighter cannon, 15 crits and 15 tons is still a lot for just the CT... adn this game allowed you to run 2 of them... and in some cases 3. that's 45 crit slots/ tons of weapons to 90 crit slots/ tons of weapons...
Tell me if that is lore friendly in any standard?
besides that, multiplayer pre Mektek was only duel ER PPCs, 1-4 ER large lasers, and a clan gauss rifle pop target with 0 armour killing anything in 1 alpha 1000 meters away with ease...
after mektek? 5 variations of PPC's on the same mech or gaussrifles as well as a pop targer.
Specific mentions?
MW2 Ghost bear legacy has poor voice acting to the point even a casual would notice. It had ID errors and poor ballancing ie You are forced to use only lasers and torpedoes under water... oh BTW the enemy mechs still have ballistics, normal LRM's, and AMS as well as the fact submarines are called aircraft ...
Other DLC expansions? not as bad as ghost bear legacy, but still have issues overall and all round...
Overall: most games follow lore and logic poorly, earlier games did it better then laters... but later games also break even the basic mechanics and logics. very unballanced and multiplayer was poor.
MW: O follows lore with visuals so far so good. Added lots of unseen mechs with no issues. great! The weapons behave much more accurately to lore then previous games. And the ballance: at least overall or in the past half year. Achieved the best ballance between IS and Clan than any video game did.
Only reasons to think the previous multiplayer experience is good is due to this thing called nostelgia glasses.
On top of that, They did not deliver what the devs said. MW2: Ghost bear legacy is a good exmaple.
MW4 is a good example (weapons devs said were in game are not as well as mechs and stuff... things like heavy guass rifles for the vanilla version and many other examples) and also MW3 was quite unstable...
PGI delivered more things then the devs of MW3 and 4 combined and they are still delivering and stuff.
Also may I say this is 1 of the only games that have variants?
You got a catapult C1, C4, A1, K2, etc in this game... MW4? Just a modifide catapult C1... for eg. Expanding the game much more and doing things MW4 players would find shocking, for eg Catapults having er ppc's in the arms. Ravens having machine guns and jumpjets, The stormcrow with a UAC20, etc...
Not lying, not by any extent. Just stating the facts.
"For your information most of us mechwarrior fans didn't asked for quirks. Developers had to implement them because they shove a clan mechs towards us, which were rolf stomping IS. They could do so many other things like:
put players in their own tiers IS and Clan..."
Actually the playerbase did ask for quirks, it was a players idea to use the unique features of clans in a generalised way to make mechs better. For eg the hunchback 4G being good at AC 20, the Awesome getting CT buffs. The Vindicator using the ppc more effectively. etc...
And on top of that, it was NOTHING to do with clans FYI. First quirks dropped way before clan mechs were concieved. And the main reasons for quirks are to... 1) have more then 1 good mech at any time. 2) make chassis more unique.
Before a shadowhawk destroyed the medium mechs... it was fast, it can be a missile boat, energy boat, ballistic boat, mixed, etc.
It can do anything a hunchback, kintaro, blackjack, or vindicator can do and more. It can use JJ, it can be a sniper, brawler, skimisher, etc.
Now, post quirks, Hunchback 4G is better at AC 20's over the 4H and the shadowhawk.
Hunchback 4H was better over AC 10 over the shadowhawk.
Kintaro can do LRM 5's and SRM' boating better over shadowhawk.
Trebuchet can use bigger LRM's better over the Kintaro now.
Etc, 1 example of 1 mech and how quirsk changed that field...
Jihad would be problematic as before MW: O was made, MW:5 was the goal, set in 3034 I believe it was. If they set the game in jihad, they would have lost all there assets... not only that, but everyone HATES the jihad era (personally I got no problems...), but peopels faovurited factions are no longer alive, are {Richard Cameron} now, or are obsorbed... Peoples favourite mechs are extinct. MOnstrosities like AP gauss rifles, RAC 5's (non prototype version), HAG's, LRM's with double the range or fire and forget LRM's... weapons doing 50 damage a single salvo...etc. sure it may be the most ballanced and mixed tech would occur, but it would be the least popular game mode out there... it would be cool for a game to be set there, that may be PGi's goal in 5-10 years, but atm MW: O 3050 is the goal, and no game really demonstrates the invasion to well... speaking of demonstration by other sources; jihad has literally nothing but a few vague hints on some stuff there. some mech variants are missing tons suspiciously and other mech variants are not even drawn up yet so PGI have no idea how a mech would look like, the map of the IS is very contradictory for jihad+ and many other problems...
