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What Exactly Is Going On With The Clans Right Now?

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#21 CyclonerM

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Posted 03 July 2015 - 09:20 AM

View PostMcHoshi, on 03 July 2015 - 07:52 AM, said:

And i just want to see -MS- broken down and splitted up into serveral Units! Obviously some of them then are good ones, but the majority of them then just will be crap !!!

But they will always play togheter as usually, nothing will change :rolleyes:

View PostFlash Frame, on 03 July 2015 - 08:12 AM, said:

Because if there's no end game, then all the other factions feel left out.

There has to be a continual flow. The point of the game is to win each "War" each war, is a war for Terra, or to unite the inner sphere.

If say, the clans play to terra, then we just let things go, well then FRR sits there with it's entire nation destroyed [meaning no one will EVER play FRR because screw it.] And the clans simply expand out until there is no IS, there's just clan held terrorty.

The Clans entire modius operendi, is to capture Terra, that is the end game goal for the Clans, because once Terra is taken, then they will hold the seat of power for the entirety of the IS. They will have achieved their initial goal.

In time, that could be expanded on, but as the game sits right now, the clan's goal should be nothing beyond the capturing and control of terra... let the clans take terra, and then they have to hold it for x amount of time, then they win.

Last time the FRR was "destroyed" they all came back from "Fortress Rasalhague" and started eating all the planets in our backfield.. So much for a destroyed faction. Besides, i think capital planets should be conquistable, and if they are taken, their faction just moves its capital to the next important planet..

Besides, each faction can have its own objectives (i.e. conquer the Capellan Confederation or join a Star League alliance to defend against the Clans). Objective achieved? The community sets another one! For example, we have surrounded Terra. Instead of resetting the map, had this been the Live CW, the Warden units could decide to ally with the Inner Sphere (Like Wolf-in-Exile and Ghost Bear Dominion) because they feel this is their sacred duty as descendants of the SLDF, to defend the Sphere citizens against all external threats.. Like the Crusader Clans. Or, we could just all agree to try to conquer the FedCom's two capital planets! Who knows? I want to see how it goes. :)

After all, we are rewriting BT history. Operation Revival is just the start..

If the live CW has "seasons" or similar concepts, i may well forget about playing it. What does it matter if all our progress is going to be erased, when it is not Beta anymore? -_-

Edited by CyclonerM, 03 July 2015 - 09:20 AM.

#22 Saint Atlas and the Commando Elf


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 09:25 AM

View PostAngel Devereaux, on 03 July 2015 - 05:00 AM, said:

I cannot speak for the other bears but personally I became burned out from CW phase 1, like most will tell you, there is not much point to CW at the moment, especially since we know it will be reset and we will have to start over again. Right now it is just more fun to drop together in normal queue.

Ironically it is the Ghost Bears who value patience and endurance, who are the first to give up on CW.

The Remembrance (Clan Ghost Bear), Passage 45, Verse 6 said:

No task undertaken lightly or left half-done.
To these ideals we hold true until we all shall fall.

Edited by Sthtopokeon, 03 July 2015 - 09:29 AM.

#23 CoffiNail


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 09:44 AM

View PostSthtopokeon, on 03 July 2015 - 09:25 AM, said:

Ironically it is the Ghost Bears who value patience and endurance, who are the first to give up on CW.

Ghost Bear also does not go in to things that are half done... We were the last to adopt omnitechnology and when we did it was in full force. Also having mining asteroid operations gave us the resources to do so.

What point is there to play tag the planet? There is none. Why should we commit to something that has no value to us? Waste not, quiaff? CGBI itself continues to focus inward. Developing our Warriors and touman. The day we get objectives aside from blow up orbital gun omega and reasons for taking the planets and keeping control of them is the time CGBI will be interested in fully committing ourselves to community warfare.

