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Your Personal Top 5 Of Loved And Hated Chassis In Mwo And Why

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#1 Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:09 AM

I wanted to start this topic so long ago.
So, gents, it speaks for itself.
Name top-5 your personal most adorable and mist loathsome chassis in MWO.
I mean not only it's raw effectiveness, but the overall impression.
The mechs, that are evoking emotions in you.

Let's start with my worshipping-list first:

Posted Image1. Awesome - for a reason unknown, this cute cabinet on fins owns my heart.
He is so clumsy, even cute.
AWS always reminds me of Hotei - japanese demigod of happiness, luck and joy.
With his big belly and constant smile, he shares the love through all the battlefields since my first MWO-days.
And with current a bit overpowered quircks he finally becomes that fearsome assault mech, that you remember from BT-novels.
And do not forget the best view from cockpit of all the mechs.
It feels like a real piece of high-end tech, not like others claustrophobic or crude cockpits.
Who is awesome?

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2. Battlemaster - despite being unforgivable oversized and wide in terms of gameplay and remote resembles of it's original, BLR fits my hands like a glove.
Great variety of builds and a very handy to pilot.
Of all the first introduced in MWO mechs, he was the most anticipated for me.
He was OK in pre-quircks era, but now kick a$$ as he should.
And do not forget one of the most charismatic and powerful, yet quite obscure hero mech - Hellslinger (what da hell should it be translated?!).
Remember last hero-torunament?
Over 5000 points, my Gods!!!

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3. Orion - have no idea, why this lovely mech is so unpopular.
At first time she has problems with CT-hitbox, but now it runs pretty well.
Yes, she lacks armor, but as a second-line direct-fire support she is great.
Great variety of builds, nice tonnage and overall cosiness make me smile every time I am seeing her.
Hero Protector has a great classy look.
May be, the only reason, so many players despise ON1-chan is her inability to boat weapons.
But this is arguable.
And do not forget nice cockpit with fire extinguisher.

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4. Nova - being criminally oversized, she is an easy-prey for anyone.
Hope, she would be resized properly soon.
But still, she has so elegant and graceful look, I dunno how thou can't fall in love with this great Alex's redesign.
Silply, a piece of art on the battlefield.
A porcelain doll among the steel Pinocchios.

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5. Raven - never loved this mech before MWO.
But man, how great this little scavenger is here!
Bloodthirsty and sneaky bird that was created to inflict pain to enemy's backs.
Is Spider-pilots should be plain crazy, Raven-pilots are definatly vengeful sadists.
The kill itself doesn't matter.
What matters is the agony and constant angst of the enemy.
This, what makes long Raven's beak grins so meaningful.

And now comes my execration-list:

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1. Executioner - pure pain and loathsome in terms of gameplay.
Can't even figure out why exactly he is so atrociusly bad.
I love my ugly Gargoyles, find them a special kind of fun and mpl-builds are quite effective on it.
But EXE?
What a bad joke this mech is.
From his degenerative-look to his castrated loadouts - what a pathetic mech!
Yes, Gargy is pretty bad too, but it's overall derpness makes him even good.
But EXE?
No, thanx.
He is plain bad.
This clan abomination is not only repugnant to pilot, but not even fun.
And yes, I have EXE-D.
The only thing he does good is boiling it's pilot a$$.

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2. Adder - what a bad joke instead of a light mech!
Oversized, wide and slow nali instead of agile and powerful Puma, I once knew from MW4.
When he finally gets rid of his miserable flamere in CT and with proper quircs it runs pretty well with 5 cerml, but a 106 km/ph light without JJ is still pityful.
So sad, he got so gret redesign from Iglesias hands, but is so atrocious as a light...

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3. Kit Fox - yet another clan dissapointment and faked light.
He is cute, was so anxious to see him.
But the only good thing I've got from him is a nice cockpit.
Anythinf else about Foxy is a pure dissapointment.

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4. Cataphract - agromech instead of battlemech.
3d was really great and fun in poptart-era, but with JJ nerf, he bacomes juas an other Coprophract.
The best role, he could do on the field (no, not the battle-field) is to till the plough.
Assarmed mech needs assarmed pilots.
Piece of Liao crap!

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5. Suddenly, Hunchback!
No, he is pretty good and powerful, but I just do not like it.
Like a unpretty girl, that likes you, but is total irrelevant for you.
She could be a good person, but evoces nothing, but a pity from you.
And I simply hate enemy's Grid Irons.
They could be more irritating, than even LURMz.