Also mixed tech easily occurs in 3045+. There could be easy justification.
For eg in 3053 there was a raven by an unnamed pilot with a Clan ER large laser, Clan LRM 20, and rest of the tech is IS.
While there is also the Hohiro Direwolf which is an IS guys direwolf using salvaged clan parts to make his own variant... Promethues... The mech Raptor was based on clan tech... etc... but this works vice versa, Clans hate wasting stuff and so when they captured all these IS mechs they used them, and repalcing sometimes some of it's equipment. Resaulting in Centurions with IS lasers and clan UAC's, Atlas with Clan streaks and LRM's and a UAC 20. etc...
Just PGI and the players do not want mixed tech yet. and so far that's still holding steady.
Also the most unballanced possibility for PGi to pick would be 3060's, Prototype weapons, mechs, and normal mechs. You may have an AC 2 here... but then a UAC 2 over there. it would be mayham to ballance and this isn't a problem for MW4 as it's set with a more richer economic system and is a single player, you can easily afford to hinder yourself because you know this mission will have less mechs and you want to save money for eg... You didn't need to boat RAc's everywhere or to have the best clan tech on all mechs.
The quirks was not a come back to clan tech, if it was then why do I do not see 20-40% quirks on some clan mechs? atm most of them sit as the current worst mechs in the game, granted clan mechs are new and the reworking on ballance is in a weeks or so time from now, so until then I will not say anything clan specific, however atm IS ballance is pretty good, the best it has ever been in any MW game, however the 50% quirked mech outliars need to be delt with which is occuring on the same patch as the one I mentioend a few seconds ago. Oh and quirks made lots of people happy. people are playing mechs nad having fun if like it's 2012 again. (aka back when it was the only mech for 5 tons radius so to say...)
2 ques as I said will ruin the game, would resault in no Elo or group que any more. So for eg you can be a new player to MW: O, first game, you are piloting your trial atlas because the atlas is your fave mech, next minute you see a 12 man team of meta-mechs coming across your 100% team of pugs. You will loose in under 3 minutes with a sour taste in your mouth...
Sounds awfully bad compared to say being your first game in 100% pug team on both sides with mixed faction mechs on both side and having a fight and getting 1-2 kills or a hand full of kill assists and have a more even game with most likely 3 kill difference between both teams. Your proposal is not going to make anyone happy at all.
Also a note for stock mechs: PGI is already worked on a stock mech mode for private matches, so yea. Not much reason to complain about that.
ban us even from creating custom maps. Remeber Living legends? We were already making there steady progress.
CW is not broken, it's just new, and still in development. Not all players preffer normal matches. however there are some problems with CW atm... 1) lack of insentive (in WIP for fixing), 2) time zones hate CW (which effects any game with this kind of mode), 3) Clans being unballanced for the more underpowered side. which effects normal que as well but not as hard, 4) people played it heavily recently and people are resting until CW 3.0 is out. Which in a way mimics most games before a major patch.
I do have to be honest with you, I do not play CW much either and it is due to point 2 and 3. However 2 is being heavily looked on for 3.0, and 3 is in the works as I said many times above.
Also this isn't slow development.... even if we be unfair and Say PGI have been working on the game non stop since 2012 (when it wasn't even MW: O...), lets compare it to simular games...
War Thunder: simular time of innitial dev progress. there version of CW (as of half way through 2015) doesn't even have a single doodle on the drawing board yet. And this is the main attraction for WT atm... also worse and more expensive premium model with some errors of "pay to win".
World of tanks: took about 5 years to get a tutorial, with much more dev time and extreme ammount of money they still failed to get there "CW" mode in... in fact there "realism mode" that is simular to WT failed, so WT with less time then WOT already is ahead here.
