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#41 MatterBeam


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:16 AM

View PostNovakaine, on 24 July 2015 - 09:04 AM, said:

1. Stop noob firing.
A. You're giving away yours and everyone else position.
B. In today's alphastrike environment every point of armor counts.
C. Set weapon groups in mech lab or the training grounds.
D. Don't be a n00b.

I've watched guides telling me to always fire at the beginning of the match to position my weapons mentally, especially with new builds or when switching between mechs. Also, I shot the ground, behind a hill, at the beginning of the match. I did not reveal my position.

I lost more armor than he did, and first.

View PostMilesTeg1982, on 24 July 2015 - 09:08 AM, said:

please close this thread allready - its obviously a troll-thread

Obviously, duh. I mean, how can I be so different from the other players? OF COURSE crippling an ally over 2 points of damage is the expected behavior. Anything less is troll.

#42 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:19 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 24 July 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

I understand now.

Thank you for revealing that those two players and the majority of the posters here are the MWO equivalent of an inbred redneck hillbillies taking out the shotgun and mortally wounding someone because they pushed them out of the way. I mean, it's totally acceptable and justified in real life, right?

If you really want to know the tiniest details, I shot straight down into the ground the second I got control of the mech so that I could internalize the position of my one-sided ERPPC for later shooting. The a**hat Player 1 spawned next to me and immediately walked right, so out of my line of fire. He never got hit. As we approached a chokepoint, he crashed into my mech, turned my leg yellow, leg and we both stopped.

Technically, he dealt the first damage.

Since I'm not a mentally constipated player marinating in my basement juices, I don't fire at him for doing damage to me.

He then circled around, positioned himself in front of me and blocked my path. I fired in the air above him. I grazed him. That's when his justice porn fantasy took shape and he masturbated over my mech.

Player 2 came walking by as I was typing in chat, shot a few rounds into me and moved on.

Sloppy seconds or an ally, I don't care.

It seems this behaviour is justified and expected in MWO.
is not the same story as this...


I was testing a new loadout (5 ML, 1 ERPPC).

About 30 seconds into the game, I fired my weapons into the ground. 30 seconds later, the first player, in a Kintaro, crashed into my side, stopped in front of me, turned around and faced me.

I fired my medium lasers above his head to make him go away. One medium laser grazed the head for aroun half a second.
Corrections made thanks to BA Kitty's proofreading.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 25 July 2015 - 03:26 AM.

#43 Novakaine


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:21 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 24 July 2015 - 09:16 AM, said:

I've watched guides telling me to always fire at the beginning of the match to position my weapons mentally, especially with new builds or when switching between mechs. Also, I shot the ground, behind a hill, at the beginning of the match. I did not reveal my position.

I lost more armor than he did, and first.

Naw lil' brother all I'm saying do your setup in the mech labs or in the testing grounds.
That way when you drop your combat ready and ready to rock

Obviously, duh. I mean, how can I be so different from the other players? OF COURSE crippling an ally over 2 points of damage is the expected behavior. Anything less is troll.

#44 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:22 AM

@YuGiohMonster: Can you understand that some peopel have enough of friendly fire?`Some of those "Tests" had cost me my backarmor completly, causing my Gauss to explode. Do you think that was great?

Get over it. Nothing realy happened.

#45 Lexx


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:40 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 24 July 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

I understand now.

Thank you for revealing that those two players and the majority of the posters here are the MWO equivalent of an inbred redneck hillbillies taking out the shotgun and mortally wounding someone because they pushed them out of the way. I mean, it's totally acceptable and justified in real life, right?

If you really want to know the tiniest details, I shot straight down into the ground the second I got control of the mech so that I could internalize the position of my one-sided ERPPC for later shooting. The a**hat Player 1 spawned next to me and immediately walked right, so out of my line of fire. He never got hit. As we approached a chokepoint, he crashed into my mech, turned my leg yellow, leg and we both stopped.

Technically, he dealt the first damage.

Since I'm not a mentally constipated player marinating in my basement juices, I don't fire at him for doing damage to me.