So, feel free to share you thoughts and sympathies here!

#2 Kiiyor


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:18 AM

The Awesome is my #1 also. I disagree about the overpowered bit though, lol - it's only ever overpowered if no-one shoots at you.

I've loved the Awesome in every BT game ever, and it was the first mini I owned for TT.

There's something about it's fat, ponderous, heaving mass that keeps drawing me back to it in MWO.

All other mechs #2 or lower.

#3 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:34 AM

In MWO, right now?
Alright, let me think...
1-The Motherf*cking Urbanmech!
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Even if it's one of my worst mechs, performance-wise and i always seem to get the most incompetent team, imaginable, whenever i'm in my adorably little trash-can, i can't help but absolutely love it. Running mine with a XL125 engine (for a whopping 75~ kph) and an AC10 with a medium laser for back-up.

2-Quickdraw-4G. It's oversized. It's ugly as hell. Low slung arms. Terrible hitboxes. Wonky animations. And i love it.
I just wish the in-game model looked more like the Concept art. Narrower torso, higher mounted arms, SPHERICAL head (instead of the completely flat one we have in-game)
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3-Centurion-AH. Easily one of my top-performers. An excellent brawler, even if it's a bit oversized (and mis-proportioned. Could really use a little model-manipulating to make it thinner and sleeker like the Concept art). Here's the Koniving's change, i keep cramming into every post i make about the Centurion.
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4-Thunderbolt-5S. The worst Thunderbolt, but also the best. The only one with the giant drum of missiles, which i never remove, just because of how awesome it looks. Coupled with the off-set cockpit, easily one of the best looking Phoenix mechs. The only gripe i have with it, is its dynamic geometry being, less than stellar.
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5- Vindicator - 1AA. The Avenging Angel. 6 jump jets, XL250, double PPC. A very fun mech, which i just recently bought and mastered and it quickly became one of the favorites. It has a really nice, sleek look to it and apart from minor issues like the left forearm, is one of the best looking mechs in Mechwarrior Online.
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1-Hankyu. I don't even want to talk about it.
2-Firestarter. Basically the Arctic Cheetah, just squishier, bigger, easily pop-able side-torsos, bigger, softer legs, less range, no ECM. Still hate it. Everyone who pilots them, can go *bleep* themselves.
3-Ryoken. Not talking about it, either.
4-Mad Cat. Easily the best mech in the game. Not as annoying as the other ones, mentioned before. But i hate it nevertheless.
5-Fenris. It's hideous.

Please ignore the fact that 5/5 loved ones are Inner Sphere and 4/5 hated ones are Clan.
It's TOTALLY a coincidence.

Edited by Juodas Varnas, 17 August 2015 - 07:12 AM.

#4 Mycrus


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:34 AM

Mechs i love to run and looks cool

Mehs i hate
Griffin /Wolverine... they dont feel right
Shadow hawk... bad cockpit design

#5 Damien Tokala


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:35 AM

Kit fox: while you may not like him, he has a special place in my heart with his 4 srm6 build, sneaking and coring people from behind.

Nova: I used to hate it for not following its canonical look and adopting that hideous torso, but I realized that it had potential.

Ebon jag: what started out as a frustrating struggle for understanding, turned Into a beautiful Symphony of death as he became my go to guy for Long range abuse.

Timberwolf: A variant has always been a favorite... I managed to recreate it using the tbr-c before they released the A variant, and he's always been my fun little stock oddball.

Shadowcat: make no mistake... He's as weak as a newborn, but he's fast and jumpy, and can make an amazing sniper with a dual ppc build.


Raven. Any raven. I wish for their deaths.

Spider. Ugly, weak, but fast and evil. One of Satan's streetwalkers.

Stormcow.... MOOOOO that thing is ugly as a Mackie.

Grasshopper. It's probably one of the most unsightly things I've ever seen.

King crab. It scares the **** out of me... But it can be a fun fight.

Edited by Damien Tokala, 16 August 2015 - 06:38 AM.

#6 Scandinavian Jawbreaker


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:37 AM

Heh Mekanik funny that some of my most loved Chassis' are on your hate list :D

1. Hunchback
- My definite favourite. I just love the playstyle on these mechs and they're agile and small.

2. Executioner
- Ok at first I was like lol another bad Gargels kek, but then I started playing it, learned how it worked with MASC and absolutely fell in love with it. I guess it's because of the different playstyle. Very fast and mobile assault with decent hardpoints.

