Brizna, on 12 January 2016 - 09:23 AM, said:
Commando is now in a better position than back then when I started the thread but it's still pretty meh, so the thread is still relevant.
*Goes to whine to a dark corner*
I have only found some success with TDK and 1B, never managed to carry enough ammo for the SRM versions including the 2D. That mech only has ECM going for it and it isn't neither as powerful as it was (range nerf) nor so exclusive as it was a year ago when only a few mechs could use ECM and most paid a heavy a price for having the ability to.
Still it makes for an excellent rabbit, nothing better than a commando to hit a wasps hornet and start a rabbit hunt, only useful in low tier matches though.
Cion, on 12 January 2016 - 10:02 AM, said:
In before jettison!
I have nothing else to add to this awesome thread, other than I'm also a Commando pilot and I'm sad how left behind this chassis has been.
Hey OP!
Thank you for returning us to our roots in the thread
*Curiosity intensifies*
What do you run on your TDK and 1B? LL+ML, ML+MPL, MLs or MPLs only?
Even though it's been left behind (2D most of all), it does seem like it's begun to get at least a little attention again.
I'd like to see 2D get a 225 engine cap so it can pull that DHS into the engine and free up crits. It would open up a couple more build options on a pretty limited variant. There are times when I've gone to build one and been short by 3 or less crits because of that externally-mounted DHS. >
I'd aslo like to be able to design a Champion/Trial Commando, but multiple posters' pleas on the Feature Suggestions subforum have thus far gone unanswered.