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Solo Players Should Never Be Allowed To Drop In Community Warfare.

Balance Gameplay Mode

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#21 KinLuu


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:26 AM

View PostHiasRGB, on 09 August 2015 - 02:15 AM, said:

I have fun as Solo.

Me too.

CW is only no fun for terribads.

#22 Armando


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:27 AM

View PostKinLuu, on 09 August 2015 - 02:26 AM, said:

Me too.

CW is only no fun for terribads.

49% of the population is below average...fact of life. Congratulations on not being in that half. :-)

#23 meteorol


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:36 AM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 01:55 AM, said:

Give people a reason to join a unit, and fight as a unit and THEY WILL join a unit, and fight as a unit.

In short: Make people an offer so good they WON'T refuse it.

People will just come to the forum and complain that the game disadvantages solo players instead of joining a unit.

You have to accept that this game has a pretty old, very casual community. IIRC correctly, russ stated that 93% drop solo or with a maximum group size of 4.
93%. That is the overwhelming part of the playerbase. Many of them are casuals. They just want to blast a few mechs. They won't join a unit and drop as 12, because they don't want to talk about tactics with strangers during their drops, but about their day with a buddy or two. If they can't casually play with their buddies or solo, they simply won't play at all.

The 12mans you are targeting make up for 1% of the drops. That is a tiny, pretty much nonexistent part of the community.

You are trying to force people into a style of playing the vast majority of this community doesn't do right now. If they would enjoy dropping with 12, they would already do it. But they don't because they don't want to.

Giving them offers so good they won't refuse it means making it so good they are pretty much forced to do it. People don't like to be forced into a way of playing they don't enjoy for whatever reason. People are preaching "join a unit" ever since CW was released. Still, guys prefer getting their teeth kicked in by a large premade instead of joining a unit. They rather lose 10 CW matches 48:9, come to the forum and complain instead of joining a unit. I'm not saying that is smart, but that is what people do. And you won't change that by trying to bribe them.

Your idea would kill CW the second it is implemented.

#24 Armando


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:46 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 09 August 2015 - 02:36 AM, said:

Your idea would kill CW the second it is implemented.

How can you kill something that is already DEAD?

Allowing solo players to drop in Community Warfare is what killed Community Warfare.

It killed it for the solo players who get ROLFLMAOSTOMPED by 12 mans.
It killed it for the 12 mans who get stuck ROLFLMAOSTOMPING solo players.

Want a chance for Community Warfare to actual BE COMMUNITY warfare....make it 'communities of players' ONLY. Don't have a 4 man group....better jump into your faction teamspeak (every faction has one), or hop in LFG and FIND a 3 other players who will drop with you...or you can go back to the solo que.

As for the myth that there is no 12 man units out there, its a crock and a LIE. PGI say they only see 1% of 12 mans because they never gave 12 mans a way to face other 12 mans, hence... they CAN'T KNOW how many there are.

Not once has it ever been an option. The CLOSEST a group can come is to find another 12 man group, and create a private match (keep in mind no one in either 12 man group will make ANY C-Bills or any XP doing this....AND....AND....a person from each team has to PAY CASH MONEY for premium time or they can't play the game). Even WITH ALL THAT 1% still drops as 12.

Imagine if solo que there was no c-bills, no EX, and 2 out of every 24 players in the match had to spend cash money before the match could start. Do you think the solo que would dry up just a little bit???

Fact is PGI is clueless about how many 12 mans there are because there is no way for 12 mans to face off, and there never has been, so there 'DATA" is BullSh!t.

Edited by Armando, 09 August 2015 - 02:59 AM.

#25 Elizander


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:49 AM

Almost all games need balance. You can't just simply balance to the lowest common denominator and cut all other features so CW is needed, even if, on paper, it doesn't seem profitable. Why would Blizzard bother with high difficulty raids if only 1-5% of their players will ever finish it? Because people need something to work towards, but it's not clear to the common player how to work towards being a part of CW.

I had fun in the CW games I played as a pug trash solo dropper, but the wait time isn't for me. :ph34r:

#26 Vlad Ward


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 02:51 AM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 02:27 AM, said:

49% of the population is below average...fact of life. Congratulations on not being in that half. :-)

~49% of the population is below median. L2Math plz.

And it's almost as if units totally haven't been scrambling to merge with each other to combat burnout and dwindling player count for years now. Even MercStar was originally formed by a half dozen dying units (and SwK I guess) coalescing under one banner so that they'd have enough people together to play in 12 queue. Solo players and small groups are absolutely necessary to any multiplayer-only game.

As for dis guy, I will never "complain" about stomping 12 randoms in CW. If people can't take advantage of the pre-match timer, faction chat, and lfg to coordinate builds, insist on bringing garbage mechs, and refuse to use text or in-game VOIP to talk to each other in a match, they've lost the right to any sympathy when they get rekt.