Star conflict: there CW mode is technically out for awhile now, but 1 faction has 98% of the map. That would be the same for the Cappalen confederation having all the planets in MW: O and all other factions got 1 to5 planets remaiinng. PGI doesn't lie often, and when changes occur from the plan they announce it, sometimes a few months ahead of promised release date... and relatively they are working extremely hard and fast on this progress...
And no one said the moniotrs in the cockpit are supposed to show real time information. This is probably something in 2020 that may be done or 2019 by my guestimation but it is NOT important, needed, or planned atm. Waiting for things to occur that isn't even announced is a very bad expectation... that's like me going to the movie Titanic and want a refund as there were no jumpscares and the sex scene didn't reveal anything. Also why would I say do it yourself? it isn't needed in the first place and isn't that easy to do, you would probably rage quit after trying to make it work and blame the program you are using for codding and the art for being biased and slow. This isn't a yotuube video where you can literally do it yourself if you want to, this is a real job and a hard thing to work with. If you really want you can go try to get hired by PGI and work on that exclusively. But I do not think they want someone like you.
Mechwarrior Living legends is a different thing all together, and has legal issues after MW: O release that PGI has no control over. Same with MW4... and trust me. I've been looking at MW: LL, there progress quickly decreased after a few months. It took them half way to release the kodiak then it took PGi to release 100 mechs in the same time frame and with many variants each... also PGI didn't ban anyone for making custom maps for MW: O, I didn't hear anything about it. All that I am aware of is people being banned for changing things malliciously... if people made "custom maps" to replace normal maps in MW: O that allows you to see through buildings, no fog or smoke, and other stuff then I do not miss those abuses.
^ longest post and/or thread I have made in MW: O forums yet.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 10:47 PM
Nightshade24, on 01 July 2015 - 07:20 PM, said:
but then again that was just using logic to go point the flaw in the comment. Wasn't suggesting PGI to hardwire IS if they hardwire clan IIC's, but instead NOT to hardwire IIC's in away.
My fault, Internet being a poor medium and all.
Posted 02 July 2015 - 05:32 AM
Nightshade24, on 01 July 2015 - 09:40 PM, said:
Also trying to ridicule you? you already did that by yourself mate. I didn't really need to do anything for you to make a fool of yourself and look like you have been sitting on a pin for over a year while staring at the MW: O forums.
It's kind of obvious, especially how you are trying to avoid me recieving a notification by talking directly at me while not quoting me due to fear of me reading it and responding, thus you look like you got the last laugh- at least in your mind.
And I can't really be ashamed, I am not the one throwing a tantrum and being illogical and throwing a bigger tantrum just because someone said you are wrong for something that should have nothing to do with your life and would not affect a normal human being. If anything I would be rather proud to not stoop as low as you. But that's more of a normal thing that most people everywhere should do instead of try to act special that you can do something billions of people have done.
"So it is not a mix tech when you have IS upgrades and clan weapons and engines?! your logic failed and your lie is big."
IS upgrades? nope...
Second generation clan mechs use only clan upgrades, clan engines, clan weapons, clan structure, clan armour, clan jumpjets, clan heatsinks, clan ammo, clan cockpit, clan sensors, clan life support, clan acutators, clan hands, clan CASE, clan ECM, Clan active probe, Clan AMS, clan TAG, clan NARC, etc.
The Hunchback IIC is as much a clan mech as the Hellbringer is.
Both spotless from Inner sphere equipment and technology.
Your logic is worse then mine. Because for you Clan + Clan = Inner sphere mixed tech!
While for me it is Clan + Clan = Still Clan.
Tell me, whose logic is worse?
I wans't forcing you to like something that you don't want to like. I simply said many thousands like this game, and you can't change that. You are an outlier as if you dislike the game you wouldn't be trying to make it look bad and stay for years talking about how bad it is because you fail to enjoy the game.
Hula girls are Hula girls. Which is a cockpit item. I never said it was a Map, Mech ,Game mode, or a Mechanic.
You fail to realise the same people who make cockpit items are not the same people who design maps or make coding for the new Union dropship or what have you. No resources spent, only income and data from insensitive received. If anything it gives PGI more resources to make a map or to ballance the game then take anything away.
