Armando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:
I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened.
What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!!
All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs.
This brings be to the Topic Title:
To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.
FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already.
FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been).
As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending should have never been an option).
TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare.
Thank you for your time.
- Armando
while i agree with you 100% in everything you stated................... PGI has dropped the ball so badly on CW from day 1 that there is quite literally no player base for CW anymore. so we either get the solo's and wait a long time for drops or no solo's and basically never get a drop. quite a sad state.