Ill chime in here as well. seeing as he said that he has played with everyone and I definitely see myself as a part of everyone... Ive never seen you before or you never popped up on my relevancy radar

As for dropleading... definitely carry on no matter what any hater says. The MWO community has far too few players who have the ability to droplead or the willingness, balls and patience to learn it.
However, most important of all is to learn
how to droplead well. Doing it is the first major step in the right direction, now you just have to learn the skills and tools of the trade.
As others have said earlier; less is sometimes more. A continuous wall of verbal spam is not dropleading, that is only babbling and will be tuned out by just about every player because it reaches a level of distraction too high to be able to concentrate any more. On the other hand, a droplead who is silent for too long looses the attention of his teammates and they will tend to space out while waiting for the next order.
Keeping the flow of commands but limiting it to the necessary information is what you need to do. Commenting on something which is already happening is useless information, commenting on what you have planned next in a quiet time between engagements is vital for players to know what to expect.
Concentrate on learning what must be said and when as well as what should not be said and why not and you can only improve.
Btw. The only time where verbal spam is actually useful, is during an intense close range firefight. Repeating the full Nato letter designation, mech type and target section (torso/legs) of the primary target is needed to keep from players tunnel visioning on other targets. For example "Beta Timberwolf legs, Beta Timberwolf legs, Beta Timberwolf legs. Down. Next target. Gamma Black knight Torso open,Gamma Black knight Torso " and so on. Once the brawl is past its prime you slow down as well, so that players can again concentrate on mopping up the rest.