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Unhappy With Psr. :-(

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#81 Anjian


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 05:50 AM

Effects of PSR on my game play.

1. Long long waits now, especially for heavies and assaults. The game lasts shorter than my waits.
2. Less stomps but stomps still happen more often than I wish. Still, there are a lot more closer games than before.
3. I keep seeing the same consistent people everyday, often those that play CW as well.
4. I am trying to level my Maulers but they keep getting mauled.
5. I am trying to level my Executioners but they keep getting executed.
6. If I bring out my metamechs, like my Dakka Dakka Crabs and Whales, then I am able to get good results.
7. If I bring out no less than my laser vomit mechs, then I an expect to see some good results.
8. I have to play with my Advanced Zoom too. That means investing for one on my Pug mechs.

This is getting difficult for me since if I try to bring in less than optimal mechs, like those I am trying to level or experiment with, they are getting blown away. Seems like a lot of people I am facing with are using metamechs, and using less than such results in badder than ever.

Edited by Anjian, 14 September 2015 - 05:51 AM.

#82 0bsidion


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 06:54 AM

View PostIhasa, on 02 September 2015 - 11:10 PM, said:

Well this is just another one of those instances where the public can't be pleased. Begging and pleading for the abolishment of Elo, a system based purely off win/loss, comes the new ranking system 7 months in the making, PSR, based off win/loss with heavy achievement modifiers, only moments into it's birth before people are begging and pleading for it's abolishment too.

And I thought trekkies were the most demanding, fickle and hard to please gamers. Oy, best of luck to PGI.

Sure, it's impossible to make everyone happy. The best you can hope for is making a hand full of people happy, and maybe the majority more or less content.

Personally, for the most part I like the new system. There are far fewer instances of complete roflstomps. It kinda sounds like the OP wants easy mode with lopsided games again. My KDR started dropping as well, which frustrated me too at first. It's not something you like to see, but the other posters are right. You're being challenged more, so it's WAI.

A good, challenging game is one that ends up being 11 to 12. Even if I end up being on the 12 side of that, it's hard for me to be mad at the MM or my team, because you know both teams did their best.

The only thing I would change really would be to make PSR per chasis, because ranking up a new chasis with this system can be a little rough. It's not a huge deal, just one of those it'd be nice things.

#83 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 07:09 AM

View Post0bsidion, on 14 September 2015 - 06:54 AM, said:

Sure, it's impossible to make everyone happy. The best you can hope for is making a hand full of people happy, and maybe the majority more or less content.

Personally, for the most part I like the new system. There are far fewer instances of complete roflstomps. It kinda sounds like the OP wants easy mode with lopsided games again. My KDR started dropping as well, which frustrated me too at first. It's not something you like to see, but the other posters are right. You're being challenged more, so it's WAI.

A good, challenging game is one that ends up being 11 to 12. Even if I end up being on the 12 side of that, it's hard for me to be mad at the MM or my team, because you know both teams did their best.

The only thing I would change really would be to make PSR per chasis, because ranking up a new chasis with this system can be a little rough. It's not a huge deal, just one of those it'd be nice things.

Yeah, I have seen better overall games in the 8 PSR games ive played now. 7wins and 1 loss, several were 12-7, 12-9, one yesterday was 10-12 loss, but the last 2 enemy mechs were cored out and orange and yellow across their fronts, so all in all, a very close game. Maybe if I had been able to lock on more with my LRMs, perhaps it woulda turned out a little different, but I was unable to lock on for some reason...even close range, I couldnt even R anything.... A few others were 12-2, 12-3, but it was kinda more obvious why it turned out that way.

#84 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 07:11 AM

I think nearly everyone get lowered their KDR. because you faced guys similiar to your quality. (mostly)

But it will raise again, once you learn new strategies etc. (and hope KDR isnt your only interest here). Ofc a lot people who haunted KDR back in a while, and get those 800+ damage, and 4+ kills, faced a wall at the beggining, because of that great stats. then PSR probably goes down -1, and you feel more comfortable. (it happend also for myself) First 20 matches i got 0-12, constantly. After a week or so, im back at interesting matches. Stomps are away.

KDR alone is useless.

