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Cw And The New Servers

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#21 Stormie


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Posted 08 January 2017 - 06:17 PM

No. There are four new planets each attack phase (those voted on during the previous attack phase.)

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 01:13 AM

So at the moment to have any say in the attack or defense of a planet we need to be online and fighting within a single 8 hour period. Over the course of 24 hours, there could be 12 planets captured.

That seems very quick to me.
If there are about 600 planets in the Innersphere (I've not counted them, just throwing a number out there), that would mean the galaxy could be completely taken over in 50 days.

This suggestion is to make the contest into a longer struggle.
Three attack phases for the same 4 planets and determine the outcome at the end of the 24 hours.
It is also to split up the battle into 3 attacking time zones, which can be hosted on each server separately.
The main reason for this is that when the players in one timezone have fought long and hard to defend the planet or take it, that the players in the next timezone don't flip that completely the other way. They instead have to battle in a new zone for an 8 hour period and cannot affect the prior results.
Each zone takes responsibility for their own results.
At the end of the conflict we have 3 zones to look at and determine what happens with the planets.
Refer back to the little mock up picture I created with the sectors divided into three lots of three.
Each of these was to represent the war effort in those time zones but remain separate to each other.
Now we replace the sectors with the tug of war bar for each zone.

#23 LordNothing


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Posted 09 January 2017 - 05:40 PM

why cant the game just have all the clients ping the servers, and then do a silent vote in the background. 2 votes for the server with the best ping, 1 for the second best, 0 for the worst. game gets spawned on the server with the highest vote.

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 06:01 PM

Could use the same options we have for Quick Play with server selection.
However it still doesn't stop players from one timezone losing all their hard work.
Hence splitting up the battles and making them independent and only running during the prime time for that zone so there is a clear distinction.
If there are not enough players in on zone to do much, then it amounts to some raiding and skirmishing and may not progress far (under the current tug of war approach), which is why the contest overall is taken as a best of three timezones from a 24 hour or longer period.

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