PUGs have every single tool necessary to combat premades readily available to them in the game already.

Edited by Vlad Ward, 09 August 2015 - 02:56 AM.

#27 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:04 AM


All i'm going to say is your initial post and title earned a *face-palm* but some of your further developed ideas, such as giving players an incentive to join a Unit, has merit.

Other than that, I'm too tired from staying up to 3am, playing with 20 plus of my fellow Legionnaires in CW for two nights in a row. If solo players want to play in the area designed for groups, let them, the groups aren't all supercomptieranything teams. Some of us enjoy giving them a fair fight and brawling/skirmishing with them; it's not a lie when I say a few of our recruits have joined because of our attitude toward them in-game.

So instead of clubbing solo players and telling them their not welcome, try going the other direction; ask PGI to give us ALL a reason to play in Community Warfare. Perhaps even revisit some of the threads that tried to ENCOURAGE players and promote GROWTH in the gamemode, rather than smacking down a particular type of player in the name of "teamwork/ coordination/ l33t'ness (I can make up words too ;) ).

#28 o0Marduk0o


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:04 AM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 01:33 AM, said:

Bad for the solo players (who can't put out 100 damage total using 4 mechs).

You are not describing a solo player, you describe a bad player.

#29 Baelfire


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:06 AM

View PostArmando, on 09 August 2015 - 02:46 AM, said:

Want a chance for Community Warfare to actual BE COMMUNITY warfare....make it 'communities of players' ONLY.

The Community you are talking about is your house or clan. You dont have to be in a unit or a premade to be part of that community. In GW2 whole RvR communities exist where nobody cares about guild tags and most players are either solos or play in very small groups with a size of 5 or less. And these communities still work fine.

There is a reason why the game mode is called "community warfare" and not "unit warfare".

#30 Armando


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:09 AM

Blizzard proved that you give 40 players a REASON to team up (oh those 'purple pills'), they will team up. PGI on the other hand....never given players a single reason to ever join a group, then wonder why CW is failing. LoL

Edited by Armando, 09 August 2015 - 03:23 AM.

#31 JudgeDeathCZ


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:12 AM

I agree.I play CW with unit.NEVER SOLO.

Anyway I have another problem.Why new players do not have their own queue?Let say until 1k matches they will drop only with another newbies?

#32 Armando


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:19 AM

View PostJudgeDeathCZ, on 09 August 2015 - 03:12 AM, said:

I agree.I play CW with unit.NEVER SOLO.

Anyway I have another problem.Why new players do not have their own queue?Let say until 1k matches they will drop only with another newbies?

It is my understanding that Public Ques do have both solo only and new player only ques....CW on the other hand, no options for solo only, and no ELO either. It is my also my understanding that ELO will eventually put solo with groups or new players with vets, but only have a significant amount of time has passed without finding a 'match' for that solo/new player.

I fully expect my understanding is either incomplete, and could even be straight up WRONG.

Edited by Armando, 09 August 2015 - 03:21 AM.

#33 Livewyr


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:31 AM

Unusual for Armando.

I don't think Solos should be entirely removed. (Some people are just that way.)
HOWEVER: There needs to be minimum requirements to get into Community Warfare.

4 Owned: ELITED Mechs of different chassis. (Faction appropriate)
10 Matches in the group queue. (Suck it up, buttercup)

#34 Davegt27


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:42 AM

I pretty much stopped playing CW

Not because of the PUG stomps but because of my low output

Maybe I get 750 dmg but always on the low end of my team
Group queue is even worse I have to constantly remember not to take and invite when asked

Like you say suck it up
If you can’t produce 900 to 1K consistently get out



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:54 AM

View Postxe N on, on 09 August 2015 - 12:13 AM, said:

I'm a solo player and I'm fine with this. I don't play CW. I guess, 90% of all solo players avoid CW, because it is a PUG stomp and farming mode for 12 mans.

So, you dont even play in the game mode and yet are perpetuating the 12man rolfstomp BS.


Since you have a total lack of fact, here is one from PGI.

12man stomps only happen 1%, or less, of the time. Rest of the time it is PUGs, or this mythical 12man solo group, that are doing the pug farming. Your pug farming is done BY PUGs TO PUGs.

So, how do you PUGs want to be nerfed so you cannot farm PUGs since it is you doing it 99% of the time?



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:59 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 09 August 2015 - 01:17 AM, said:

Yeah, it ends pugs getting bashed by 12 mans by ending CW alltogether. It would instantly kill CW.
1/3 the Cbills for public queue would not only kill CW, it would kill this game.

Seriously, those are some of the worst ideas i have seen over the last few months.

Almost as bad as you perpetuating the 12man stomp LIE after you even posted the statement by Russ that 12man units are only 1% and that means your stomps are by the remaining 99%. And who makes up that 99%?


