Simple mech portraits replacement stuff. Mechwarrior 3 themed.
So I guess that i'm a modder now?
Pictures are shared via Deviantart.
Last Update: 20-08-2015
Mech Icons:
Bundle #1:
-from right to left : Orion : Mad-Cat/Timber-Wolf : Centurion : Cauldron-Born/Ebon-Jaguar : Vulture/Mad-Dog : Catapult : Locust
- all currently done mechs
- unorganised
- cut into single pictures [256x256] so that no red is visible on the edges.
*WARNING* - Cauldron-Born/Ebon-Jaguar is going to be revised soon , don't install this one just yet.
Assault Bundle:
coming soon, once all assault mechs are done.
Heavy Bundle:
coming soon, once all heavy mechs are done.
Medium Bundle:
coming soon, once all medium mechs are done.
Light Bundle:
coming soon, once all light mechs are done.
Vulture/Mad Dog:
Mech portraits are at C:\users\yourusername\saved games\MechWarrior Online\UI\Mechicons
*requires GIMP / photoshop or any other image editing program that allows layers* *GIMP is free and *cough* better than photoshop *cough* get it from here: http://www.gimp.org/downloads/*
1. Create new image [.png] [256x256] / load one of the default portraits
2. Load/Import the bundle image as a new layer.
3. Align the layer from step 3. , so that mech portrait doesn't have any red on the edges.
4. Save/Export in png format. Name the file as the selected mech
5. Open all portraits of that mech as individual images [not layers] from C:\users\yourusername\saved games\MechWarrior Online\UI\Mechicons
6. Import the newly created 256x256 mechicon from steps 1-4 as a layer (it should be perfectly aligned since it is the same size as the original picture).
7. Save/Export with the same name as the original (should be automaticly like this)
8. Right click the modified icon -> properties -> enable "read only" -> accept
9. Enjoy.
... Sorry for unclear instructions, but its pretty basic stuff.
Edited by Shunuke, 19 August 2015 - 03:14 PM.