Hit the Deck, on 27 July 2015 - 11:50 PM, said:
No, because with direct fire weapons you have to expose yourself to the enemies and thus risking yourself and you can miss your shot. Moreover, being hit by LRMs shakes your entire cockpit and blind you so you can't effectively shoot back. Not to mention that with direct fire weapons you can't physically shoot the enemies while with LRMs you can and that's why LRMs are useful. At 800m Gauss is obviously better than LRM at hitting the enemies if you can see them.
For the LRM mechs,
someone has to expose themselves. So, there is a good, valid target to fire at. And if it's a direct fire mech, it's a better target to kill, because it's actually dangerous.
LRM cockpit shake is irrelevant because you can't reliably hit people with LRM's who don't want to be hit, LRM's are hardly the only weapon that shakes cockpits when hit, and cockpit shake is a purely visual effect that you can fire through just fine if you have two brain cells to rub together.
But, good job totally missing the point.
It's not about dual gauss in particular, but that's just a very significant example.
Autocannons, lasers, PPC's, whatever. In order to fire LRM's at someone (and have any chance of hitting them) you need a lock, then travel time. At 500m, (generally the long range limit for effectiveness at all with LRM's) you're looking at a 2s lock time followed by a 3 second flight time, IF the LRM mech can pick up and lock you the MOMENT you move out of cover. 5 seconds, and that's an ideal situation. Those LRM's aren't hitting anything.
And that isn't "play forced by LRM's", that's how people are going to act much of the time vs. direct fire mechs anyways.
Also, 5 seconds is plenty of time to advance from cover to cover; add a few seconds if you're fine with eating a volley or two on the way (which is OK, LRM's do laughably low damage and it's spread everywhere).
Also why people often bring dual GAwssss into discussion?! It's 24 tons for the Clans and 30 for the IS, just for the weapons alone! And like every 'Mech can mount them.
*shrugs* It's a much more dangerous fire support setup. Not every mech can mount it, but lots of them can - and do.
Regardless, the same applies to any other direct fire setup.
EDIT: Also, you are talking about advancing into LRM Mechs and make their weapons useless in short range. Obviously he/she is in the middle of the enemy force. I guess that wouldn't work well.
So if they're all together, then at least the LRM's are coming from a very predictable direction and as such are easily anticipated and intercepted with cover. Again, that LRM mech is dealing less damage than it's direct fire comrades, and it's spreading that damage too. It's not, baring the most aggressive and rare good LRM pilot, absorbing any damage so it's more dangerous direct fire comrades are eating 100% of the incoming fire so it can lob missiles ineffectively.