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Solo Players Should Never Be Allowed To Drop In Community Warfare.

Balance Gameplay Mode

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#121 Summon3r


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 07:32 PM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:

PGI lied to me...

I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened.

What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!!

All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs.

This brings be to the Topic Title:


To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.

FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already.
FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been).

As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending solo....it should have never been an option).

TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare.

Thank you for your time.

- Armando

while i agree with you 100% in everything you stated................... PGI has dropped the ball so badly on CW from day 1 that there is quite literally no player base for CW anymore. so we either get the solo's and wait a long time for drops or no solo's and basically never get a drop. quite a sad state.

#122 Telmasa


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 08:26 PM

View PostSaxie, on 10 August 2015 - 06:37 PM, said:

Its an analogy that went over your head. If you take a coordinated 12 man against a bunch of solo guys, it would be like taking a level 1 on a lvl 60 raid lol.

And Armando I don't think I would worry about 1453 too much. He's been angry for a while....

If this were true, then there's no way I'd have seen so many "coordinated" 12-man teams lose - repeatedly - against "a bunch of solo guys" in CW.

You can "coordinate" any team you like, if the individual players are not up to snuff, it doesn't mean a thing.

I stick to what I said a few page back. The *vast* majority of "coordinated unit" players in CW aren't any better, at all, than the majority of "solo qeue" players in this game. Experience has taught me that.

The state of CW right now is unsatisfactory, and it affects *all* players in MWO - not just those of you who slap on unit tags and think yourself above the affairs of the lone wolf players.

#123 IraqiWalker


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 08:34 PM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:

PGI lied to me...

I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened.

What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!!

All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs.

This brings be to the Topic Title:


To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.

FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already.
FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been).

As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending solo....it should have never been an option).

TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare.

Thank you for your time.

- Armando

No. Just no.

Solo players are welcome in CW. Solo RAMBOS, are not welcome ANYWHERE. So please, don't lump solo players with solo rambos.

I drop solo into CW sometimes, but I don't run around like a moron. I coordinate with the others, and even get on Teamspeak.

#124 Armando


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:44 PM

View PostIraqiWalker, on 10 August 2015 - 08:34 PM, said:

No. Just no.

Solo players are welcome in CW. Solo RAMBOS, are not welcome ANYWHERE. So please, don't lump solo players with solo rambos.

I drop solo into CW sometimes, but I don't run around like a moron. I coordinate with the others, and even get on Teamspeak.

If you are coordinating with others you are not playing 'solo'. Not sayin.....just sayin.

#125 BSK


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 10:55 PM

View PostArmando, on 10 August 2015 - 09:44 PM, said:

If you are coordinating with others you are not playing 'solo'. Not sayin.....just sayin.


#126 IraqiWalker


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 01:23 AM

View PostArmando, on 10 August 2015 - 09:44 PM, said:

If you are coordinating with others you are not playing 'solo'. Not sayin.....just sayin.

You can see how people can misconstrue your title then?

I would recommend editing it to be "Rambos should never be allowed to drop in CW". Otherwise, you're gonna have more posts clogging the thread, that look a lot like mine. Arguing the point you aren't really trying to make.

#127 Uncle Totty


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 01:30 AM

View PostArmando, on 10 August 2015 - 09:44 PM, said:

If you are coordinating with others you are not playing 'solo'. Not sayin.....just sayin.

Since he is not part of a pre-made, yes, he is a solo player. And even though he does well in solo (not in a 12 man pre-made), he is still not in said 12 man. There for he would have no place in your CW.

#128 The Basilisk


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 01:58 AM

How would it be possible to make sure only players able and ready to perform go into CW ?

Isn't that the question lingering around ?

Or let me put it even more straight:
"How do I prevent " NOOOOOOBS " ( players with poor skills regarding the games funktionality etc. and unwilling to learn how to play, and I'm quite proud to count myself as one of them cause much of this game is just a effin violation of BattleTech :P ) from playing CW ?"

Answer: "You can't."

