- First and foremost, I want to see that the system is working. Just like it's easy to compare the tonnage disparity between teams after a match, I want it to be easy to compare the player tiers between teams. It means I can get upset if my team of twelve tier 4 players were matched up against twelve tier 2 players. But it also means I can be happy if I know for a fact that both teams have a fairly even distribution of skilled players.
- It means we'll finally have some empirical evidence that roflstomps are not always a result of individual skills. If matchmaker successfully puts equally skilled players on both teams, blaming everything on your team being morons isn't quite as easy. It will still happen, of course. But not quite as often, I think.
- It'll give me a goal to work for. Right now, I keep an eye on my WLR and KDR, because those are the only tangible goals in the endgame. I couldn't care less about mastering all the mechs in the game or getting all the modules. The actual achievement system doesn't work like it's supposed to. Give me a tangible goal! Something in the horizon to keep my eye on in the endless sequence of random matches.
- If it turns out to be a disaster, they can always change it! Making public tiers private is most likely done at the click of a button! But I'd rather try it and remove it rather than never seeing it in action, and just hoping that it works the way they tell us.
This is just a video game for adults who still play with robots. This isn't serious business. Who cares if someone insults my skills or your skills? It's just something to do when you're killing time between activities in life that actually matter. It's just a game.

EDIT: Good suggestion, so I'm including it in the OP:
fat4eyes, on 17 August 2015 - 10:22 PM, said:
Red team
Tier 1: 1 player
Tier 2: 7 players
Tier 3: 4 players
Blue team
Tier 2: 10 players
Tier 3: 2 players
Edited by Alistair Winter, 18 August 2015 - 05:57 AM.