"CW is still the same game mode as others with the ability to spawn 4 times- end of diversity."
ahem... only game mode with turrets. Much larger map then even a few of the normal maps combined. Due to 4 respawns instead of 1 the game plays a lot more differently and diverse to the normal game mode. Only game mode (currently) to have Leopard dropships. Only game mode (currently planed) to have Overlord dropships.
And the objective is much more interesting and engaging then the normal match...
In simplicity... this is normal games.
Skimish = kill all enemies
Conquest = kill all enemies +(having half the caps or more, stay in the middle of map)
Assault = Kill all enemies +(stay in middle of map)
Community warfare =
Stay near the base, have scouts find which lane the enemies are coming from, Deffend the gates, Defend the generators, Deffend the main Naval Gauss rifle.
co ordinate to punch through the gates, take out generators and deffenders,take out main turret.
you can not...
Deffend + attack:
go to the middle of the map and brawl till everyone is dead.
and I am not jodging questions, you just didn't form them correctly to the point of it being recognised as a question, if you want me to answer them I will to the best of my abilities, just bullet point them bellow o7
"Mechwarrior games weren't better, because they were better, they delivered what developers promised us players."
I am not lying. Lets look at it like this....
Mechwarrior 2: all mechs of the same weight class have little to no differences besides not having endo/ ferro, which resaults in it automatically being very bad. If they got endo/ ferro, they are not different to each other besides hitbox.
Stone rhino, Kodiak, and Direwolf... all very different mechs, but to MW2, these are the same besides the fact they are extremely easy to hit and kill, still easy to hit and kill, and hard to kill and hit.
Just due to profile.
You do not see MW: O having 0 differences between an adder, raven, panther, jenner, and firestarter do you?
Also the biggest problem I can find with MW2...
Lag, the game and era was very laggy, you can lag shoot all you want, but it is still very hard to kill, an enemy 500 or 700 meters away could actually be already behind you corring, and killing you via your rear (Lighter mechs) or alreay killed you with a spammed ER PPC gauss alpha strike which you kept playing for 20 seconds until you teleport back to where you were before hand in ruins.
MW3? very buggy, many people even with 100% of the recommended specs on there PC have issues running it, only a bare few people got it running without problems and this is why MW3 is 1 of the 4 MW games that never got a free version out legally.
MW4? Some made up weapons... made up variants and mechs... ruined iconic features of a mech (Wolverine IIC for eg...). etc.Mechs that can fit a Long tom in the CT (it doesn't say it's an artillery or cannon I think... but I think it's meant to be the arty. which is THIRTY TONS and THIRTY crit slots... in the CT? tell me when a mech can have 30 crit slots in the CT... even if it wasn't the artillery and was the lighter cannon, 15 crits and 15 tons is still a lot for just the CT... adn this game allowed you to run 2 of them... and in some cases 3. that's 45 crit slots/ tons of weapons to 90 crit slots/ tons of weapons...
Tell me if that is lore friendly in any standard?
besides that, multiplayer pre Mektek was only duel ER PPCs, 1-4 ER large lasers, and a clan gauss rifle pop target with 0 armour killing anything in 1 alpha 1000 meters away with ease...
after mektek? 5 variations of PPC's on the same mech or gaussrifles as well as a pop targer.
Specific mentions?
MW2 Ghost bear legacy has poor voice acting to the point even a casual would notice. It had ID errors and poor ballancing ie You are forced to use only lasers and torpedoes under water... oh BTW the enemy mechs still have ballistics, normal LRM's, and AMS as well as the fact submarines are called aircraft ...
Other DLC expansions? not as bad as ghost bear legacy, but still have issues overall and all round...
Overall: most games follow lore and logic poorly, earlier games did it better then laters... but later games also break even the basic mechanics and logics. very unballanced and multiplayer was poor.
MW: O follows lore with visuals so far so good. Added lots of unseen mechs with no issues. great! The weapons behave much more accurately to lore then previous games. And the ballance: at least overall or in the past half year. Achieved the best ballance between IS and Clan than any video game did.
Only reasons to think the previous multiplayer experience is good is due to this thing called nostelgia glasses.
On top of that, They did not deliver what the devs said. MW2: Ghost bear legacy is a good exmaple.
