Nightingale27, on 16 July 2015 - 12:09 AM, said:
*Person who never wore a shirt before wears plain white T-shirt*
*Friend asks him on his thoughts on shirts*
"Shirts are horrible. Look at this, no color no decoration feels terrible and itchy. Really hate it, when does the next trend of clothing come out?"
So I happen to take 2 Thundys out for a run yesterday, with one being MPL spam and the other a LPL build which was implied by you to be the best ways to roll.
Damn, I almost fainted from boredom. How do you guys last in those things?
It's really comes down to your fault that you play such a boring-ass role. That kind of matches is exactly why I don't play heavy/assaults unless its firepower is high enough to raise my eyebrows.
My theory: since tactical flexibility is something that fatasses doesn't possess much of so you got to push thorough with a strong strategic/tactical situation, but with pug queue's command and communications mostly screwed... eh.
How can you compare it to Mechcommander if there is either no commander or a crap one?
It especially comes down to luck because in pug queue for SOME REASON you know the enemies' builds better than your teams, so you can't really come up with a plan that would suit the team's need for sure. So it falls down to personal performance... and hope that your team does the same.
I've always favored having lots of tactical options being open to me, so lights it is. And if that doesn't sound interesting at first glance, I get to be scout, squirrel, and assassin instead of the average gunholder. At least I can make a bigger impact.
So, maybe explore a little before you complain?...
p.s. any criticism is invited, just don't cross over to rudeness.
I dont run meta mechs. Ofc, I have a hard time building any other builds I would dare take into a game. I mainly run my WHK, it had 4x LPL on it, since, well, that is an insanely effective build, chain fire, dual fire, idk, it racked me up a number of kills and some nice damage numbers 600-800, 2-4 worked well. But now ive been running 4x CERPPC Warhawk simply because I like the WHK with its 4x CERPPC. ITs been working better since the buff.
I wont lie, I find the all laser meta boring as **** to. Its why I for one, dont play this game much, as I find its style boring overall, just alpha all the lasers, and its hard to come up with a build that is non laser vomit that would be decent at all. SRMs and LRMs in general are kinda crap, cannons, esp CUAC, I think are meh, aside form the DWF AC boat. PPC, on any mech but a WHK, or something with nice speed quirks is meh....
Plus, with the alphas, its hard to run anything but an assault, since they atleast might survive 1 alpha. Took my HBR out in a CW match, itgot face planted in like 3 blasts from a 6LL Stalker. Arm gone, CT stripped, other torso stripped....SCR, despite everyone claiming its so durable, I find it to get killed real quick. WHK, ive had it take a fe hits, but lately, even with twisting and moving, it just amount of twisting or anything will make it live. Plus, with the way heat vs sustainable output is, once the enemy has you in thier sights, nothing you do will let you get away. Then with high ass alphas, your just dead.
Im bad with lights, and with the way alphas are, lights melt in sseconds. Even ive gob smacked a number of them. Plain and simple, this game needs to start addressing the TTK.....
Role Warfare basically CANT happen, any attempts to do anything but deathball is met with swift death.....I watch the maps in pug games. When my team splits up into groups of 2-3, 3 or 4, the game is assuredly a wipe...and it is. THe team that deathballs wins.....and yeah, takes alot of brain power to sit in a ball and shoot.......this game is just boring.
CW is a tunnel, defenders sit on the other side of the wall and shoot.....the defender that doesnt deathball loses, the defender that does wins. The attackers only win if the defenders dont deathball and decide to emply some kind of alternate strategy. THe only strat is deathball.....then melt anyone who dares poke out to shoot. Lasers do that best since they are light, small, plentiful and give great heat/dmg.