#24 Alec Braca


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 09:58 AM

What would happen if the Clans took Terra is that whatever Clan did it becomes the "ilClan" and by "Clan Law" all other Clans are supposed to acknowledge them as superior and follow their orders. Its the same thing as a IlKhan but I do not think the Clanners would know what to do after. Realistically, The Clans would crumble if they took that much territory because of guerrilla warfare and attrition. I mean the IS survived 4 Succession wars of total war, the Clans are not going to be even close to match that type of fighting let alone defend against it. The "Clans" are conquering the IS because a few hundred dedicated players are on and people are giving less of a crap about CW in general.

So really, if Clan Wolf takes Terra (technically I guess they already have atm) would you, the Jade Falcons, Smoke Jaguars, and Ghost Bears follow Clan law and acknowledge them as IlClan and follow their orders?

#25 CoffiNail


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 10:07 AM

Well... I honestly would consider it IF it was purely Clan Wolf and Clan forces that did it. And all the clans are simply, The Clans, each individual Clan is merely a division of the Clans as a whole, each touman is a part of the Clans. This is why isorla and bondsman are a compelty practical practice in the Clans. Lower caste lives change very little when one Clan wins possession of something from another Clan. A few things may change say to day but nothing like when kurtia takes a Steiner planet.

In the current state of CW, no I would not follow Clan Wolf because a lot of the victory would be from mercenary forces.

I still feel Clan loyalist should be the clan floaters and mercs a the inner sphere floaters. But pgi listens to those who complain that they want to play both of their Mechs in CW. CW is to be hard core mode. You should pick a side and have to stay that side. You bought every package made, well in CW some of those cannot be used, but mercs run the show...

#26 Alec Braca


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 10:25 AM

View PostCoffiNail, on 03 July 2015 - 10:07 AM, said:

Well... I honestly would consider it IF it was purely Clan Wolf and Clan forces that did it. And all the clans are simply, The Clans, each individual Clan is merely a division of the Clans as a whole, each touman is a part of the Clans. This is why isorla and bondsman are a compelty practical practice in the Clans. Lower caste lives change very little when one Clan wins possession of something from another Clan. A few things may change say to day but nothing like when kurtia takes a Steiner planet.

In the current state of CW, no I would not follow Clan Wolf because a lot of the victory would be from mercenary forces.

I still feel Clan loyalist should be the clan floaters and mercs a the inner sphere floaters. But pgi listens to those who complain that they want to play both of their Mechs in CW. CW is to be hard core mode. You should pick a side and have to stay that side. You bought every package made, well in CW some of those cannot be used, but mercs run the show...

Yes bondsmen and islora are very practical but what if the planet's population hate you? Food poisoning, fuel burning, bombings, terrorism, guerrilla warfare etc would drive a Clanner force into the ground. I forgot where is was said but "Clanners are great at winning battles but are terrible at winning wars." What if the islora was not used, such as IS mechs, vehicles, etc because the warriors deem that it is beneath them to pilot such a thing? (Now this is from the lore standpoint only)

Loyalist units I do feel bad for (I am in one as well)

OK bear with me,

If Bob has worked at PGI for 10 years, is loyal, and does good work, he should be rewarded for his work and dedication. If a faction has been loyal to a house/clan for a while, they should get something for it, right? Lets be honest, until PGI makes planets in CW into something worth fighting for people have no reason to really stay. That being said...

Loyalist units should get more Loyalty Points. This makes sense right? Cut down on C-Bills if you want to because we are just the regular military. Mercenaries like $$$$ and it is basically the whole reason for their existence (mainly). When the chips are down why lower loyalty points?

Loyalist units should get SOMETHING for their dedication like a UNIQUE mech or cammo, just something besides a useless item that you put on your dash that no one ever sees. Wouldn't people want to show their dedication to their faction? Joe Shmo is stomping around in a badass FRR rewarded Panther or something because he was with the FRR for a year, how do you like that? Or the clans etc etc.

The thing is, and PGI KNOWS THIS, is that people LOVE premium stuff. Now, ANYONE can swipe a credit card and buy anything whether it is a hero mech, convert XP, a fudging gold mech what have you. What you CANNOT buy is time and no matter how much money you have, there is no getting around it and you must put your time in. THAT would make the CW a little bit better and loyal units would feel important and proud to be part of the faction.

