Bishop Steiner, on 07 July 2015 - 07:18 AM, said:
so that they can find a way to ruin them later, too?
Look, the last thing I want to do is push everything into a peektart meta. Some mechs have low hardpoints. Does it make sense? Not really, but then, neither do battlemechs in the first place.
Mecha are awesome because they LOOK awesome, not because they are remotely logical or sensible.
eeeeeh... they are kinda logical... ofc not to the degree of BT but the whole aspect of how armour works in BT (aka angled armour is no longer vital) and the fact there was a technological push to gyroes and mechinised combat... and then a technological apocalypse that basicly leveled the playing field due to tanks and aerospace fighters and jets are not that strong in fire power compared to a mech (equal or less excluding artillery and bombers)
It is quite understandable. It is as possible for the BT universe or our universe in the future to push for mech' combat in the next 20 years till we have functional combat ready mechs as it is likely for us to have hover tanks or a moon base.
Just depends where the funding is...
And now I got the realism of that tech being done to some degree irl, now the reason why: It won't be a direct combat unit. it would be something that can help take things around such, recon/ scouting/ spotting, or in rescue operations... urban combat is probably the best spot for mechs in reality as well, for instance possible peace maintenance in the middle east and such could be realistic roles of a mech in the next 50 years irl.
Now lastly location of the weapons... the reason being? "realism". They couldn't fit that weapon up high randomly. There are quite a few tanks out there that do not have the profile to complement minimal exposure and such as well vehicles who couldn't even use the cover of say a hill or what ever even if there turret is above it...
The awesome is a bit of an old mech and as we look towards the later mechs... (deimos, blood asp, fafnir, etc) all the mechs have pretty high weapons as expected. Kinda mimics irl's tanks from 1920's to 2000's.
Keep in mind, this is assumig that humanity pushes that way as they have interest in it. A lot of things can go fast or well if humanity focuses on it. colonizations of the moon and setting moon bases and cities will only take 10-15 years with the correct funding (aka 1980's NASA grade funding) and things like this happened in the past, look at aviation for eg... in the span of 30 or 40 years.
A plane barely able to fly across a football field with multiple wings and 1 scratch will cause it to fall out of t he sky... is followed up with planes able to go half way around the world with autocannons and guided missiles going faster then the speed of sound to heights so high if you didn't have a pressurized cockpit and O2 masc you would be killed and that's just the spawn of 40 year or so years...
Anyway- realism aside. I do not have that much of an issue with the awesomes ppc's... feared worse. still bigger then MW4's awesome. Wish the arm had more work and what is up with the "missile" like lasers? they are not shiney and glassy... they are solid and yellow.