He then circled around, positioned himself in front of me and blocked my path. I fired in the air above him. I grazed him. That's when his justice porn fantasy took shape and he masturbated over my mech.

Player 2 came walking by as I was typing in chat, shot a few rounds into me and moved on.

Sloppy seconds or an ally, I don't care.

It seems this behaviour is justified and expected in MWO.

Yes, you're right. We are all a bunch of basement dwelling inbred redneck hillbillies, and you were totally right for shooting a teammate just because he looked at you funny.

The collision damage he did to your leg was less than 1% and in no way qualifies as him damaging you first since it could have been easily avoided by not being so close to him. He also probably took leg damage from the collision, but it's still negligible damage.

There is really nothing to report, since you initiated the friendly fire. MWO support will just look at the logs, see you damaged him first, and they will either ignore it or you are the one that will get in trouble. This is really nothing to waste their time with.

Edited by Lexx, 24 July 2015 - 09:42 AM.

#46 Revis Volek


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:52 AM

View PostRaggedyman, on 24 July 2015 - 04:29 AM, said:

No, the appropriate response would have been for them to have carried on and not lost it. Or to have asked you what you were doing.

Your appropriate response would be to not shot at a guy who knocked into you, doing you no harm. You escalated the situation, they responded with further escalation.

It is always better to deescalate such incidents and focus on shooting the enemy team.

You are correct...

best way to DEESCALATE the situation is to walk up and headshot the offender. The quickest way i have found. :P

View PostNovakaine, on 24 July 2015 - 09:04 AM, said:

1. Stop noob firing.
A. You're giving away yours and everyone else position.
B. In today's alphastrike environment every point of armor counts.
C. Set weapon groups in mech lab or the training grounds.
D. Don't be a n00b.

I set my weapons in Mechlab everytime i redo a mech but they only save in the mechlab about 50% of the time.

So i enter matches and they are all still group 1....Once i actually do it in game though it never bugs out.

Edited by DarthRevis, 24 July 2015 - 09:55 AM.

#47 Dimento Graven


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 10:37 AM

What we should learn from this is **** happens.

I remember one time in Terra Therma we were in the center and some guy dashes in front of me just as I fire off two gauss, one hit his back, and via VOIP I apologized, but he stops, waits for me to pass, and alphas me in the ass.

Via VOIP I replied, "Ok I deserved that one..."

But he fires again, "Ok I'll let you have that one free too...", I reply via VOIP.

But then the third shot hits me, I turn around and gauss his face and 'splodes and starts complaining and two of his budzos start in on me, where by I kill one of them, and the third gets behind me and finishes off my cored rear torso.

Later on when I thought about it, I figured he and his friends just didn't hear, or understand the apology, because that was in the first iteration of PGI's VOIP implementation.

Anyway... Good times! Good times!

View PostDarthRevis, on 24 July 2015 - 09:52 AM, said:


I set my weapons in Mechlab everytime i redo a mech but they only save in the mechlab about 50% of the time.

So i enter matches and they are all still group 1....Once i actually do it in game though it never bugs out.
Maybe you need to make sure your MWO shortcut is set to start the game in administrative mode. I've never had a problem with 'mechlab losing firing groups I've just set for a 'mech.

The only thing I can think of is that the XMLs those are stored in didn't get updated due to Windows thinking you didn't have appropriate authority.

Now, of course if it had been a while since you last played that 'mech, it wasn't 'mechlab that lost the weapon groups, it was one of PGI's famous "new patch" weapon group resets they occasionally do to us.

Edited by Dimento Graven, 24 July 2015 - 10:39 AM.

#48 Sarlic


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 10:40 AM

Never look funny to a Atlas... It might tickle you!

#49 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 10:44 AM

View PostSarlic, on 24 July 2015 - 10:40 AM, said:

Never look funny to a Atlas... It might tickle you!

With an alpha thats over 70 damage!

#50 MilesTeg1982


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 10:57 AM

View PostDimento Graven, on 24 July 2015 - 10:37 AM, said:

Via VOIP I replied, "Ok I deserved that one..."

But he fires again, "Ok I'll let you have that one free too...", I reply via VOIP.