MW4 is a good example (weapons devs said were in game are not as well as mechs and stuff... things like heavy guass rifles for the vanilla version and many other examples) and also MW3 was quite unstable...
PGI delivered more things then the devs of MW3 and 4 combined and they are still delivering and stuff.
Also may I say this is 1 of the only games that have variants?
You got a catapult C1, C4, A1, K2, etc in this game... MW4? Just a modifide catapult C1... for eg. Expanding the game much more and doing things MW4 players would find shocking, for eg Catapults having er ppc's in the arms. Ravens having machine guns and jumpjets, The stormcrow with a UAC20, etc...
Not lying, not by any extent. Just stating the facts.
"For your information most of us mechwarrior fans didn't asked for quirks. Developers had to implement them because they shove a clan mechs towards us, which were rolf stomping IS. They could do so many other things like:
put players in their own tiers IS and Clan..."
Actually the playerbase did ask for quirks, it was a players idea to use the unique features of clans in a generalised way to make mechs better. For eg the hunchback 4G being good at AC 20, the Awesome getting CT buffs. The Vindicator using the ppc more effectively. etc...
And on top of that, it was NOTHING to do with clans FYI. First quirks dropped way before clan mechs were concieved. And the main reasons for quirks are to... 1) have more then 1 good mech at any time. 2) make chassis more unique.
Before a shadowhawk destroyed the medium mechs... it was fast, it can be a missile boat, energy boat, ballistic boat, mixed, etc.
It can do anything a hunchback, kintaro, blackjack, or vindicator can do and more. It can use JJ, it can be a sniper, brawler, skimisher, etc.
Now, post quirks, Hunchback 4G is better at AC 20's over the 4H and the shadowhawk.
Hunchback 4H was better over AC 10 over the shadowhawk.
Kintaro can do LRM 5's and SRM' boating better over shadowhawk.
Trebuchet can use bigger LRM's better over the Kintaro now.
Etc, 1 example of 1 mech and how quirsk changed that field...
Jihad would be problematic as before MW: O was made, MW:5 was the goal, set in 3034 I believe it was. If they set the game in jihad, they would have lost all there assets... not only that, but everyone HATES the jihad era (personally I got no problems...), but peopels faovurited factions are no longer alive, are {Richard Cameron} now, or are obsorbed... Peoples favourite mechs are extinct. MOnstrosities like AP gauss rifles, RAC 5's (non prototype version), HAG's, LRM's with double the range or fire and forget LRM's... weapons doing 50 damage a single salvo...etc. sure it may be the most ballanced and mixed tech would occur, but it would be the least popular game mode out there... it would be cool for a game to be set there, that may be PGi's goal in 5-10 years, but atm MW: O 3050 is the goal, and no game really demonstrates the invasion to well... speaking of demonstration by other sources; jihad has literally nothing but a few vague hints on some stuff there. some mech variants are missing tons suspiciously and other mech variants are not even drawn up yet so PGI have no idea how a mech would look like, the map of the IS is very contradictory for jihad+ and many other problems...
Also mixed tech easily occurs in 3045+. There could be easy justification.
For eg in 3053 there was a raven by an unnamed pilot with a Clan ER large laser, Clan LRM 20, and rest of the tech is IS.
While there is also the Hohiro Direwolf which is an IS guys direwolf using salvaged clan parts to make his own variant... Promethues... The mech Raptor was based on clan tech... etc... but this works vice versa, Clans hate wasting stuff and so when they captured all these IS mechs they used them, and repalcing sometimes some of it's equipment. Resaulting in Centurions with IS lasers and clan UAC's, Atlas with Clan streaks and LRM's and a UAC 20. etc...
Just PGI and the players do not want mixed tech yet. and so far that's still holding steady.
Also the most unballanced possibility for PGi to pick would be 3060's, Prototype weapons, mechs, and normal mechs. You may have an AC 2 here... but then a UAC 2 over there. it would be mayham to ballance and this isn't a problem for MW4 as it's set with a more richer economic system and is a single player, you can easily afford to hinder yourself because you know this mission will have less mechs and you want to save money for eg... You didn't need to boat RAc's everywhere or to have the best clan tech on all mechs.