3. Griffin
- Probably the best looking cockpit in the game. Awesome brawler for a guy who loves brawling.

4. Atlas
- Even though a bit of an underdog these days, it's still bad ass. Been enjoying especially the S lately.

5. Locust
- Ok just the 1E but still. ITS SO CUTE!!! And fun to pilot. Running 169kph knowing you can get one shot any time any where adds the thrill to the game I need. So much fun!

There's alot of other favourites too... Highlander, Centurion, Raven, Orion. But since only top5 there it is. Ok I don't hate many mechs but there are some...

1. Badder
- I just can't play it. Damn annoying! Slow, ugly and ugh... Gathering dust in my hangar bay.

2. Skit Fox
- Same reason as Adder.

3. Kintaro
- Huge and don't really like the aesthetic.

4. Vindicator
- Got the St. Ives Blue when it came out and was very disappointed. Damn, awful.

5. Summoner
- Bad poptart or streakboat... Yeah I'll pass. Too bad cus the model is nice.

#7 The Basilisk


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:44 AM

Most loved: Pre -Quirk, Pre -AC/UAC Nerf the Banshee 3E just klick and hold and cherish the horrified loock on enemys faces.
Also before the Quirkening and the AC UAC deathnerf Iliya with 3 UAC5

Today most loved: The Battlemaster, mostly the GHE with PPC rapidfire module and LPL range
2nd my wolverines especialy 6K ( laser ) and 6R ( dakka )

Most hated: Pre Quirkening pre nerf the dualgauss catapult and dualgauss Jäger mech
Today the Victors, Dragonslayer is the worst of the bunch, they are more useless than a Urbanmech

And all light mechs, since people still dont use them as they are intendet and still stay able to do so.

Edited by The Basilisk, 16 August 2015 - 06:47 AM.

#8 Burktross


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:58 AM

You need firepower to run ahead with the lights?
You need a can openner to escort the assaults?
You need unholy lurm rain?

2. Locust
Lightest, fastest, baddest! Only challenged by the Commando.

An atlas that ways in at 75 tons and a smaller profile. What's not to love?

3. Kit Fox
The only clan mech I truly adore. It is a jack of all trades medium in light armor, and it's perfect!

4. Cicada
A light mech in medium armor? Yes please!

5. Panther
No one expects AC/20 pinpoint alphas on a 100+kph mech!

#9 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 07:34 AM

Top 5:
Commando- the eternal plucky underdog, sporting a monocle like a Proper Sir.
Centurion- because facetanking is for the weak.
Panther- the only thing that could make me love it more is if PGI swapped its engine noise with the Adder's.
Hunchback- Boom. Accept no substitutes.
Zeus- One of my favorite BT assaults... and well worth the wait.

Bottom 5:
Firestarter- for still not having flamer quirks.
Stormcrow- for Streakcrows.
Cataphract- it wasn't beaten in the face with the Ugly Stick... the whole damn tree fell on it.
Jaegermech- ...and here's where the Ugly Tree fell onto the 'Phract from.
Nova- mostly for the 'tards who overheat them two seconds into the match.

Edited by PS WrathOfDeadguy, 16 August 2015 - 07:36 AM.

#10 Kjudoon


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 09:35 AM

Top 5

1. Vindicators - They are just so fun to play in the PPFLD era. They are the commando's bigger, cooler brother who can jump

2. Battlemasters - This was close with #3, but in the end, I have more BLRs and play them more than Orions. Generally I love their functionality, speed and power despite large size and tendency to draw fire.

3. Orions - My former #1. My signature Pain Train ON1-VA is my favorite mech of all time, but thanks to LRM nerfs, it's fallen on hard times. It just can't outperform the two others for my sheer enjoyment and functionality. It's my only mech I racked up two Ace of Spades though, so I hope they do something to fix LRMs or rebalance PPFLD.

4. Panthers - Amazingly I love these little things. When I want to play a light, this is it. And here's a video as to why.

