JigglyMoobs, on 03 October 2015 - 11:36 PM, said:
Surely, the most annoying mech to kill in game is the Centurion/Yen-lo-wang.
You know he's not doing that much damage to you, you know he's not that important to the enemy team, but when he's up close you have to get rid of him, and that takes forever as his CT absorbs alpha after alpha that just magically seem to bounce off. Finally you kill him, but then you look back at your team and they've been decimated while you were distracted, and then it's face palm time.
I loved my Cents - haven't played them for a while.
The other day I was on Mining Collective in my EBJ when a Cent AH sneaked up from behind and gave me a nasty surprise - I whirled round and for once had enough presence of mind to hit his right arm with a full alpha (54 - 2LPL 4ERML) - hacked off his AC20 - however he had enough presence of mind to continue and pummel me with his 3SRM4s - and as you point out I just couldn't land enough damage on him to kill him on ST/CT/HD - so it was curtains for me!
Centurions - gotta love 'em!