Solo Players Should Never Be Allowed To Drop In Community Warfare.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 03:06 AM
Posted 12 August 2015 - 03:11 AM
Vlad Ward, on 12 August 2015 - 03:06 AM, said:
Admitting that is your first step to a greater understanding. I am proud of you.
The good news for you is that you have gone from "zero real substance" to "Thank you, Captain Obvious. Nothing ELSE of value was gained from this thread." to "You're right. Your posts were super deep and I clearly missed all the subtle nuances you meticulously weaved into their text.".....Don't sell yourself short and stop there...I am sure if you try REAL hard, you might find even MORE real and true 'substance'.
I will take it one step that you know there is no such thing as a solo drop (good you admit, many others need to take that same "leap of faith") it will be in your head every time you drop from now on, you are helpless to resist.
You will never be able to forget that 11 other people are playing with you, and 12 other people are playing against you ...real PEOPLE, not some A.I. that you will ALWAYS know.
This is not to say you didn't know this before....clearly you did, but you still told yourself "I'm dropping solo" anyway...that, FOR YOU, is something you will never be able to say to yourself again with a straight face. Now, if you DO SOMETHING with this new understanding is up to you.
Me, I really hope you do. Who knows maybe one day you will see me online and tell me "dude, i see it all clearer now, you are so think I ever dropped solo at all was silly...oh and damn do I play better now that I got that "I'm a solo player' mindset out of my head". Not gonna hold my breath, but one can hope.
Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 03:50 AM.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 03:16 AM
Posted 12 August 2015 - 06:38 AM
Armando, on 12 August 2015 - 03:11 AM, said:
Admitting that is your first step to a greater understanding. I am proud of you.
The good news for you is that you have gone from "zero real substance" to "Thank you, Captain Obvious. Nothing ELSE of value was gained from this thread." to "You're right. Your posts were super deep and I clearly missed all the subtle nuances you meticulously weaved into their text.".....Don't sell yourself short and stop there...I am sure if you try REAL hard, you might find even MORE real and true 'substance'.
I will take it one step that you know there is no such thing as a solo drop (good you admit, many others need to take that same "leap of faith") it will be in your head every time you drop from now on, you are helpless to resist.
You will never be able to forget that 11 other people are playing with you, and 12 other people are playing against you ...real PEOPLE, not some A.I. that you will ALWAYS know.
This is not to say you didn't know this before....clearly you did, but you still told yourself "I'm dropping solo" anyway...that, FOR YOU, is something you will never be able to say to yourself again with a straight face. Now, if you DO SOMETHING with this new understanding is up to you.
Me, I really hope you do. Who knows maybe one day you will see me online and tell me "dude, i see it all clearer now, you are so think I ever dropped solo at all was silly...oh and damn do I play better now that I got that "I'm a solo player' mindset out of my head". Not gonna hold my breath, but one can hope.
For a second I almost thought you were just trolling, then I realized holy **** you are serious.
Maybe instead of being an ******* you should understand that how you define a "solo player" seems to differentiate from others and not everyone agrees with your defintion.
Oh but my title was "sensationalist" and you just don't understand me, but I'm not "elitist".
Not being a team player doesn't equal a solo player. Just because someone isn't in a unit doesn't mean they can't use teamwork. And just because people are in units doesn't mean they automatically are better at teamwork.
Quit pretending you are somehow magically smarter than everyone and know exactly whats best. That **** gets old on the internet real fast.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 07:54 AM
Once upon a time(not too long ago) a pilot who's name starts with A and a few of his friends( far less than 11 friends) dropped into a Community Warfare match, or three. Unfortunately, our hero and his crack band were utterly slaughtered by the enemy side (isn't NKVA playing as Davion right now?) probably each and every time they dropped. "How did this happen?!" A's buddies cried. "I know how." , said A, "It wasn't because of our obviously masterful play and tactics. It's those scrubs that dropped with us. See? they only did 100 damage with 4 battlemechs.".
"But but.....whatever shall we do A?!", Wailed the band of super elite brothers.....tears streaming from their eyes. "Don't worry guys, I'll make a scathing post deriding PGI, solo players and everyone but us for sucking at making and playing MWO....after all it's pretty obvious their is nothing more we can do here...our awesomeness can't possibly be questioned."
"How will that help?" A's skeptical buddy asked. "Well",A said thoughtfully, "If we can get all players up to our standard of awesome, we'll never lose a match again! And best of all...we'll get PGI to do it for us.....screw all that mentoring, training and recruiting nonsense other teams do, work smarter not harder is what I always say!". "Well, it's plan anyway." A's skeptical buddy said, not totally without sarcasm.
.....There.....that observant enough for you? This post is now a waist of my time....keep on bawling your eyes out in public, you'll get a lot of attention that way....for my part, I've fed this Troll nonsense enough.
Edited by Gladewolf, 12 August 2015 - 07:57 AM.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 10:19 AM
Armando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:
I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened.
What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!!
All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs.
This brings be to the Topic Title:
To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.
FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already.
FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been).
As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending should have never been an option).
TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare.
Thank you for your time.