Last note, Mercs do run the show and the Clans are their moneymakers. The loyalists should have the power to accept request or limit contracts because we are a form of the official government and cut them the check. When mercs move, everything changes.

Edited by Alec Braca, 03 July 2015 - 10:27 AM.

#27 Davegt27


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:07 AM



The set up of the game is just frustrating. There are Merc groups in CSJ space trying to convince people to attack CGB. They only care about the competition and not about respecting non-aggression packs. If you explain you aren't into attacking Clans you get attacked and derided for acting in what you believe is a respectful and thoughtful manner.<br />
<br />
PGI, Please reconsider how you have the game set up.<br />
<br />
Why not have several clan factions, and their loyalists. Then have IS and Mercs. Have it so that Mercs can float around IS, and the Clan loyalist (but not proper factions) and then identify points via whomever people align with. The loyalists get big perks, the Mercs get performance perks, and the Clan loyalists get very little by the way of perks. This would hopefully push people into the loyalist groups for clans, and distribute those amongst the mercs.<br />
<br />
(Sorry that might not have been clear, I'm tired). In any case, PGI please DO SOMETHING. It's amazing this isn't talked about or on the agenda.
<div> </div>
<div>Russ talked about this stuff in the town hall meeting</div>
<div>looks like they are going to change the system</div>
<div> </div>
<div>but let me start a new thread and put some points down</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>

#28 Wolf Clearwater


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:12 AM

There is a lot of complaining, mostly from people who clearly do not watch the Town Hall or Dev Vlogs.

#29 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:22 AM

View PostWolf Clearwater, on 03 July 2015 - 11:12 AM, said:

There is a lot of complaining, mostly from people who clearly do not watch the Town Hall or Dev Vlogs.

Or people who have been here for years and have watched PGI change things SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY...

#30 CyclonerM

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Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:26 AM

View PostAlec Braca, on 03 July 2015 - 10:25 AM, said:

Yes bondsmen and islora are very practical but what if the planet's population hate you? Food poisoning, fuel burning, bombings, terrorism, guerrilla warfare etc would drive a Clanner force into the ground. I forgot where is was said but "Clanners are great at winning battles but are terrible at winning wars." What if the islora was not used, such as IS mechs, vehicles, etc because the warriors deem that it is beneath them to pilot such a thing? (Now this is from the lore standpoint only)

However Clan Wolf and later Ghost Bear had a less strict grip on the planets they conquered than, say, the Jags, and they had far less trouble. Far later, CGB even manages to merge with the FRR, an event i see as part of the realization of Alexander Kerensky's dream.

We are no so bad after all, we bring you our genetically engineered cookies :)

#31 Alec Braca


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:54 AM

View PostWolf Clearwater, on 03 July 2015 - 11:12 AM, said:

There is a lot of complaining, mostly from people who clearly do not watch the Town Hall or Dev Vlogs.

Yeah! You're right big guy! I have not watched the blogs but since you have what did they say IRT this?

#32 Alec Braca


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:57 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 03 July 2015 - 11:26 AM, said:

However Clan Wolf and later Ghost Bear had a less strict grip on the planets they conquered than, say, the Jags, and they had far less trouble. Far later, CGB even manages to merge with the FRR, an event i see as part of the realization of Alexander Kerensky's dream.

We are no so bad after all, we bring you our genetically engineered cookies :)

That's true and I cannot argue against that. The FRR and Ghost Bear merge for the better since the WoB destroys Comstar/Comcast.

We have our Valhallan Space Mead to dunk these...."coo-kies"... into.

#33 Tank


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 12:41 PM

View PostAlec Braca, on 03 July 2015 - 11:57 AM, said:

That's true and I cannot argue against that. The FRR and Ghost Bear merge for the better since the WoB destroys Comstar/Comcast.

We have our Valhallan Space Mead to dunk these...."coo-kies"... into.