#85 LordSkippy


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 07:57 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 14 September 2015 - 03:51 AM, said:

it still is your feeling, because when one team works better, you will piece for piece take a team apart, which means those "bad" pilots with "low score" are simply those who die early, and the ones with many are those who die late. Because damage does not equally share amogst an opponent team in many battle situations. This happens even more when one side has teamplay, where damage mechs can fall back to prevent dying early. But this is very map and location specific, or not existing when a team decides to "push". But this does not automatically relate that those Scores for these players are always like this. To know if those "bad" pilots you describe are really bad, you need many of THEIR matches to see if they constantly do bad, or simply were the "first to die" in the match you had.

Judging how the scores atthe end of a screen look like is always a bit different. sometimes its just because of noobs, soemtimes its jus because the others had the perfec countertactic, or the own team failed to properly execute a tactic. But it is not in all cases true that Scores always relate to skill. However PSR to define a playerskill is still a more accurate indicator than just winning/losing. Because to drop in PSR significantly, you will need many bad games and a solid or skilled player won't have that many of them.

AGAIN, you are not listening to what I'm saying. You are only defending PSR over Elo. On paper, yes, PSR is much better than Elo. But something horribly wrong happened on the way to implementation, causing some of use to get matches with very uneven teams on a consistent basis.

AGAIN, 80 to 90% of my games in the solo queue since PSR has one team that obviously contains players with higher PSR ratings than the other team. You can tell this not just by the end of round scores, but by the differences in how the "team" reacts and moves, and by how the individual players react, move, and behave.

It's not a question of Elo vs. PSR. It's a question of why so many unbalanced matches, so frequently.

Whatever they did to the match maker when implementing PSR royally screwed over some players in respect to getting balanced teams in a match. Just because YOU were lucky enough not to be in that group doesn't mean that group doesn't exist.

AGAIN, 80 to 90% of my matches in the solo queue since PSR went live have been where the teams where very unbalanced in respect to skill. Where before, it was more like only half the games.

Maybe I need to put this another way. Before PSR, I never really bought into the "carry harder" line, thinking it was just an excuse for losing. Since PSR, I understand it now. It's either roflstomp or get roflstomped now. Very few matches in the public queue where the match was close or won by one team's tatical choice. No, 80 to 90% of the time, the deciding factor is which team gets actual players and who gets stuck with a bag of potatoes.

And it wouldn't be so bad if both team had the bag of potatoes. But no, only one team gets the potatoes. PSR wasn't meant to do that. But whatever they did to the MM is causing some of us to get that, and get it consistently.

#86 Defalus


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 10:00 AM

View PostElizander, on 03 September 2015 - 12:57 AM, said:

I always keep suggesting that mechs who don't have elite efficiencies unlocked or DHS upgrades should get an ELO/PSR handicap.

I never master my mechs just because i like to play new ones fairly often and buying 3 variants of a model is expensive. Despide that I do better than most if not all the players i'm matched with. So no, a handicap is not needed,

#87 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 10:03 AM

Hmm, yet another game in this new PSR, ended 12-9. We won as our team took the top of Mount: Mechtoaster on MOrdor and the enemy played the peekaboom game 1-2 mechs at a time through 3 different entrances to the top. They eventually pushed in and killed most of us, it was 7-8, 8-9, 9-9, 10-9, 11-9....and eventually a pair of LRM toting Catapults won it for us.

It is pretty nice to see how instead of going in 3 different packs, lances in w/e tier im in actually actively go group up with each other before head to where ever they are going. Games last longer, play better and its actually a decent experience.
My score was 569dmg, 1 kill and 3rd on the team in score again....odd how I keep doing that.

Edited by LordKnightFandragon, 14 September 2015 - 10:06 AM.

#88 Lugh


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 11:17 AM

PSR isn't the same thing as the Match maker.

PSR is one tool the MM uses to create games.

The games population is small. It may forever be that way, it may not. When you then divide the population into 5 buckets of players based on the PSR rating system, you then further marginalize the lowest and highest ends of this spectrum.

If your first criteria in the MM is all PSR = to X and you are unable to acheive that in 2minutes and the release then tries again at + / - 1 from that previous tierage you will have pilots that are clearly better on one side or the other not always both, as 2's are greater than 4's by a LARGE margin. And that's starting from an assumption that the vast majority are in the 3 range.

The ONLY person that has any affect on your win loss ratios is YOU. If you are always doing well and your team isn't, YOU will tread water/ rise even in losing so that you are paired with pilots that are better than those that let you down all the time.

If you are the 'challenged' fool that is always at 0 even on good teams, enjoy the fast track to Tier 5.

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