So, gents, it speaks for itself.
Name top-5 your personal most adorable and mist loathsome chassis in MWO.
I mean not only it's raw effectiveness, but the overall impression.
The mechs, that are evoking emotions in you.
Let's start with my worshipping-list first:

He is so clumsy, even cute.
AWS always reminds me of Hotei - japanese demigod of happiness, luck and joy.
With his big belly and constant smile, he shares the love through all the battlefields since my first MWO-days.
And with current a bit overpowered quircks he finally becomes that fearsome assault mech, that you remember from BT-novels.
And do not forget the best view from cockpit of all the mechs.
It feels like a real piece of high-end tech, not like others claustrophobic or crude cockpits.
Who is awesome?

2. Battlemaster - despite being unforgivable oversized and wide in terms of gameplay and remote resembles of it's original, BLR fits my hands like a glove.
Great variety of builds and a very handy to pilot.
Of all the first introduced in MWO mechs, he was the most anticipated for me.
He was OK in pre-quircks era, but now kick a$$ as he should.
And do not forget one of the most charismatic and powerful, yet quite obscure hero mech - Hellslinger (what da hell should it be translated?!).
Remember last hero-torunament?
Over 5000 points, my Gods!!!

3. Orion - have no idea, why this lovely mech is so unpopular.
At first time she has problems with CT-hitbox, but now it runs pretty well.
Yes, she lacks armor, but as a second-line direct-fire support she is great.
Great variety of builds, nice tonnage and overall cosiness make me smile every time I am seeing her.
Hero Protector has a great classy look.
May be, the only reason, so many players despise ON1-chan is her inability to boat weapons.
But this is arguable.
And do not forget nice cockpit with fire extinguisher.

4. Nova - being criminally oversized, she is an easy-prey for anyone.
Hope, she would be resized properly soon.
But still, she has so elegant and graceful look, I dunno how thou can't fall in love with this great Alex's redesign.
Silply, a piece of art on the battlefield.
A porcelain doll among the steel Pinocchios.

5. Raven - never loved this mech before MWO.
But man, how great this little scavenger is here!
Bloodthirsty and sneaky bird that was created to inflict pain to enemy's backs.
Is Spider-pilots should be plain crazy, Raven-pilots are definatly vengeful sadists.
The kill itself doesn't matter.
What matters is the agony and constant angst of the enemy.
This, what makes long Raven's beak grins so meaningful.
And now comes my execration-list:

1. Executioner - pure pain and loathsome in terms of gameplay.
Can't even figure out why exactly he is so atrociusly bad.
I love my ugly Gargoyles, find them a special kind of fun and mpl-builds are quite effective on it.
But EXE?
What a bad joke this mech is.
From his degenerative-look to his castrated loadouts - what a pathetic mech!
Yes, Gargy is pretty bad too, but it's overall derpness makes him even good.
But EXE?
No, thanx.
He is plain bad.
This clan abomination is not only repugnant to pilot, but not even fun.
And yes, I have EXE-D.
The only thing he does good is boiling it's pilot a$$.

2. Adder - what a bad joke instead of a light mech!
Oversized, wide and slow nali instead of agile and powerful Puma, I once knew from MW4.
When he finally gets rid of his miserable flamere in CT and with proper quircs it runs pretty well with 5 cerml, but a 106 km/ph light without JJ is still pityful.
So sad, he got so gret redesign from Iglesias hands, but is so atrocious as a light...

3. Kit Fox - yet another clan dissapointment and faked light.
He is cute, was so anxious to see him.
But the only good thing I've got from him is a nice cockpit.
Anythinf else about Foxy is a pure dissapointment.

4. Cataphract - agromech instead of battlemech.
3d was really great and fun in poptart-era, but with JJ nerf, he bacomes juas an other Coprophract.
The best role, he could do on the field (no, not the battle-field) is to till the plough.
Assarmed mech needs assarmed pilots.
Piece of Liao crap!

5. Suddenly, Hunchback!
No, he is pretty good and powerful, but I just do not like it.
Like a unpretty girl, that likes you, but is total irrelevant for you.
She could be a good person, but evoces nothing, but a pity from you.
And I simply hate enemy's Grid Irons.
They could be more irritating, than even LURMz.
So, feel free to share you thoughts and sympathies here!