Bishop Steiner, on 11 July 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:
those tons have to be effective. SCR is still much more combat effective than ANY build on the Summoner.
How so? Is it the laser vomit builds that require staring at a target for more than a second which just so happens make it easier to aim at the storm crow's hit boxes? Those hit boxes do have less hit points to shoot through than the summoners. I don't know about you but I don't have trouble with hitting storm crows where I want to. It's easy to just take the blow to keep my accuracy in place to win by numbers when I'm fighting just storm crow vs summoner. That's why 70 tonner's should only be compared vs other 70 tonner's.
It's still the pilots problem first when teamwork is not being done. The mechs build is after that when team work and the pilot is not allowing it to go into the positions where it's effective. The build on a summoner is only a problem if it doesn't have the capability to perform in the situation that it's put into. The summoner can do high damage builds there just at different ranges. The clan ultra auto cannons were buffed recently so the builds it's in with the summoners are not that bad anymore.
Take some time and figure out how to make things possible. A pilots skills will just become greater for it.
Edited by ArchSight, 11 July 2015 - 12:02 PM.