Kosmaj, on 02 July 2015 - 06:10 AM, said:
Now you see why i didn't quote you? Because you make your post so long that everyone will be pissed at this wall of text blocking important discussion. But rest assure you can insult me this time for not quoting your whole post.
Once again you are insulting me when i did not. Sorry to hear you know how it is to sit on pin but once again it's your problem not mine what you like to have pinned.
Also in what game are you playing? Most new players have now a horrible first experience with getting rolf stomped by anyone else. And guess what it's exactly because game has faults that it can't bring more people into it.
Yes i used wrong word of mixed tech for clan IIC . What i meant was unlocking engines and upgrades for clan mechs which was reserved for IS, due to trying to keep balance ingame.
Too keep it short You are defending developers faults like chastity and i can't tell why are you lying in so many obvious things. For example the game was in beta after june 2012 here
So why are you lying by saying game wasn't even called MW:O in 2012? Just go google out MWO development and find out they started working on it in 2009!
Well another thing is an argument by selective comparison is invalid per se. Example there are 10 girls in classroom i pick one and she has blue iris, i pick second and she also has blue iris so I get to a conclusion that every girl has blue iris. Great logic ftw. If you wanted to compare MWO to other games you should also show the games that were developed better in your opinion, or make a statement that there are no better games then MW:O for you. Then this discussion would have ended.
You said PGI is working hard and so what it proves? I can say that 90% of working people on whole earth works hard to earn money this includes me and i hope you as well. If you go to restaurant and you will get something you didn't order and bad in taste will you be as much as forgiving because the chief and waiter worked hard as you are towards PGI? I won't be because i value my money. If you like you can throw your money into fire it's your call but don't be so hoity-toity towards those that value their hard earn money. I spend on this product almost 350 dollars and for me it's high enough to be in position to demand what i was promised. I wil repeat this phrase: PROMISED Content.
Remember promised cw here you go :
Official Developer Update
by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Jun 15, 2012 5:00 PM UTC
"The one exception is the Community Warfare pillar which is a complex system but extremely important. In not wanting to delay the game, logic dictates it be added post-launch. Once fans are completely familiar with creating their 'Mech and pilot trees, the depth of Community Warfare will be added, with the core of the community experience projected to be in-game within 90 days of open beta."
How long do i have to wait to finally get what i was promised in 2012. And don't give me a crap with: we got CW. As you mentioned it's still BETA not the final product. Don't you see that this slow development is killing this game for which we all waited so long.
You also mentioned that other timelines would be much harder to balance. Then why Devs throw at us the most unbalanced timeline. Ok i can't argue if other timelines with mixtech would be hard to balance, i just don't know and i will not try to give arguments. But then why the hell they pushed for clan invasion? As you mentioned nobody is happy as of now from both sides IS and Clan. Clan mechs aren't what they were supposed to be and quirks for many IS mechs made this game broken (ever heard of firestarter?)
Also most players didn't ask for quirks they asked for balance and that are two different things.
no, doing a short hand quote is fine. still gets the notification across and the original message.
Before I go into most of the later parts I want to remind you that for the early duration of MW: O, they were published by IGP, IGP and PGI are not the same people and earlier faults that could exist is due to IGP, and this isn't me using IGP as a scape goat, they said themself that they CANCELLED community warfare essentially for the next few years and didn't want any dropships in the game or what ever...
Then PGI used the money made from the phoenix pack and clan wave I to buy IGP out, revert some things they did (such as conquest changes, Removal of Centurion AH, not adding new variants to the game, etc).
I would say Community warfare was only delayed so long due to IGP as IGP didn't see it as a good method to make money for how much resources it takes to get it. This is why IGP bailed the forums and used PGI as a flame shield later on in it's last half year of it's time with us. Because nearly everything people are crying about (capping takes forever... I want my centurion AH back... when will we get more variants of existing mechs... I want my enforcer.. why is there only 2 events in the past 3 years... etc) is directed at IGP. So they simply ditched.
However I have to say it isn't completely IGP's fault for issues with MW: O, They did help PGI pull the game out of the funeral with the partnership from the MW5 lawsuit... speaking of which, harmony gold is another major problem... Marauder, Warhammer, Longbow... Archer.... we missed you oh so much and MW5...
However you did correct me for the birthday of MW: O, I have to admit it was an error after proof reading. (ironic...), deleted a few sentences and rewrote the sentence with the wrong year left in... oh silly me...
Oh and I did compare to a handful of some of the most successful games in the past 5 years that is a similar genre. (not gameplay, not person view, not theme, not idea, just genre.). As well as most of these being the more recent ones and in the past half year have at least been on the top 10 played list on steam (minus WoT which isn't on steam from memory?)... These games also being popular on the PS4 and Xbox One if applicable...
I am aware of how statistics works and how making an assumption on a population is bad when you have less then 30, even then 30 is just a snap shot while a sample size of 100 to 110 or 1000 to 1100 is best...
however you forget there isn't 100 or 1000 good games out there of the same genre with the same plans as a "world war mode" or a "Conquer mode" or a " Community warfare" mode or what have you.
If you want I can try to compare to Star citizen (a game no where near finished now and has more broken promises then MW: O already, mostly with release dates) or compare it to some other game that doesn't have the same future addition to the game OR the same genre like saying Lego world or Five nights at freddies. Which we can both hopefully agree is a stupid assessment... using your example on female eye colour. It would be stupid if I used some random males ear in this sample as well for female eye colour... or use the armspan of a preschooler...
If you want to help make a better and more accurate sample size, please respond with some games between 2005 to 2014 in the development start date or 2010 to 2015 for release date.
More specificly of a third, second, or first person game that involves shooting and have a simular economic system (if not, please state what..) and also developing there version of 'Community warfare' or already released it....
And also many players where behind the idea of quirks when a person from the community suggested it, and many players were very happy for it ariving. The only problem with the quirks is any outliers that is above 40% values for weapons or incredibly high quirks in general. That and underquirked mechs (all Clan mechs, some previously Op mechs before hand ie cataphract, highlander, atlas, jenner, etc).
Also the ballance as mentioned earlier, is the best it ahs been in any MW game...
The only thing that will do the game the most best ballance in the mechs at least in MW: O would be disallowing quirks over 40% strength, addition of more quirk types and having a tad more variation instead of generally quirking the weapon (ie 1 mech may have more Fire rate for lower velocity but the other has much more velocity and range but slightly more heat and cooldown). Repair and Rearm (after some finalizing) cost reintroduced into game.
As well as the first 10 DHS being true-dubs reguardless of how small a engine is....
and if a clan mech has no endo, or ferro... or endo+ ferro.... etc. There was an idea on the forums earlier that if no endo = +0.2 effeciency to the DHS, and if no ferro it's a +0.1. so instead of 1.4 for the rest of the heatsinks on say a nova... it would be 1.7... while a clan mech with endo but no ferro is just 1.6, a mech with no endo but ferro is 1.5 ... ballances the bad clan mechs more and doesn't mess with the top end mechs.
also a heat scale system needs improvement...
but I have to say this all may look good on paper but we will never know until the practical comes till we can do more theory... Can't say how well some of this will work until we see it for ourselfs.
Wronka, on 02 July 2015 - 05:32 AM, said: