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Put The Community Back In Community Warfare.

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#1 Biclor Moban


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Posted 24 August 2015 - 09:06 PM

I had made another post about Increasing interest in CW.

When responding to another person I got an idea.

Probably not a new idea but I will put my spin on it.

While I am of the opinion that PGI should be in control of all the released content (Their name is on it.).I think maybe they can look at some of the following ideas.

By "Put the Community back in Community Warfare" I mean the the the MWO community take some of the load.

Allow an option once you pick a planet to have people pick how big their drop team will be. 4 vs 4, 8 vs 8, or 12 vs 12. People would be able to get a game even during slow times. Noted in my other post but seemed to make sense here as well.

Allow the CW maps to be submitted and tested by the community and reviewed for release by PGI. Make the orbital cannon and all other CW required structures accessable in a library. Maybe even a library of all the structures MWO is using. For continuity PGI would still be making the "things" people put on the map. Tree's, grass, those dumb gates etc.

I know we have some rockstar Cryengine map making MWO players not on the PGI payroll. PGI could use it as a test for new hires! We always see that PGI hiring thing at the bottom of the screen.

Assign Attributes to all the Planets so people can use them as a for making maps. That and so we don't have to look at the no planetary information available. I mean who goes to fight on a planet with out knowing what's there.

Make one playable Community generated map per planet. Start with border planets. Why would I fight in Vicric Forge on planet A then fly 50,000 light years and play in Victric Forge on planet U... This allows PGI to concentrate on making high quality maps for major Lore related worlds and Faction Home worlds. If a planet doesn't have a community or planet specific PGI map yet use one of the ones PGI has been using up till now. Just one though, so you can pick a planet planet in conflict to fight on and pick the mechs that fit the enviroment.
That said I have no idea where the maps are stored on the PGI server or on my computer. If I would have to download every map I think a max of 2 planets a week would be acceptable.

If your group "owns" a planet, they get some sort of compensation daily or weekly while it's owned.

Allow each faction to have one home planet (They have to have won it already.). Allow them to have some advantage on that planet. Maybe they are allowed an additional lance on just that one planet. So 16 total mechs to defend. They would be able to pick one planet and they would be stuck with that one until they lose it. If they own other planets they could then pick from those.

That's all I have for now.


Edited by Biclor Moban, 28 August 2015 - 08:17 PM.

#2 AlphaToaster


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 12:24 PM

There is all kinds of ideas for expanding planetary control, and how to give more rewards and reasons to own planets.

Without an actual community though, there is no community warfare.

What I mean is, when I log into the game, I see there's unit chat, but that's it. If I want to access faction chat I have to commit myself to a CW drop. Once I'm in that drop, I can read chat but I'm already committed in most cases, and unable to react to what I read in chat. Then no faction chat while I'm actually in the game so once I'm out, my faction chat information is now stale, and to get an update I need to queue again.... How can I queue with an informed decision when to get that intel....I have to queue first?

What we should see is a tab for our unit chat, a tab for faction chat, and then an open global chat channel that everyone is connected to. When I log in I should see a flurry of activity in the chat channel showing a thriving community of players. In the faction tab I should be able to read ongoing reports from players advising on where certain units are dropping.

Build the communication tools that a community can be built on top of and let the players do the rest.

#3 Samurai Hanse Davion


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 02:18 PM

Thank You For Giving Permission To PGI To Release More Content. I Am Sure They Appreciate Your Blessing.

#4 Biclor Moban


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 09:09 PM

View PostSamurai Hanse Davion, on 25 August 2015 - 02:18 PM, said:

Thank You For Giving Permission To PGI To Release More Content. I Am Sure They Appreciate Your Blessing.

Permission....Blessing not sure that is what I was saying at all.
I was trying to be diplomatic about the way I presented the suggestions, not the.
"PGI is all ef'd up, they are doing it wrong, I am the best, they should do it this way"...
way I often see suggestions.

Since Maps seem to be take a huge amount of resources to create and people are always complaining about how this map or that map is crap, give them the option to do better. I figure the more maps we have the better. The complaining can be spread over more maps rather than complaining about the handful we have now.

Wouldn't you have liked to see the Battle of Tukyyid Played on one or two maps just for that planet? When ever you would go back you would see the old battle ground and maybe fight on a part of it.

Anyway. PGI will do what they want of course. Hopefully what they want and what we want will coincide at some point...?

Edited by Biclor Moban, 25 August 2015 - 09:10 PM.

#5 Vlad Ward


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 09:20 PM

You can access faction chat without launching into a game.

The community won't come back without more care bear modes and options. They may talk about content and logistics, but that's what it really comes down to. It took all of a week for many of them to drop out of Beta 1 because their in-game performance wasn't living up to the RP legend they crafted for themselves.

Until you can turn CW into a game mode where everyone just beats up on really weak bot AI and no one ever loses, ever, the vast majority of the community will find some reason or other to back out of actually fighting each other for the sake of their egos.

Also map resets are dumb.

Edited by Vlad Ward, 25 August 2015 - 09:21 PM.

#6 Biclor Moban


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 10:01 PM

View PostVlad Ward, on 25 August 2015 - 09:20 PM, said:

You can access faction chat without launching into a game.

The community won't come back without more care bear modes and options. They may talk about content and logistics, but that's what it really comes down to. It took all of a week for many of them to drop out of Beta 1 because their in-game performance wasn't living up to the RP legend they crafted for themselves.

Until you can turn CW into a game mode where everyone just beats up on really weak bot AI and no one ever loses, ever, the vast majority of the community will find some reason or other to back out of actually fighting each other for the sake of their egos.