The quirks was not a come back to clan tech, if it was then why do I do not see 20-40% quirks on some clan mechs? atm most of them sit as the current worst mechs in the game, granted clan mechs are new and the reworking on ballance is in a weeks or so time from now, so until then I will not say anything clan specific, however atm IS ballance is pretty good, the best it has ever been in any MW game, however the 50% quirked mech outliars need to be delt with which is occuring on the same patch as the one I mentioend a few seconds ago. Oh and quirks made lots of people happy. people are playing mechs nad having fun if like it's 2012 again. (aka back when it was the only mech for 5 tons radius so to say...)
2 ques as I said will ruin the game, would resault in no Elo or group que any more. So for eg you can be a new player to MW: O, first game, you are piloting your trial atlas because the atlas is your fave mech, next minute you see a 12 man team of meta-mechs coming across your 100% team of pugs. You will loose in under 3 minutes with a sour taste in your mouth...
Sounds awfully bad compared to say being your first game in 100% pug team on both sides with mixed faction mechs on both side and having a fight and getting 1-2 kills or a hand full of kill assists and have a more even game with most likely 3 kill difference between both teams. Your proposal is not going to make anyone happy at all.
Also a note for stock mechs: PGI is already worked on a stock mech mode for private matches, so yea. Not much reason to complain about that.
ban us even from creating custom maps. Remeber Living legends? We were already making there steady progress.
CW is not broken, it's just new, and still in development. Not all players preffer normal matches. however there are some problems with CW atm... 1) lack of insentive (in WIP for fixing), 2) time zones hate CW (which effects any game with this kind of mode), 3) Clans being unballanced for the more underpowered side. which effects normal que as well but not as hard, 4) people played it heavily recently and people are resting until CW 3.0 is out. Which in a way mimics most games before a major patch.
I do have to be honest with you, I do not play CW much either and it is due to point 2 and 3. However 2 is being heavily looked on for 3.0, and 3 is in the works as I said many times above.
Also this isn't slow development.... even if we be unfair and Say PGI have been working on the game non stop since 2012 (when it wasn't even MW: O...), lets compare it to simular games...
War Thunder: simular time of innitial dev progress. there version of CW (as of half way through 2015) doesn't even have a single doodle on the drawing board yet. And this is the main attraction for WT atm... also worse and more expensive premium model with some errors of "pay to win".
World of tanks: took about 5 years to get a tutorial, with much more dev time and extreme ammount of money they still failed to get there "CW" mode in... in fact there "realism mode" that is simular to WT failed, so WT with less time then WOT already is ahead here.
Star conflict: there CW mode is technically out for awhile now, but 1 faction has 98% of the map. That would be the same for the Cappalen confederation having all the planets in MW: O and all other factions got 1 to5 planets remaiinng. PGI doesn't lie often, and when changes occur from the plan they announce it, sometimes a few months ahead of promised release date... and relatively they are working extremely hard and fast on this progress...
And no one said the moniotrs in the cockpit are supposed to show real time information. This is probably something in 2020 that may be done or 2019 by my guestimation but it is NOT important, needed, or planned atm. Waiting for things to occur that isn't even announced is a very bad expectation... that's like me going to the movie Titanic and want a refund as there were no jumpscares and the sex scene didn't reveal anything. Also why would I say do it yourself? it isn't needed in the first place and isn't that easy to do, you would probably rage quit after trying to make it work and blame the program you are using for codding and the art for being biased and slow. This isn't a yotuube video where you can literally do it yourself if you want to, this is a real job and a hard thing to work with. If you really want you can go try to get hired by PGI and work on that exclusively. But I do not think they want someone like you.
Mechwarrior Living legends is a different thing all together, and has legal issues after MW: O release that PGI has no control over. Same with MW4... and trust me. I've been looking at MW: LL, there progress quickly decreased after a few months. It took them half way to release the kodiak then it took PGi to release 100 mechs in the same time frame and with many variants each... also PGI didn't ban anyone for making custom maps for MW: O, I didn't hear anything about it. All that I am aware of is people being banned for changing things malliciously... if people made "custom maps" to replace normal maps in MW: O that allows you to see through buildings, no fog or smoke, and other stuff then I do not miss those abuses.