But we will resist until the end, you know you can't be a friend with the Viking until you drinked with him and beat each other senselessly. Just saying that CGB have a lot of punching left to go to befriend the FRR, as mentioned before last time Dragon Of The North risen from the ground - rest was send in to knock out. :P

P.S. Took my loyalty contract FRR today. Periphery is my home... but Inner Sphere is small part of that Periphery. :D

#34 Angel Devereaux


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 03:55 PM

View PostSthtopokeon, on 03 July 2015 - 09:25 AM, said:

Ironically it is the Ghost Bears who value patience and endurance, who are the first to give up on CW.

Not so much giving up as waiting to see what happens, we have not disbanded, we are still playing every so often when the mood strikes. We just are not dedicating ourselves completely to it like we did before.

#35 Aiden Skye


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 05:14 PM

I do think mercs have too much control of CW. Flippin back and forth at will and mucking up the map.

#36 DarklightCA


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 05:23 PM

View PostW A R K H A N, on 03 July 2015 - 05:14 PM, said:

I do think mercs have too much control of CW. Flippin back and forth at will and mucking up the map.

If Merc's weren't allowed to switch back and forth you would have one overpowered faction and nobody to reinforce the weaker factions. Somehow I don't really see that as a fantastic idea.

#37 DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 05:32 PM

View PostFlutterguy, on 01 July 2015 - 09:19 PM, said:

Non-aggression pacts? What the hell did you people do to the Smoke Jaguars?

We are not Smoke Jag. We are Clan Diamond Shark. Nor is the overall mission to attack and dilute the progression through IS space. Our mission is to cut through IS space, get Terra, and then we can decide how the IS is divvied up.

If/When there is ever a push back it will necessitate that all Clan groups work together or whatever gains we've taken will be taken back. When the Mercs flip and join the IS side and are the ones instigating the retaking, the chaos they have created in Clan space will make it much easier for them and we'll be wondering why we're pushed back to our homeworlds. It happened after the battle of Tuk.

Edited by Daisu Saikoro, 03 July 2015 - 06:27 PM.

#38 DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 06:11 PM

View PostDemonicD3, on 03 July 2015 - 05:23 PM, said:

If Merc's weren't allowed to switch back and forth you would have one overpowered faction and nobody to reinforce the weaker factions. Somehow I don't really see that as a fantastic idea.

Then don't let them be part of a faction. Have long term contracts for "loyalists" with mercs having their own group.

View PostMarc von der Heide, on 01 July 2015 - 09:31 PM, said:

@Daisu. You missed that CGB was under attack a lot of time and never realy did something against it. Now we have a tournament running. So do you realy understand the nature of the Clans?

Apologies sir but I do not quite understand your point. Some warriors / units do not give up their morals or culture just because there is a tournament going on. My clan has been together since MW2 Kali. I have been with my unit since MW4 (16 years sir) and I didn't care or understand lore back then. What I did understand is that my Khan (Thoman Coston) fostered respect and honor and created a seperation between the behaviours and traditions we held vs what pirates and mercs did. That's stuck with me and isn't something I care to put behind me.

That type of thinking (anything goes within a competition) is what leads people to cheat and that's just not how I, or my unit, cares to engage the game and definitely doesn't deserve disrespect for it. (It's like our unit does not engage in legging practice (in MW4 VL there was a kind of gentlewarriors agreement to not do so. We have continued that through to MWO and do not start a match thinking "we're going to leg our way through this" regardless of it's a tournament or not.))

Edited by Daisu Saikoro, 03 July 2015 - 06:23 PM.

#39 dezgra


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 09:18 PM

The Clans are fine. The only issue is that the "TECHS" are fat and happy. We must wait for the Injection of a little "Cobra" DNA.

#40 CyclonerM

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Posted 04 July 2015 - 05:15 AM

View PostDemonicD3, on 03 July 2015 - 05:23 PM, said:

If Merc's weren't allowed to switch back and forth you would have one overpowered faction and nobody to reinforce the weaker factions. Somehow I don't really see that as a fantastic idea.

Well, it seems to me that this is what is happening right now, i admit it. The problem is always the same, too few Loyalists compared to mercs. I heard more incentives for Loyalists are on their way luckily.

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