McHoshi, on 03 July 2015 - 07:52 AM, said:
But they will always play togheter as usually, nothing will change

Flash Frame, on 03 July 2015 - 08:12 AM, said:
Because if there's no end game, then all the other factions feel left out.
There has to be a continual flow. The point of the game is to win each "War" each war, is a war for Terra, or to unite the inner sphere.
If say, the clans play to terra, then we just let things go, well then FRR sits there with it's entire nation destroyed [meaning no one will EVER play FRR because screw it.] And the clans simply expand out until there is no IS, there's just clan held terrorty.
The Clans entire modius operendi, is to capture Terra, that is the end game goal for the Clans, because once Terra is taken, then they will hold the seat of power for the entirety of the IS. They will have achieved their initial goal.
In time, that could be expanded on, but as the game sits right now, the clan's goal should be nothing beyond the capturing and control of terra... let the clans take terra, and then they have to hold it for x amount of time, then they win.
Last time the FRR was "destroyed" they all came back from "Fortress Rasalhague" and started eating all the planets in our backfield.. So much for a destroyed faction. Besides, i think capital planets should be conquistable, and if they are taken, their faction just moves its capital to the next important planet..
Besides, each faction can have its own objectives (i.e. conquer the Capellan Confederation or join a Star League alliance to defend against the Clans). Objective achieved? The community sets another one! For example, we have surrounded Terra. Instead of resetting the map, had this been the Live CW, the Warden units could decide to ally with the Inner Sphere (Like Wolf-in-Exile and Ghost Bear Dominion) because they feel this is their sacred duty as descendants of the SLDF, to defend the Sphere citizens against all external threats.. Like the Crusader Clans. Or, we could just all agree to try to conquer the FedCom's two capital planets! Who knows? I want to see how it goes.

After all, we are rewriting BT history. Operation Revival is just the start..
If the live CW has "seasons" or similar concepts, i may well forget about playing it. What does it matter if all our progress is going to be erased, when it is not Beta anymore?

Edited by CyclonerM, 03 July 2015 - 09:20 AM.