^ longest post and/or thread I have made in MW: O forums yet.
Posted 02 July 2015 - 05:33 AM
Bought it.

Posted 02 July 2015 - 06:10 AM
Nightshade24, on 01 July 2015 - 09:40 PM, said:
Now you see why i didn't quote you? Because you make your post so long that everyone will be pissed at this wall of text blocking important discussion. But rest assure you can insult me this time for not quoting your whole post.
Once again you are insulting me when i did not. Sorry to hear you know how it is to sit on pin but once again it's your problem not mine what you like to have pinned.
Also in what game are you playing? Most new players have now a horrible first experience with getting rolf stomped by anyone else. And guess what it's exactly because game has faults that it can't bring more people into it.
Yes i used wrong word of mixed tech for clan IIC . What i meant was unlocking engines and upgrades for clan mechs which was reserved for IS, due to trying to keep balance ingame.
Too keep it short You are defending developers faults like chastity and i can't tell why are you lying in so many obvious things. For example the game was in beta after june 2012 here http://mwomercs.com/...eveloper-update
So why are you lying by saying game wasn't even called MW:O in 2012? Just go google out MWO development and find out they started working on it in 2009!
Well another thing is an argument by selective comparison is invalid per se. Example there are 10 girls in classroom i pick one and she has blue iris, i pick second and she also has blue iris so I get to a conclusion that every girl has blue iris. Great logic ftw. If you wanted to compare MWO to other games you should also show the games that were developed better in your opinion, or make a statement that there are no better games then MW:O for you. Then this discussion would have ended.
You said PGI is working hard and so what it proves? I can say that 90% of working people on whole earth works hard to earn money this includes me and i hope you as well. If you go to restaurant and you will get something you didn't order and bad in taste will you be as much as forgiving because the chief and waiter worked hard as you are towards PGI? I won't be because i value my money. If you like you can throw your money into fire it's your call but don't be so hoity-toity towards those that value their hard earn money. I spend on this product almost 350 dollars and for me it's high enough to be in position to demand what i was promised. I wil repeat this phrase: PROMISED Content.
Remember promised cw here you go :
Official Developer Update
by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Jun 15, 2012 5:00 PM UTC
"The one exception is the Community Warfare pillar which is a complex system but extremely important. In not wanting to delay the game, logic dictates it be added post-launch. Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta."
How long do i have to wait to finally get what i was promised in 2012. And don't give me a crap with: we got CW. As you mentioned it's still BETA not the final product. Don't you see that this slow development is killing this game for which we all waited so long.
You also mentioned that other timelines would be much harder to balance. Then why Devs throw at us the most unbalanced timeline. Ok i can't argue if other timelines with mixtech would be hard to balance, i just don't know and i will not try to give arguments. But then why the hell they pushed for clan invasion? As you mentioned nobody is happy as of now from both sides IS and Clan. Clan mechs aren't what they were supposed to be and quirks for many IS mechs made this game broken (ever heard of firestarter?)
Also most players didn't ask for quirks they asked for balance and that are two different things.
Edited by Kosmaj, 02 July 2015 - 06:14 AM.
Posted 02 July 2015 - 06:54 AM
Kosmaj, on 02 July 2015 - 06:10 AM, said:
Official Developer Update
by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Jun 15, 2012 5:00 PM UTC
"The one exception is the Community Warfare pillar which is a complex system but extremely important. In not wanting to delay the game, logic dictates it be added post-launch. Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta."
How long do i have to wait to finally get what i was promised in 2012. And don't give me a crap with: we got CW. As you mentioned it's still BETA not the final product. Don't you see that this slow development is killing this game for which we all waited so long.
This argument makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it. These were promises made by IGP, which if you hadn't noticed no longer exists as a company. Every "promise" from before IGP blew up and PGI got the rights to the IP back is null and void. IGP probably never planned on following through with them anyway. If not for PGI loving this game and this IP, MWO would probably have gone the route of MW Tactics and none of us would be able to play it any more. So pull your damn head out of the sand and give PGI credit where credit is due. The past several months have seen more progress towards what will be an awesome game than we saw in the entire time IGP held the reigns.
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