5. Zeus - More or less a new love. Tanky pocket Banshees that can move!. Till they were elited, my eyes bled just taking them out. After... wow! Just wow. Lazorvomit EBERYWHAAAARRRR!!!BLARGHLEBLARGLEFUNBLARGLE! (videos to come some day)

Honorable Mentions: The Griffin and Shadowcat would have made the cut, but again. LRM nerfs have wrecked the builds I loved the most and with ECM reaching to 12 and 13 mechs in a match... yeah... I'll cut you if you say it's fine. Everything's fine. Working as intended.

Bottom 5

5. Enforcer - Whatever I try, they just DON'T work! Nothing feels right. Not one single bloody thing! Sure they're tough, but easily left weaponless with not enough tonnage to carry a loadout worth having that doesn't overheat every 5 seconds or 2 shots. Whichever comes first. Unless you like being outrun by an Stalker.

4. Atlas - So much suckage! Too big. Too slow. who cares about how much weaponry the hardpoints blowl. The King Crab is better by far and that's an LRM landing platform! A favorite thing to shoot with LRMs.

3. Dragon - my first heavy. Even before I knew how to play this game, I knew how crappy this mech was. After quirks, I hate it so much the more. Fast and flimsy, it's the 1974 Lincoln Continental of MWO. I love killing them with LRMs.

2. Centurion - Like the Enforcer, it sucks even more without JJs to help out. Just, stahp!

1. Blackjack - Betrayal! My first medium that looked so awesome in the stat department... How little did I know! Just horrid in so many ways. Too light to do squadoo, and then both irritatingly fragile and just icky to look at. Just ick. I have a special place in my heart when I kill one.

Close calls: Jagermech, Awesomes

#11 Davers


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 10:28 AM

Fav mechs

1. Hunchbacks
2. Catapults
3. Blackjacks
4. Thunderbolts
5. Stalkers

Blah Mechs
1. Dragons
2. All Wolverines but the 6K.
3. All Cicadas but the 3M.
4. All Atlases but the DDC.
5. All Enforcers but the 4R

#12 Wayreth


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:46 AM

View PostMycrus, on 16 August 2015 - 06:34 AM, said:

Spider. Ugly, weak, but fast and evil. One of Satan's streetwalkers.

Now that is funny right there.
Faves - Jager, Awesome, Satan's Streetwalker(spider), Thunderbolt, Shadowhawk

Dislikes: Atlas, Crabs, Dragons, Highlanders, ravens

#13 JediPanther


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:46 AM

Top five love:

Catapult C1: still gets the job done and people underestimate what it can do.
Raven 4X: Screw the magic box. Jumpjets and being able to use an ac20 at light height makes for leg hunting easy.
Jenner D: Generally ignored now in all the ecm ach and fire hells. Untill its the last mech alive wining the match.
Catapult K2: Ac 20 is good, two of them even better. Mix and match heavy ac with lasers for a lot of fun.
Cada 3M: ECM Guass sniper. A terror on alpine and any other open area.

Top five hate:
Direwhales. Best way to deal with it is lrms or from behind.
Raven 3L: Ten to one odds it's using the two er ll build. Get into its face and smack it around.
Atlas: Even outdated you still need to focus on one.
Stalker: Just keep shooting it and it'll die.

#14 Wrathful Scythe


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 12:32 PM

My sugar love mechs:
Catapult-K2; My first c-bill bought mech. Love the design and it can still hold it self up. It will always have a place in my heart.
Direwolf-"any"; "Firepower is magic"
Centurion-YLW; My first MC bought mech. Design is a masterpiece and you can't go wrong with a (now slightly lesser) big AC in your arm.
Jenner-F; Still love that little bugger. 6 ERML is always fun in a fast mech. It's just Marvelous.
Stalker Misery; Ballistic on a Stalker? Sweet baby jesus, this is awesome.

Unloved dust gatherers
Kintaro-"any"; Missiles anyone? Not great with SSRMs with the a certain crow prowling around. And don't get me startet on LRMs.
Nova-"any"; Way to big with it's low arm weapons. I don't like weapons strapped to my knees, especially not if said mech is as big as a heavy.
Victor-"any"; No mech dies faster than an XL Victor and sadly, the XL is kinda a requirement for that thing.
Spider-5V; PGI's inofficial joke
Shadow Cat-"any"; I know it's role and I don't really like it. If MASC would be better it might have a place in my heart but as it stands, I don't like it.

