first, ERPPC and non-ecm builds are out-right disqualified.
2LPLs + stuff runs way too hot (this build usually racks up more damage than the rest... but no more than mid 500)
3ERLLs works if everyone ignores you. geological scale laser burn time and ghost heat. (5% quirks really helps... yeah..

2ERLLs+ERML+srm6 works as well, but again cyan tickle beams do very little.
UAC10 + ERMLs works for some lols, the true lol will come when you lose your right side though
LPL+2ERML+srms also nets around 400 damage but lacks punch and range.
I think i've reached the dead end with this thing. this mech is just bad in every role.
Shadowcat needs to be able to remove masc. It also needs some major quirks... badly. quirks like -20% less burn time, -20% less heat (and thats just for the start).