- Armando
So try to revitalize Community warfare by alienating part of the MW:O community.
Doesn't seem like a great idea.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 10:28 AM
HiasRGB, on 12 August 2015 - 10:10 AM, said:
Sry, my English is very bad, but my Point is obvious.
CW is no Hardcoremode.
I was in that match, you guys fought real well. We were training new guys and trying some new tactics last night but still. That was a well fought match for you guys. I was impressed.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 10:30 AM
20% Cbill bonus for being in a group in CW. (3+)
5-10% Cbill bonus for being in a unit in CW.
Neither costs money to do, so it wouldn't be P2W/P2A/P2Whine... or anything like that.
That would provide a lovely nudge.
Then, remove Trial mechs from the options to create a CW dropdeck. Boom. Skill/knowdledge floor instantly raised.
They are "TRIAL" mechs after all.
If you're having to drive a trial mech in community warfare, you're not ready.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 10:46 AM
Solo players get shoved onto a persistent team when they queue (I know it's petty but... it bothers me that you left off half the vowels) up. Voila, instant 12 man and with VOIP they've got voice chat to organize themselves and the ability to plan their drops before hand.
Look, it's obviously better if they join a company and run well organized trained 12 mans, but sometimes you just don't have enough players on in your company to make that work and I for one would rather there be more players in CW than less.
Hooray! Problem. Fracking. SOLVED.
Livewyr, on 12 August 2015 - 10:30 AM, said:
They are "TRIAL" mechs after all.
If you're having to drive a trial mech in community warfare, you're not ready.
But... free Raven 3L 2xERLL sniper so I don't have to waste a mech bay...
Edited by Narcissistic Martyr, 12 August 2015 - 10:47 AM.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 10:57 AM
Armando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:
I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened.
What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!!
All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs.
This brings be to the Topic Title:
To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.
FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already.
FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been).
As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending should have never been an option).
TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare.
Thank you for your time.
- Armando
So, what in essence you are saying is that you want to pretty much ban over half the people who play this game from CW events just because they want to take on a CW challenge? I think you might be forgetting the fact that while yes, forming teams does work to your advantage during CW, but most of the time you are hard ressed to find people from your friends list, House and even units that are online or able to find the time to be online in order to join a team and play together in a CW match.
Personally I do not think you have thought this through very much.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 11:45 AM
Armando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:
And then you will have NO community warfare, period. Game over.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 12:38 PM
RjBass3, on 12 August 2015 - 10:28 AM, said:
I was in that match, you guys fought real well. We were training new guys and trying some new tactics last night but still. That was a well fought match for you guys. I was impressed.
That is what a CW match SHOULD look like. Faction on Faction action at its finest.
Gladewolf, on 12 August 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:
Once upon a time(not too long ago) a pilot who's name starts with A and a few of his friends( far less than 11 friends) dropped into a Community Warfare match, or three. Unfortunately, our hero and his crack band were utterly slaughtered by the enemy side (isn't NKVA playing as Davion right now?) probably each and every time they dropped. "How did this happen?!" A's buddies cried. "I know how." , said A, "It wasn't because of our obviously masterful play and tactics. It's those scrubs that dropped with us. See? they only did 100 damage with 4 battlemechs.".
"But but.....whatever shall we do A?!", Wailed the band of super elite brothers.....tears streaming from their eyes. "Don't worry guys, I'll make a scathing post deriding PGI, solo players and everyone but us for sucking at making and playing MWO....after all it's pretty obvious their is nothing more we can do here...our awesomeness can't possibly be questioned."
"How will that help?" A's skeptical buddy asked. "Well",A said thoughtfully, "If we can get all players up to our standard of awesome, we'll never lose a match again! And best of all...we'll get PGI to do it for us.....screw all that mentoring, training and recruiting nonsense other teams do, work smarter not harder is what I always say!". "Well, it's plan anyway." A's skeptical buddy said, not totally without sarcasm.
.....There.....that observant enough for you? This post is now a waist of my time....keep on bawling your eyes out in public, you'll get a lot of attention that way....for my part, I've fed this Troll nonsense enough. think that I made this post because I lose at CW. You are a cute one.
I think "A and his friends" win to many games right now. I think "A and his friends" are getting sick and tired of rolling over 'solo' players (LOL....a SOLO player in THIS game....funny sh!t) and would like to lose more often....ah Hell, I would be willing to be that "A and his friends" ARE HAPPY when / if the other team can kill even 1/2 of them (and by other team, I mean the OTHER TEAM...not the drop ships).
I am pretty sure that when "A and his friends" lose a match....they get excited, and try to queue up again RIGHT AWAY so they can face the team that gave them all they could handle and more, because THOSE are the games WORTH playing.
With that said, I want to give a shout out to all the teams that keep "A and his friends" in the CW queue...those teams who make this game worth playing (not a complete list, many who should be listed are not, but)....
o7 [228]
o7 [AS]
o7 [EmP]
o7 [TCAF]
o7 [BMMU]
If all enemy 'teams' played like these teams, instead of a bunch of solo, FU - I DO WANT I WANT... I AM NOT PART OF A TEAM, THOSE OTHER 11 GUYS CAN SUCK MY A$$, selfish A-holes they normally get stuck playing life would be good. "A and his friends" would have no reason to complain about 'solo' players, and the game would be far, Far, FAR more enjoyable.
