Jack Shayu Walker, on 15 July 2015 - 08:45 PM, said:
Lastly I sympathise with the idea of wanting to keep the LRMs tactically relevant, but allowing ECM mechs to personally shield themselves from indirect locks will not even come close to taking away the tactical significance of LRMs. I highly doubt every single player is going to bring ECM to a match, and provided they don't the LRM indirect fire can still function effectively. Even IF every single player brought ECM once in a blue moon, with ECM in the state I'm suggesting LRMs would still be able to fall back on direct locks and have a good fighting chance.
Not touching that first part, as I think we shall just have to agree to disagree, because I feel it's very similar to ECM (if ECM wasn't in the game) as far as teamwork. If no one brings it, then it's a team's fault. But, lets avoid this farther and just agree that we shall disagree on this topic.
As far as ECM blocking indirect locks (AKA: the ECM makes it so I have to gain direct line of sight to get a lock for my LRMs, and those locks are not shared), I agree. This is part of my issue where ECM is stacking too many effects at once. I also wouldn't be opposed to some other penalties to shooting your LRMs indirectly, with some extra possible buffs to shooting them directly. (Read as, adjust the LRM spread depending upon situations.)
Some of my statement is to those "LRMs shouldn't be able to shoot indirectly at all, unless X gear is being used to spot". I feel LRMs need their indirect firing to keep them in their utility position. It's something unique to LRMs and I feel that it should be retained, not limited to only if someone sacrificed themselves by taking X gear and purposefully spotting. Then you have two gambits at that point, the person taking LRMs might never be able to shoot indirectly, and the person taking X (TAG/NARC/etc) gear to spot may never have LRMs to use said gear for.
ECM blocking target sharing, I'm good with. That would be a good place. Maybe retain a locking delay as well for quick dashing between cover to make an approach, without sensors just picking you up as soon as you poke your nose out. This keeps it for scouting, but not for "stand in the open, missile protection".