This Game has a lot of fans originating from different camps who are completely incompatible.
Ironically those ppl are the Iron core of this games population.
I frankly don't know how to get more ppl in this game who accept on one side this isn't a casual game if you want to be successfull and who don't have the main reason for clinging to this game beeing either " Yea its Battletech" or "Yea its Mechwarrior" or at least "Yea big stompy robots"

Looking at this game and remembering all and every friend, colleague or relative I tried to bring into MWO ( and who have left after some short time ) I can see no other reason for sticking with this game.
Cause to other ppl looking at MWO there is no GAME besides modifieing mechs, wasting ridiculous amounts of money on early access to Mechs and moving and shooting.

A Game needs something to actually play with and in MWO there realy is nothing you can't either get cheaper and with more functionality ( and less bugged ) elsewhere.

I understand that a company would make more money easier with lots and lots of casuals.
But neither MWO nor BattleTech is realy for casuals.

Thats why CW which depends on a large community to function won't work.

#129 Mochyn Pupur


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 02:16 AM

I routinely drop solo CW matches when there's no space in my Legion's drops. Solidly pick up mid range scores and easily carry my weight in a match. By the first poster's asinine post, that would mean I shouldn't be playing unless in an actual premade and relegated to PUG matches only.

The game is about balance of all match types and if you are paying for MC/Premium Time or anything else - the choice remains yours as to how you play it.

#130 mekabuser


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 05:59 AM

wish mode and maps were available as play option..

I have NO desire to play with or against teams. Its a loose loose.

Im sure the mode would be popular, perhaps very popular as the only good cw games ive played have been pug affairs.
really dont give a crap about the star map... let me play the mode and let all the teams play their CW

havent played in weeks and weeks cw and dont see me ever again if it isnt drastically different/;.

#131 PFC Carsten


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 06:43 AM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:

PGI lied to me... I was told there was going to be community warfare, and it doesn't exist. Not when the game was released, not last week, not today, has NEVER happened. What PGI laughably CALLS Community Warfare is really just a solo que where players get to drop in 4 mechs. I was TOLD that I was going to get a COMMUNITY of players, working together as a faction / mercenary units to fight against. I call BULLSH!T !!!!! All I see, match after match, after match, after match is solo players in trials who can't break 100 damage using 4 mechs. This brings be to the Topic Title: SOLO PLAYERS SHOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO QUE FOR COMMUNITY WARFARE. To say "A Solo Player participated in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement. FACT: Solo players have a que to fight against other solo players already. FACT: There is no game mode for only 12 man groups. (What COMMUNITY warfare should have been). As long as a solo player can que for a 'community warfare' drop, there is no community warfare. PGI farked over every community of players (every unit in the game) by allowing solo players the OPTION to que for community warfare. PGI farked over every solo player in game by giving them a chance to que without a unit (If can do it, you should be able to...not solo players fault for attacking/defending solo....it should have never been an option). TL:DR - Community Warfare should not be an option for solo players, No unit, no que option. Give solo players are REASON to join a 'community' (aka: Faction and or Unit) and play as a member of a GROUP. Fix community warfare....solo players have their que, 2-11 players have their ques, 12 mans should have our community warfare. Thank you for your time. - Armando

With the same rights as you, I hereby claim that solo queue should be unavailable for players who joined a unit. They can go to CW to level their mechs, to earn their c-bills and everything else. It's solo queue after all, not unit queue.

People bringing their battle-hardened equipment earned with tons of CW cash into the solo queue do make matchmaking complicated, working together unbalances PUG/solo queue matches etc. pp.

I would go so far as to completely separate both queues. Decided upon installing the client if you want to join a unit, then go to unit queue, face experienced adversaries in battle-hardened, mastered mechs, fully meta'ed and equipped with modules where companies are mostly made up from the latest and greatest MWO-tech has to offer.

And leave the same for us solo droppers.

And then count population after a few month and decide which group of players would be considered more successfull from a business POV for PGI. Close the other one down.