I'll take it one step further than that, I would be willing to be that when "A and his friends" find a team that not only "puts up a fight" but actually BEATS "A and his friends" that "A" is the type of player who run to the forms to congratulate the other team on their fine performance.
Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 01:02 PM.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 12:49 PM
TWIAFU, on 09 August 2015 - 07:28 AM, said:
To bad that baloney is from PGI, the only people that know.
A stomp? That's easy, loosing. These are the same people that get stomped in solo queue. Same in the group. Same that still claim that 12man units rolfstomp solo pugs in CW all the time, when it is the solo pugs and group pugs all along. The same that only want to fight less skilled, unorganized, and teamwork bereft group of 12 people playing as 12 different people instead of 1 team of 12. Same people that do not want their group to face other groups but only face solo's while in a group.
These are the ones that cannot rise to a challenge in anything but want the bar lowered into mediocrity.
Cherry picking and very carefully saying "12 man premade is only 1%" is a very nice ploy.
A better question would be "How many premade groups are stomping PUGs?" don't you think? I don't want the bar lowered, but the price of entry, like the price of entry into EVERYTHING in this game, is simply too high. I don't need to measure my epeen against those who feel they must. I want to have an enjoyable time playing a game after work. CW does not fit that bill for me.
Mark Twain was right.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:08 PM
Merroc Sandybanks of Frogmorton, on 10 August 2015 - 07:40 AM, said:
in game voip does not work very well, I can barely hear most of you when you talk, adjust you mics and your output volume before you use the VOIP please. Is there a way to test the output volume on the client, if not there should be.
Before the last patch, in order to enable VOIP I had to deselect the VOIP checkbox, save, go back into settings, select the checkbox and save. Since the last patch, that no longer works.
VOIP doesn't work at all for me, I guess. I see names pop up on my screen and I know they're speaking, but I don't hear squat.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:11 PM
Leif Tanner, on 12 August 2015 - 10:57 AM, said:
So, what in essence you are saying is that you want to pretty much ban over half the people who play this game from CW events just because they want to take on a CW challenge? I think you might be forgetting the fact that while yes, forming teams does work to your advantage during CW, but most of the time you are hard ressed to find people from your friends list, House and even units that are online or able to find the time to be online in order to join a team and play together in a CW match.
Personally I do not think you have thought this through very much.
I could be saying that....
....I could be saying that I want those players who you 'think' I want to BAN from CW, to be given a reason to use the tools PGI has given them (friends, unit, faction, lance chat, in game voice) and stop playing this game like the 11 other people on their team are A.I.
...I could be saying that there is NEVER such a thing as a "Solo Drop" even with they in the 'Solo queue" because we ALWAYS have 11 other actual, living, breathing, people as teammates....and that each and every pilot should play accordingly.
Personally I think your reading comprehension is a little off.
Edited by Armando, 12 August 2015 - 01:15 PM.
Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:19 PM
Armando, on 12 August 2015 - 01:11 PM, said:
I could be saying that....
....I could be saying that I want those players who you 'think' I want to BAN from CW, to be given a reason to use the tools PGI has given them (friends, unit, faction, lance chat, in game voice) and stop playing this game like the 11 other people on their team are A.I.
...I could be saying that there is NEVER such a thing as a "Solo Drop" even with they in the 'Solo queue" because they ALWAYS have 11 other actual, living, breathing, people as teammates....and that each and every pilot should play accordingly.
Well, I will you the part about players who join the drops thinking they are playing with 11 A.Is in the mix. It is a shame that a lot of people go off and do their own thing, when MWO is a team game, not just the CW matches but also the solo drops. But the thing that annoys me the most with playing (either CW or solo drops) are how people do not use their Mechs in the right way the 'Mechs were designed for. Light pilots not scouting ahead, mediums and lights not supporting the heavies and assaults, entire lances who run off at the first sign of danger just to save their own skin whilst leaving their team mates left alone to get slaughtered by 4, 5, sometimes two entire enemy lances.
That is my main gripe in almost all the drops I have been in (I am not even going to get into how so many people bunch up it is impossible to move out of the line of enemy fire or that some people stop right in front of you when you are trying to target an enemy Mech and/or firing at the same time).
Posted 12 August 2015 - 01:20 PM
Livewyr, on 12 August 2015 - 10:30 AM, said:
20% Cbill bonus for being in a group in CW. (3+)
5-10% Cbill bonus for being in a unit in CW.
Neither costs money to do, so it wouldn't be P2W/P2A/P2Whine... or anything like that.
That would provide a lovely nudge.
Then, remove Trial mechs from the options to create a CW dropdeck. Boom. Skill/knowdledge floor instantly raised.
They are "TRIAL" mechs after all.
If you're having to drive a trial mech in community warfare, you're not ready.
Finally, someone who understands the point. Thank you sir, you have reaffirmed my faith in the MWO community.
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