This is a start. I apologize if it's already been said (can't believe this thread is 13 pages already at the time I'm typing this), but here's my opinion on it:
Personally I'd like to see ECM Block TIG (Target Info Gathering) and slow lock times (easily doubling lock-on times), rather than what it does now. If it did that, then the larger bubble range would probably be fine. It'd also function as an excellent Information Warfare tactic rather than the blanket "magic bubble" that is has, now. Slowing lock-on times and preventing people from knowing what,
exactly, they're shooting at are pretty big reasons to carry an ECM without completely removing the ability to lock targets.
After that, you can make BAP function like a mobile UAV, providing target lock capabilities (but again, no TIG) to enemies outside LOS and/or that are shut down, within a modestly-short-range-bubble as well (TT I believe was only 120m). That would be a function far more in line with lore, than what we have now. ECM could still counter this effet, just as it does in TT rules, rather than the bass ackwards implementation we have of EW countering that we have now.
Make the two systems function in this way and you'd actually have Raven 3L's (for example) running around with ECM and BAP, serving their purpose as they're supposed to in lore, as an Information Warfare and Electronic Warfare powerhouse.
Not only that, but it'd make BOTH systems highly desirable, and not just one always being desired for it's magic bubble and the other only when you "must" (LRM's/Streaks) counter said bubble.
*EDIT: Stastically speaking you could also make the benefits of Artemis, BAP, TAG and NARC lock on speeds directly equal to the ECM lock-on decrease . . . thereby giving them all a cancelling effect for a soft-counter aspect. This would also make them function more in line with lore then what we have now, and provide a greater EW/IW facet to the game.*
On another note, Mr. Inouye, since you're actively addressing the community with some balancing updates, is there any chance we'll get a word on Flamers soon, please? Last word in February was that you were having the visual effects overhauled before final reengineering was completed. ANY info on this would be greatly appreciated, please.
Edited by Sereglach, 15 July 2015 - 10:14 PM.