If your going to talk out both sides of your face, at least TRY a little harder to hide it.

#37 Armando


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 04:00 AM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 09 August 2015 - 03:04 AM, said:


All i'm going to say is your initial post and title earned a *face-palm* but some of your further developed ideas, such as giving players an incentive to join a Unit, has merit.

Other than that, I'm too tired from staying up to 3am, playing with 20 plus of my fellow Legionnaires in CW for two nights in a row. If solo players want to play in the area designed for groups, let them, the groups aren't all supercomptieranything teams. Some of us enjoy giving them a fair fight and brawling/skirmishing with them; it's not a lie when I say a few of our recruits have joined because of our attitude toward them in-game.

So instead of clubbing solo players and telling them their not welcome, try going the other direction; ask PGI to give us ALL a reason to play in Community Warfare. Perhaps even revisit some of the threads that tried to ENCOURAGE players and promote GROWTH in the gamemode, rather than smacking down a particular type of player in the name of "teamwork/ coordination/ l33t'ness (I can make up words too ;) ).

Don't get it twisted....I don't want solo players to stop dropping in CW, I want them to START dropping with other as a part of a group. I want PGI to give them a good reason to do so.

Not only does PGI need to give solo players a reason to make/join a group, but PGI also needs to reward members of groups for being Drop Callers (Also know as a DC).

For those players who have never been in a 12 man group (and since PGI has never given you a reason to join a group....why WOULD you join a group in the current state of the game?) a Drop Caller is the person who uses VoIP, TS3, etc to...

...explain before the match what the 'game plan'.
...calls out rally points once the map starts (Rally in E4)
...calls out troop movement orders during the match (HOLD @ E6 Grid: PUSH as a group into C2: etc)
...calls out primary / secondary focus fire targets to teammates (Primary Target: "Alpha" CTF-3D in D2 Grid has open CT)

(far from a complete list, but gives you an idea)
^^^^^^Good DC makes CW FUN^^^^


...GIVE SOLO PLAYERS A REASON TO JOIN GROUPS. (no group, no CW for you. Enjoy our wonderful solo que system already in place...not even joking here really make em join a group to play CW).


To the solo players out there who think ohs noes I will never find a group for ME....I'm here to tell you, there is a group for you. There are many 'casual' units out there, many 'competitive' units out there, and a TON of 'in between'. There are "G" units (kid friendly coms is required) and "XXX" units (the things they say will make sailor / lose women / and cold blooded killers blush). There are small units (less than 12 people) and there are large units (more than 150+ people). There are Faction Loyalist Units and there are damn dirty, money chasing, mercenary units. No joke HUNDREDS of active units to chose from.

If if by some grace of a maker there isn't a unit that is YOUR type of unit....damn it man, make friends with guys you like dropping with and MAKE YOUR OWN UNIT. You are good enough, you are smart enough, and gosh darn it....people like you. YOU CAN DO IT !!!!

Edited by Armando, 09 August 2015 - 04:13 AM.



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 04:01 AM

View PostHangfire, on 09 August 2015 - 02:17 AM, said:

Looks like someone really enjoys 30min+ wait times :D

And someone does not know how to drop on contested planets.

#39 meteorol


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 04:10 AM

View PostTWIAFU, on 09 August 2015 - 03:59 AM, said:

Almost as bad as you perpetuating the 12man stomp LIE after you even posted the statement by Russ that 12man units are only 1% and that means your stomps are by the remaining 99%. And who makes up that 99%?


If your going to talk out both sides of your face, at least TRY a little harder to hide it.

Would you mind quoting where i brought up the "lie"? I just said it would end pugs getting crushed by 12 because thats what HE said his idea would do. It was an answer directly related to HIS post.

Edited by meteorol, 09 August 2015 - 04:14 AM.



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Posted 09 August 2015 - 04:13 AM

View PostDavegt27, on 09 August 2015 - 03:42 AM, said:

I pretty much stopped playing CW

Not because of the PUG stomps but because of my low output

Maybe I get 750 dmg but always on the low end of my team
Group queue is even worse I have to constantly remember not to take and invite when asked

Like you say suck it up
If you can’t produce 900 to 1K consistently get out


IF you were involved in CW, talked to those that play CW, communicated with Units, those Leaders, or even members, you would quickly learn that damage is not key to these players.

It is the one thing that solo players have been rallying against, wanting to be removed, and not be a factor in this queue.


Damage is inconsequential if you play as a member of a team. Being a participating member of a team is hard for a great deal of participation trophy players. They cannot understand that for a person to win, the team must win first. They cannot put the whole ahead of themselves.

If you play as a member of a team in a teamwork focused queue, you are already ahead of the game. If you don't, well, you want the whole queue/game mode to change to suit yourself, as we have seen over and over.

Best way to improve and prosper in a teamwork/group based game queue is to take part in the team. A player will personally improve as they improve in team play.

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