Also map resets are dumb.

Can you clarify whay you mean by "Also map resets are dumb"?.

#7 Vlad Ward


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 10:09 PM

Map resets. Resetting the map to default state.

Took the wind out of a lot of sails that were already low on ... wind.

They have their place in persistent universes. Just not this one, at this time, with the community it has.

Edited by Vlad Ward, 25 August 2015 - 10:10 PM.

#8 Duke ramulots


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 10:16 PM

One idea is to have each planet the hub for some sort of tech and without the planet in your factions control the price doubles for that type of equipment. Of course some planets will have several techs making them more valuable and there will be quite a bit of duplicate systems so if you're completely shut out of one, you can try the defenses of another.

#9 Biclor Moban


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 11:32 PM

View PostDuke ramulots, on 25 August 2015 - 10:16 PM, said:

One idea is to have each planet the hub for some sort of tech and without the planet in your factions control the price doubles for that type of equipment. Of course some planets will have several techs making them more valuable and there will be quite a bit of duplicate systems so if you're completely shut out of one, you can try the defenses of another.

I think that could be an evolution of CW. Maybe it could start as I suggested, moneys for holding the planet then as CW evolves we could ad resource benefit as you suggest. Maybe other things as well.

#10 Biclor Moban


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 11:44 PM

View PostVlad Ward, on 25 August 2015 - 10:09 PM, said:

Map resets. Resetting the map to default state.

Took the wind out of a lot of sails that were already low on ... wind.

They have their place in persistent universes. Just not this one, at this time, with the community it has.

Oh the Solar system map not the gameplay maps..
Were the Clans looking for a Battletech reboot? I haven't looked closely at the system maps honestly. If we are going to follow lore at all the map resets will have to be done on a regular basis unfortunately.

Sorry to hear about the sail letting.

Edited by Biclor Moban, 25 August 2015 - 11:44 PM.

#11 SpeCtaCular


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 02:50 AM

Might be a little bit off subject but in my opinion it would be ideal to have an in game unit list.
I came back to this game just few weeks ago and i was massively confused what units even are.
Now imagine if you could see a list of units which to join, without having to surf the net for hours to find and decide where you might wanna join.

Also it would be cool if people could join other factions chat even if they are not in the faction itself. That way people who are new could hang around different faction chats and maybe that way get in the game and CW easier.

These might not be that great ideas but it's just something that came in my mind right here right now. Maybe PGI already is working on something like that but we'll see..



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Posted 26 August 2015 - 05:14 AM

I stated this before, I will say it again...

There has been a lot of Planetary Assault Leagues out there for like an eternity. Some of those leagues date back to MW3.
One of the most popular leagues in MW4 was the NBT. A full fledged Planetary Assault League with it's own Automation, Logistics, Planetvalues(factories,etc.) and so on.

Battles ranged from Reconmissions over Raids to Planetary Assaults. This was like 10 years ago....and NBT is coming back.

I bet, that as soon as it hits, CW will be a bad memory. PGI could have been clever and tried to get in contact with the Folks organizing this League and they would have a well running system, tested and approved by a community of mechheads, but NO, they decided to try to copy the Multiplayer Missionplay from MW4(and bad they did!!!) and tried to sell it as the holy grail of CW.
Honestly, I feel sorry for all those, that still think, that CW at the current state is competitive or challenging at all. The real challenge is in the private lobbies right now. Organized, prearranged and filled with warriors, that know their business.

My 2 cents.

#13 NextGame


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:14 AM

not interested in playing CW with 130 ping when I can play EU pugland with 30 ping.

#14 Biclor Moban


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:18 PM

View PostVATER, on 26 August 2015 - 05:14 AM, said:

I stated this before, I will say it again...

There has been a lot of Planetary Assault Leagues out there for like an eternity. Some of those leagues date back to MW3.
One of the most popular leagues in MW4 was the NBT. A full fledged Planetary Assault League with it's own Automation, Logistics, Planetvalues(factories,etc.) and so on.

Battles ranged from Reconmissions over Raids to Planetary Assaults. This was like 10 years ago....and NBT is coming back.

I bet, that as soon as it hits, CW will be a bad memory. PGI could have been clever and tried to get in contact with the Folks organizing this League and they would have a well running system, tested and approved by a community of mechheads, but NO, they decided to try to copy the Multiplayer Missionplay from MW4(and bad they did!!!) and tried to sell it as the holy grail of CW.
Honestly, I feel sorry for all those, that still think, that CW at the current state is competitive or challenging at all. The real challenge is in the private lobbies right now. Organized, prearranged and filled with warriors, that know their business.

My 2 cents.

Well hopefully they will get thier stuff together, maybe even talk to NBT. Great things could still happen.
I am still waitng to see what CW ends up being as it's far from complete according to PGI.. We can hope can't we?

#15 Ace Selin


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:26 PM

View PostDuke ramulots, on 25 August 2015 - 10:16 PM, said:

One idea is to have each planet the hub for some sort of tech and without the planet in your factions control the price doubles for that type of equipment. Of course some planets will have several techs making them more valuable and there will be quite a bit of duplicate systems so if you're completely shut out of one, you can try the defenses of another.

You mean like giving people a reason to fight in CW for, like making owning/holding planets actually mean something. Now that would bring players into CW, especially if the rewards were unique to CW and the planet holders only.

But at this point CW nearly dead, i see no one playing it and with events that draw more people away from CW, they may as well remove this mode and be done with it, to focus on making more mech packs they can sell.

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