VoIP is not a proper replacement for a working brain ...

either the OP is just a troll or he is really that stupid that he thinks shooting a teammate is fine and only he has the right to get upset about it even though he startet it. Anyway - there is just no excuse for friendly fire a the begin of the match, no matter how much you try to find one - it allways comes down to either people doing it on purpose or people being careless cause they give a crap about teammates.

#51 KodiakGW


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 10:59 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 23 July 2015 - 10:02 PM, said:

I was testing a new loadout (5 ML, 1 ERPPC).

About 30 seconds into the game, I fired my weapons into the ground.

Stopped reading right there. I have two words for you.


Right there on the Home tab. You can pick any map to test your heat and set your weapon groupings. Don't waste the rest of your team's time in finding a match by taking something you haven't tested there. Especially stop firing test alphas near friendlies. I don't care if you are too lazy to do that instead of just hitting Play. You risk hitting a friendly, you are drawing enemy attention to your teammates position, you are making teammates think you are firing on nearby enemies, and you are gimping your team a player if your loadout turns out to be crap.

I test every loadout in Testing Grounds before taking it into a drop. Do the same. Trust me, I won't shoot you, but you WILL hear from me in chat if you do that in a drop I'm in. I'm starting to see that happen WAY to often.

#52 Dimento Graven


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 11:07 AM

View PostMilesTeg1982, on 24 July 2015 - 10:57 AM, said:

VoIP is not a proper replacement for a working brain

Granted but it can theoretically be used to apologize for stupid ****.

I also apologize for accidentally blocking people's shots even though the end result is I just got back shot.

During battle, crap happens, and I'm not prone to get upset about friendly fire during furball (sometimes it's just impossible to avoid), but I do tend to get pissed off when someone jumps in front of me, blocks a kill shot, even though they paid for the idiocy by losing most/all of their back armor, ESPECIALLY if they KEEP doing it to the point I have to move to a completely different location in order to avoid an accidental TK...

Too many people willing to suicide by friendly fire just to stroke their epeen by getting a kill shot...

#53 Kubernetes


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 11:21 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 24 July 2015 - 09:16 AM, said:

I've watched guides telling me to always fire at the beginning of the match to position my weapons mentally, especially with new builds or when switching between mechs. Also, I shot the ground, behind a hill, at the beginning of the match. I did not reveal my position.

Stop reading dumb guides. Use the training grounds, know your mechs, your weapons groups, and your heat before you drop into a live match. As you may notice, almost everyone here has had their mechs damaged by idiot teammates (like you) who carelessly fire off their weapons at the start of a match. **** happens, but tolerance for that is pretty low.


I lost more armor than he did, and first.

No one cares. You fired on a teammate, something that was entirely avoidable and inexcusable. Who cares if the guy blocks you? Go around him. Maybe he thought that you carelessly collided with him. Regardless, don't intentionally shoot your weapons at teammates. Either you meant to hit him, in which case the whole team would be justified in putting you down as a TKer, or you missed and hit him, in which case you're a terrible shot and have no business firing in the vicinity of teammates. "Warning shots" aren't well-received either, so just don't do it.

#54 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 11:56 AM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 24 July 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

I understand now.

Thank you for revealing that those two players and the majority of the posters here are the MWO equivalent of an inbred redneck hillbillies taking out the shotgun and mortally wounding someone because they pushed them out of the way. I mean, it's totally acceptable and justified in real life, right?

If you really want to know the tiniest details, I shot straight down into the ground the second I got control of the mech so that I could internalize the position of my one-sided ERPPC for later shooting. The a**hat Player 1 spawned next to me and immediately walked right, so out of my line of fire. He never got hit. As we approached a chokepoint, he crashed into my mech, turned my leg yellow, leg and we both stopped.

Technically, he dealt the first damage.

Since I'm not a mentally constipated player marinating in my basement juices, I don't fire at him for doing damage to me.

He then circled around, positioned himself in front of me and blocked my path. I fired in the air above him. I grazed him. That's when his justice porn fantasy took shape and he masturbated over my mech.

Player 2 came walking by as I was typing in chat, shot a few rounds into me and moved on.