#15 LordNothing


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 12:46 PM

hate list in no particular order, mad dog, myst lynx, there was a cicada i didnt get but then ended up liking 2 other varients. i used to like the victor but its hard to not hate it these days. i cant really think of another right now. my usual practice is to sell mechs i dont like and i usually forget what they were.

on love list you will definately find dire, warhawk, banshee, wolverine 6r, and probibly crab. also in no particular order

#16 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 01:14 PM

Loved... hm...

not in order

Warhawk B - why? I have a love/hate relationship with clan omnis with their locked equipment, this being showcased best with the Warhawk. But I like this mech the best because I can stuff it with 2 LRM 20s and 2 LRM 15s and like 15 tons of ammo. This mech I have my highest damage and kill numbers in (1492 and 7 kills same game)

Atlas - because I always liked the Atlas and it used to be a good tank. Nowadays thats rather figurative being that you die in 2 sec no matter what you drive. My fave Atlas is the Boar's Head with an AC20 and 6 medium lasers as its the second highest Ive ever gotten in a match, and it was on Terra Therma (1340 and 4 kills same game). Other than the giant bullseye your AC20 used to paint on the mech (and the several times my ac20 was destroyed before I lost all my armor)

Jagermech - high mounted arm slots, small head, its just a fun mech. The one with 6 ballistic slots (the S was it?) was amazing fun for me for a few as I stuffed it full of ac/2s - all six, with hardly and ammo and a 185 XL. The first game I ever got in with that thing was in canyon network where I ridge humped my way to 900 damage and 6 kills. I really learned trigger discipline with that thing. I was advised by one of our unit mates that the correct trigger discipline for short, burst firing weapons like that mech would be is to pop out, and hold the trigger while thinking or saying "die ************* die" then retreating

Cataphract - The Illya, 3 ac5 3 medium lasers is my third highest damaging mech with a 1307 game on Terra Therma and holds a special place for me.

Catapult - split between two builds on the same model:

K-2 In closed Beta the dual AC/20 cat was a thing and my most remembered kill was being in the tunnel on frozen city and walking around the corner to see an Awesome. We both froze for a second, he fired first but I was inside 90 meters. I fired and caught both shots to the head. He was extremely cool about the death and congratulated me.

Dual Gauss K-2 Also in CB, I was moving towards the bridge on river city (the open spot between lower city and upper) and I saw a red dorito. Thinking to make the guy duck (I hadnt even seen the mech itself at this point) I fired dual gauss at him then kept moving. I was as surprised as he was when I saw "mechwarrior Buddah has killed -----" He spent the rest of the match railing against me of how I was cheating etc even to the point of his own team telling him to shut up because he was making it hard to direct the battle.

Ah good times.

Least favorite:

Any light - I get motion sick from running fast lights and slow lights are coffins.

Pre quirk Hunchback - having a bigassed "shoot me here to disable me entirely" sign on your mech wasnt fun to play.

Battlemaster when it first came out - the thought was that the hitboxes were the same as the area it showed when you clicked on the side torso making it extremely easy to kill as the CT seemed to lap over the side torsos. Thats what it seemed like driving it as well as I ran it with XL all the time being that I never lost side torsos, I was always cored CT.

Nova - one of my faves from previous MW titles and TT and here I just cant play it because of Ghost heat and if the enemy looks at me cross eyed Im dead in half a second.

Stalker - great Lurmboat by all measure but ppl just focus your side torsos all day meaning your battlefield lifespan seems shorter than that of a radioman irl.

#17 Overlord Neb


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 01:48 PM

So I'm gonna do 2 lists. List 1 will be the mechs I love to play because they work well.

List 2 will be the mechs I think LOOK the best, regardless of how they function on the battlefirled

List 1
With #1 being my favorite
5. Blackjack 1-x w/6 MedLas and 2 Medpulse
Love this thing to death. I hit like a dual AC20 and those quirks make it all the better. I run with a STD 225 for 81KPH. Only issue is I wish it had jump jets.

4. King Crab w/2 AC20 and 2 Large Lasers. Beast build. Running with a STD 325 this thing is a beast. Killed my fair share of everything in this mech. It's scary and brawly and I love it.