#132 LordNothing


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 08:10 AM

before you have a community you have to have players. right now the best time to play cw is when there is an event that sucks all the pugs into cw to get free stuff. when that happens wait times are miniscule and there are enough pugs on the map where you actually see pug on pug games which are not all that bad. ive been in games where a ragtag group of pugs utterly guts a premade, its rare but it does happen. actually i dont think the problems with cw have anything to do with pugs vs teams, or clan vs is mechs, or that "meta" bs. i think the entire problem stems from the way you join the game.

if you are solo you dont pick fights, you just look for queues that have players in them. you only care about getting in the game asap. if you are in a unit you pick a planet that you have an interest in, either you want it or you own it and want to defend it. there are always more active defense queues than attack queues. so you have a situation where premades are initiating attacks, and pugs on the other side are answering calls to arms to defend those planets, and this creates a situation that actively matches skilled units with solo players just looking for something different (frankly this game's lack of variety is to blame for not creating a place for everyone).

you can fix this problem with a few simple changes. planets need value, some planets need more value than others. the better players should be fighting eachother for the better planets, and the solo players need to be squabbling over the scraps. hell they dont even care about planets, they just want to play different maps and a different game mode and get free mech bays, mc, etc.

call to arms needs to be smarter. when there is a 12 man next in que, it needs to send calls of arms to units first to improve the chances of unit vs unit gameplay and only call solo players after the units have had their chance to join up. likewise units should not be immediately called when you got a slot full of pugs.

another simple change to improve the number of games is to allow infighting. when there simply arent enough players on cw to have actual battles over planets, start generating temporary aliances and fueds between factions so that there are enough players to fill up a queue.

it might also help to have planned unit on unit games where units can schedule games with other units over eachothers assets. each team agrees to fight a number of games to win an asset and decide which asset to bet, sort of like a batchall, but more generic so that it can apply to is units (a feud perhaps). this keeps units busy and helps to minimize mismatched opponents to a degree.

#133 Rahul Roy


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 08:52 AM

View Postmekabuser, on 11 August 2015 - 05:59 AM, said:

wish mode and maps were available as play option..

I have NO desire to play with or against teams. Its a loose loose.

Im sure the mode would be popular, perhaps very popular as the only good cw games ive played have been pug affairs.
really dont give a crap about the star map... let me play the mode and let all the teams play their CW

havent played in weeks and weeks cw and dont see me ever again if it isnt drastically different/;.

So you know what CW is, you don't like it and you don't play. Fair enough.

Really the issue I have is new players who don't know enough about CW, going into CW anyway.

These are the guys who will be out of position and focus fired instantly by an incoming push...the ones who will sacrifice a mech to kill omega in counter-attack when their team is behind on kills...the ones way back with LRMs when the enemy is moving through a chokepoint...the ones who can't conga line a gate turret, etc etc.

#134 PFC Carsten


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 09:29 AM

View PostRahul Roy, on 11 August 2015 - 08:52 AM, said:

So you know what CW is, you don't like it and you don't play. Fair enough.

Really the issue I have is new players who don't know enough about CW, going into CW anyway.

These are the guys who will be out of position and focus fired instantly by an incoming push...the ones who will sacrifice a mech to kill omega in counter-attack when their team is behind on kills...the ones way back with LRMs when the enemy is moving through a chokepoint...the ones who can't conga line a gate turret, etc etc.

So when you call those guys "a problem" what you really want to say is "let the PUGers in solo queue deal with them", right?
What if I, in the same right as a paying customer as you are, demand that I don't want newbies who might ruin game balance in solo queue either? Not that I do demand such a thing, but think of what you're saying there.

#135 Rahul Roy


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 10:10 AM

View PostPFC Carsten, on 11 August 2015 - 09:29 AM, said:

So when you call those guys "a problem" what you really want to say is "let the PUGers in solo queue deal with them", right?
What if I, in the same right as a paying customer as you are, demand that I don't want newbies who might ruin game balance in solo queue either? Not that I do demand such a thing, but think of what you're saying there.

Well I didn't call anyone a problem. :)

I have an issue with people who don't know what they're doing going into the mode meant for people who know what they're doing. Probably because they don't know what they are doing.

IMO anyone who reads and posts on these forums knows what they are doing, enough that they should play CW if they choose.

There are people playing CW that clearly don't read and post on these forums, and in addition they don't participate in the MWO community enough to learn what they need to know from any other place. (unit, LFG, faction chat, TS, VOIP, team chat, etc). I don't think those people should be thrown into CW with 7 mouse clicks, and being asked to by CW.

#136 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 11:22 AM

Its the elitist ******** threads like this that make me hate CW.

CW has its problems. Biggest problem is the attitude of its "elite" players.

Edited by Lorian Sunrider, 11 August 2015 - 11:25 AM.

#137 Livewyr


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 12:23 PM

View PostLorian Sunrider, on 11 August 2015 - 11:22 AM, said:

Its the elitist ******** threads like this that make me hate CW.

