Armando, on 30 August 2015 - 11:32 PM, said:
And that is the problem....people who use the forums are either unwilling or unable to grasp the meaning of the thread and would rather play semantics games then make MWO better experience for the player base.
The word solo means EXACTLY what is are alone, and the fact that people use the word 'solo' to mean anything other than being alone (which can NEVER happen in this game because we ALWAYS have a team of players with / against us in drops) is indeed encouraging anti-social "soloist' behavior mindset.
Good, I hope you learned your lesson then, use the words the way the community does, that should save you pages and pages of arguments.
Also, in the case of this thread, that discussion was more than warranted, because the opening post gives off a message you yourself don't want to give, because you're using the words wrong.
Solo in this game does not mean being alone. It means behaving as if you are alone.