3. Hunchback. Period. Love this thing. Can't get enough of it. Amazing little funball. 4P with Meds or Partybacking with a STD 255. 4G with the standard AC20 build. 4J with LRMs or 3 Larges and 3 Mediums

2. Battlemaster. So I've only ever used the 3L as a Wubmaster with 2 Large Pulses, and 6 Medpulses with a STD 300. But I want to try some other varients with ACs in the left arm and such

1. The Jagermech. I LOVE this mech. I can preform well in this with almost any somewhat viable build. Firebrand with 2 Larges and 2 Large Pulses? I broke 300K with Premium time active. JM-DD w/2 LBX, 4 MG and 2 Meds? 1st time out I got 2 Solo kills on caustic.

Very 1st mech I ever mastered

Only varient I can't make work is the Missile varient. I've tried quad SRM and I sucked. While at the same time doing great with SRMs on other mechs. I haven't really tried LRMs much but I still don't think I'll be able to do well with that specific varient.

Now onto the mechs I love to look at.
#1 being my favorite
5. Executioner.
I wasn't expecting this to be that good considering the artwork. It didn't look impressive at 1st. THEN the model hit. Wow. I LOVE the design of that mech. Even if it is kinda lackluster. It still looks damn awesome.

4. The King Crab. A really intimidating design. This just strikes fear into those who see it. I need to get to nicknaming mine the Kaiju.

3. Kit Fox. It's adorable. I love blowing them up. 'nuff said

The Atlas. I can't say enough about how much I love this mech design. Easily the most intimidating thing on the battlefield. Although the mech itself still has alot of flaws.

2. The Urbie. Cuter than the Cute Fox even. So small and adorable.

1.The Hunchback. I love the design on this thing. It just looks so... realistically do-able. Most of the mechs in this game looks like they could be practically built IRL (Although the tech does not quite yet exist) But this looks probably the most realistic. And that alone makes it my number one.

#18 ScreamingSkull


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 02:16 PM

1. Ebon Jaguar - I love brawling and autocannons. It's very maneuverable and great at climbing.
2. Atlas - It's my favorite IS mech in all of Battletech. I love the skull face and the giant AC20.
3. Arctic Cheetah - It's fun to play, hard to kill, and hits hard.
4. Shadow Cat - I wish it was better, but I have a lot of fun with it.
5. Stormcrow - Boating Streaks is unfair.

96. Catapult - I used to love these things in beta, but I just can't make myself pilot them anymore.
97. Ice Ferret - Just as pointless as it is in Battletech.
98. Thunderbolt - I find it boring to play and very boaty.
99. Executioner - 5 tons less than a King Crab or Dire Whale with 50% less firepower, I cringe when I see one on my team even if the player does well.
100. Stalker - **** this mech. Tanky as hell and over quirked as ****.

#19 stealthraccoon


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 03:08 PM


#1) Urbanmech - loved them in table top back in the day, love the concept and love the playstyle (and the cute factor).

#2) Locust - also a table top crush, and I can't say no to the smallest/lightest hard-mode out there.

3) Commando - tiny, fast and looks like an army guy - what is not to love!

4) Hunchback - because AC20!

5) Vindicator - the AA is a lot of fun with a STD250 and 6 JJ's, and head lasers also get bonus points from me.

Not like:

Madcat - seriously, how cliche can you get?

Highlander - it's so big and so slow, it teases me that it can fly but it lies to me!

Griffin - because I hate being cool looking any have potential but being 100 meters tall...

Firestarter - should have flamers, but they don't; my heart is still broken

Stormcrow - opposite of hard mode, like having a cheat code.

#20 HollowBassman


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 03:56 PM


1. SHD-GD - Best looking mech, especially with UAC5. Not the best stats with this but when the RNG cooperates and doesn't jam on the first trigger pull, it is a lot of fun.

2. GRF-1E - Another good looking mech. It does fairly reliable damage and is fun to pilot. Feels kinda dirty to be contributing to the laser vomit, though.

3. BNC-3E - Sometimes it is fun to just pick the first big enemy mech you can see and hammer it's face in until it dies.

4. TBT-LG - If we ever get MRMs this mech might move to number 2 or 3 for me. SRM hitreg makes running this mech hit or miss. The left forearm definitely needs centered like it was before dynamic geometry.

5. JM6-S - I haven't piloted this one in a while due to the high percentage waiting in the heavy queue but I seem to remember lasers and machine guns being a fun mix.

I do not own and have not piloted any of the following but I dislike them anyway:

1. Arctic Cheetah

2. Direwolf

3. Firestarter

4. Thunderbolt

5. Timberwolf

Edited by HollowBassman, 16 August 2015 - 04:57 PM.

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