CW has its problems. Biggest problem is the attitude of its "elite" players.

Nobody said anything about bad players.

They said "Solo" players. (Those not part of any unit or group with which to exercise teamwork.)

#138 Armando


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 01:04 PM

View PostPFC Carsten, on 11 August 2015 - 06:43 AM, said:

With the same rights as you, I hereby claim that solo queue should be unavailable for players who joined a unit. They can go to CW to level their mechs, to earn their c-bills and everything else. It's solo queue after all, not unit queue.

People bringing their battle-hardened equipment earned with tons of CW cash into the solo queue do make matchmaking complicated, working together unbalances PUG/solo queue matches etc. pp.

Units can not queue as a group (be it a group of 2 or 12) for solo queue....only as solo players. This is the way it RIGHT NOW....so you get what you want. The solo queue has a system in place already that keeps players like you from ever facing players like me (It's called ELO). Nothing close in that is in place for COMMUNITY warfare.

I have said it before, I will say it again...

"Solo players dropping in Community Warfare" is a text book example of an oxymoronic statement.

A player who is part of a unit, dropping SOLO in a solo queue, is working as intended.

There is a game mode for 'solo only' 'end game' .... it is called Solaris. I am all in favor of PGI developing a Solaris style game mode....when they DO create a Solaris style game mode they would be STUPID to let Units drop as GROUPS in Solaris, just like it was STUPID to let Solo players drop SOLO (without being part of a community...aka faction / unit) in "Community" Warfare.

Edited by Armando, 11 August 2015 - 01:09 PM.

#139 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 01:14 PM

View PostLivewyr, on 11 August 2015 - 12:23 PM, said:

Nobody said anything about bad players.

They said "Solo" players. (Those not part of any unit or group with which to exercise teamwork.)

I didn't either if you read my post. I said Elitist, not elite. Two drastically different things.

I solo drop pretty constantly. My unit is small and my friends list is full of fellow casual. Yet I can still talk to my team mates in drops and communicate. Funny how that works.

It has nothing to do with "solo" players. It has to do with players who refuse to communicate or co-operate with their team.

But some of the BS spewed in this thread (particularly the first few pages) is ridiculous.

More people would play the game "properly" as the OP views it if the game type itself wasn't so drastically broken. During the last major CW event it was nothing but a harsh reminder about how utterly broken some of the maps are.

And for those of us who don't have as much free time (see job, family, social life, significant other, etc.) waiting for 30 minutes for a drop is unacceptable when you can have three or four regular drops.

I want CW to work. I'm a BT diehard. I own every single novel. I own the anthologies. I own most of the TRO's and the Field Manuels. I even have a decent collection of the Battletechnology Magazine. I own every single BT/MW game from the NES, PC to the ****** iOS game. But don't disparage players who drop solo when PGI hasn't done a good enough job to set it up to actually be enjoyable and meaningful.

Edited by Lorian Sunrider, 11 August 2015 - 01:17 PM.

#140 Armando


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 01:23 PM

View PostLorian Sunrider, on 11 August 2015 - 11:22 AM, said:

Its the elitist ******** threads like this that make me hate CW.

CW has its problems. Biggest problem is the attitude of its "elite" players.

I am far, Far, FAR from being an elitist. I welcome new players, I welcome veteran players who are shall we say 'less than skilled'. I have never said that 'new' / 'less skilled verterans' shouldn't be allowed to play in community warfare. What I HAVE SAID is that PGI needs to ensure that every player that drops in community warfare is READY to drop in community warfare, you know, as a member of a community.

What do I mean by that?

If you are going to drop in community warfare you need to have 'owned' mechs. Trial mechs are garbage and by letting players queue for community warfare in trial mechs is SETTING THEM and THEIR TEAMMATES UP FOR FAILURE, in addition to wasting the time of the 12 enemy players who waited 30+ minutes to face and fight against a TEAM.

If you are going to drop in COMMUNITY warfare, you need to be a PART OF A COMMUNITY of players.

Players who are willing or unable to drop in non-trial mechs as a member of a community have no place in COMMUNITY warfare. PGI has done a wonderful job of providing such players with an outlet they can use to play the game, it is called the Solo Queue.

Edited by Armando, 11 August 2015 - 01:30 PM.

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