Sloppy seconds or an ally, I don't care.

It seems this behaviour is justified and expected in MWO.

Collisions are a 2 way affair, YOU could have avoided hitting him, you realize that? I avoid them all the time, as someone who drives Light Mechs, it a very must have skill, because too many of my fellow players are exactly like YOU and figure THEY have the right of way and don't bother to watch where others are.

And you FIRED on a teammate first and hit him, so how exactly is that the fault of the guy who you fired on FIRST? Entitled much?

Please, report the incident to PGI, moderation@mwomercs.com , that way YOU come to their attention and get put on probation because YOU are the idiot firing on teammates first.

I don't return fire on morons who fire on my Mech, I report them if it's obviously just a griefer, simple as that. Last night some moron did that to my Cheetah and to someone else's Zeus, removed all the armor off both our Mech's rear CT. Both of us who got fired on by this moron told our teammates to NOT shoot back, we will report the moron, let PGI sort the sob out, and none of our teammates fired on him. There's no reason to EVER purposely fire on a teammate, doesn't matter what they did, you don't do it on purpose, you report them and that's it. If they TK you, so be it, you report them, you don't fire back and you don't ask your teammates to avenge you. Goonies used to pull that crap, fire on someone to get them to return fire, just so they could report the person for firing on them. Gets everyone involved in trouble, because PGI doesn't care WHY you fired on a friendly when you did it on purpose, you broke the rules, you get put on probation, do it again and get a short vacation from the game.

#55 Mighty Spike


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 12:26 PM

View PostKodiakGW, on 24 July 2015 - 10:59 AM, said:

Stopped reading right there. I have two words for you.


Right there on the Home tab. You can pick any map to test your heat and set your weapon groupings. Don't waste the rest of your team's time in finding a match by taking something you haven't tested there. Especially stop firing test alphas near friendlies. I don't care if you are too lazy to do that instead of just hitting Play. You risk hitting a friendly, you are drawing enemy attention to your teammates position, you are making teammates think you are firing on nearby enemies, and you are gimping your team a player if your loadout turns out to be crap.

I test every loadout in Testing Grounds before taking it into a drop.


There is absolutly NO reason to fire your weapons a second after match start

Edited by Mighty Spike, 24 July 2015 - 12:36 PM.

#56 Blue Boutique


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 01:27 PM

View PostMighty Spike, on 24 July 2015 - 12:26 PM, said:


There is absolutly NO reason to fire your weapons a second after match start

Until you get a 15 minute wait to pilot a certain mech and want to take it out on a useless spire.

#57 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 03:00 PM

View PostYuGiOhMonster, on 24 July 2015 - 09:16 AM, said:

I've watched guides telling me to always fire at the beginning of the match to position my weapons mentally

i dunno what kind of ****** wrote that guide
i personally always have a strong urge to turn and alpha any mororn who shoots over my head at the beginning... it's a direct agression against my mech. luckily to them im usually in a streakcrow

#58 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 03:05 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 24 July 2015 - 09:19 AM, said:

This is the kind of changing of details that gets your story thrown in the trash. You move the goal post.

here you quote another player with a slightly similar name, not the original poster

#59 Raggedyman


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 01:22 AM

View PostLexx, on 24 July 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:

The collision damage he did to your leg was less than 1% and in no way qualifies as him damaging you first since it could have been easily avoided by not being so close to him. He also probably took leg damage from the collision, but it's still negligible damage..

I think you're missing the key point: YuGiOhMonster is in the right because of reasons and his innate right of way/proactive self defense. He has already clearly stated that anyone who disagrees with him are both a redneck for suggesting that his shot-first-and-moan-on-the-forums-later approach is anything other than correct and a basement dweller for not agreeing with his dynamically evolved version of events.

Leave YuGiOhMonster alone!
Right now!!
I mean it.!!!

#60 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 25 July 2015 - 03:22 AM

View Postbad arcade kitty, on 24 July 2015 - 03:05 PM, said:

here you quote another player with a slightly similar name, not the original poster

Yes I did!

Thank you for showing me that. B)

Sorry YuGiOh. :unsure: :(

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