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Cw Dying? Or Dead

Gameplay Balance

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Posted 30 September 2015 - 03:53 PM

A lot of Conjecture being thrown around.

#82 Surn


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 04:01 PM

The clan mechs are op and it is foreseeable that is players will stop plaYing under these circumstances. Eventually they will have to be repLaced with bots.

#83 Surn


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 04:11 PM

Allow each player to choose a homeworld, on which they can always play. The players from that homeworld have a "h" badge and each homewOrld haS a chat tab. When a group chooses to attack or defend a planet, "h" players are able to join the group and can see the group in lfg regardless of faction.

Edited by MechregSurn, 30 September 2015 - 04:15 PM.

#84 Cerberus Rex


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 05:31 PM

Why you people dont see this systematical foolment from the so called "devs" which are producing these so called "free 2 play" type of games. Same **** like here is going on in all Wargaming Games, in WarThunder and all other "Teambased" simplest Counterstrike Clone Games. The Devs will only start making a proper Game out of this current one, when they dont get money from you. This Game is so broken and unbalanced its unbelivable. After 3 Years the Client isnt even stable, almost in every round someone disconnects and you are wondering why you only get another pug type mode which is called "endgame" yes endgame for you - buy mech and useless **** to stay in competition - these games are all about selling wallhacks and not counting them as cheats cause its part of the game and psychological foolment of kids and nerds. All is just thrown together to get the most amount of cash for the least amount of work out of you. And when i saw the last devstream where the graphics guy where thrown infront of the camera to show him as the "bad" part of the devteam then i just must stop watching it cause its cheaper and dirtier then any bmovie.
PGI is only capable of implementing new mechs and sell them for the greedy, dumb nerd for horrendious prices where i just think "wtf". You dont see this cause you are proud of it, proud of beeing the milked and fooled one. Proud of your badge showing everyone "Founder" proud of having the newest mech first, proud of beeing tier1. **** this - give me a ******* proper game for my money.

#85 DeathWaffle


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 02:08 AM

View PostCerberus Rex, on 30 September 2015 - 05:31 PM, said:

give me a ******* proper game for my money.

It is a proper game and it's fun, but if you use the "Feature Suggestion" inside "Support and Feedback" maybe just MAYBE they will listen to your suggestions? Make a poll, mechwarriors love polls... :)



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 07:43 AM

It is dead...not even on life support anymore, some die-hards will try to keep it alive and even try to convince themselves, that it is the "endgame".... as many have stated before: NBT is the new endgame. CW as it should have been from the start, not that half.... tuned down missionplay concept from MW4, that the devs implemented and tried to sell as "endgame".

NBT is back and I am super happy about it.... :wub:
Now if PGI is clever, they will contact the NBT-folks...

#87 Soulstrom


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Posted 02 October 2015 - 11:26 AM

Dead. *Drops Mic*

#88 Idealsuspect


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Posted 02 October 2015 - 09:04 PM


#89 Tasker


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 04:21 PM

Considering that there is now a thread from one of the developers asking 'where the grudges have gone' I think that should be a pretty good answer to the question posted in the title of the thread.

CW be dead. It sleep. Get the crib.

#90 Chef Kerensky


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 04:23 PM

Posted Image

This reply was moderated by game director Paul Inouye in a thread asking where the grudges are lol.

#91 Suzumiya Haruhi no Kerensky


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 04:50 PM

lotsa ppl on ploid right now

#92 Richter Kerensky


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:10 PM

I still can't believe that thread.

#93 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:11 PM

For the CW, it is in beta mode and lacking many features. Right now there really is no real reason to drop in CW except to experience the Dropship mode a few times, try to win and earn some loyalty points to earn MC/CBills/mechbays at each level.

Look at it this way. If this was MW4/mercs, the solo/group queue equates to the MSN zone with its mix of normal and noheat/noammo servers while there are a few leagues USING MW4/mercs as the combat engine and a much fuller CW, but still very small community, where the Drop Commanders/Unit Commanders make appointments for combat drops with the opposing unit (shudders).

Unlike the actual MPBT games, MWO's current version of CW is not the centerpiece of this endeavor at this time. Will it ever be? I believe many actually hope so, but not in its current version. Thought many have posted suggestions, and there is at least one external league using MWO as its combat engine, implementing it with more features/settings will not be a simple task.

Even MPBT Solaris and MPBT 3025 had issues with getting a fully functioning CW going via 3rd party companies. Solaris was the combat engine and it ran for about 6 years before EA 3025 but the CW part never materialized. EA's 3025 also had issues with its CW and the initial CW fell through. For those who played the short-lived 3025, the CW they saw was a bare-bones project when the 3rd party developer for CW dropped the ball. On the plus side of that bare-bones version, there were faction lobbies, ability to group up without having to befriend every Mizuki, Aito and Hitoshi.

#94 Scoops Kerensky


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 03:18 AM

CW died with Tukayyid unfortunately.

#95 Adrius ADI Manthays


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 03:37 AM

Definitely Death! No BattleTech Universe Live! No Features! No Missions! No Dynamic Campaign with religious events for IS vs. IS or Clan vs. IS or Clan vs. Clan, etc. No Infos! No Logistic! No Loyalty! Only ******* Faction hopping!

What's CW and on what we are waiting for all these years? Buy Mechs and play Nascar Alpha Style in all game Mods this is MWO!


Edited by Adrius ADI Manthay, 10 October 2015 - 03:42 AM.

#96 Devorum


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:46 AM

It's dead. Honestly, it was stillborn.

There's no impetus or incentive to play CW. There's no reason to wait through the long queue times just to possibly drop against turrets.

If the only thing that occurs is some colors on a map shift, then what's the point?

People can say "It's in beta!" all they want. A "beta" tag shouldn't be used as an excuse for a perpetually pointless product.

#97 Spudbuddy


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 10:10 AM

It's just not balanced.
everyone went clans because clantech is overpowered.
It's just not fun to play inner sphere tech in community warfare against a full clan tech 12 man team. You have to be such a better pilot than the clanners to win with their inherit tech advantages that it's just not worth it, people would rather not do it.

edit: it's dead

Edited by Spudbuddy, 10 October 2015 - 10:12 AM.

#98 Summon3r


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 10:41 AM

View PostKin3ticX, on 09 October 2015 - 04:44 PM, said:

Well, he was serious about staying on topic for that thread.

I feel ya though. For me its too little too late. Even many of the Mercstar officers are all winding down until phase 3. Even Kcom is feeling the burnout, which for both is just accelerated once the realization hits that phase 3 is pushed back.

whats this phase 3 you speak of? does anyone actually think it will add anything to CW? whats on the agenda for phase 3?

#99 Roland09


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 10:49 AM

Agenda for Phase 3? Here:

Oh, wait...

Edited by Roland09, 10 October 2015 - 10:50 AM.

#100 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 11:11 AM

Go to NBT's team. Get their assistance.

Stop having CW revolve around the taking of planets in every window and stretch it out. CW and the drive to Terra should be a long process, not one realized in 90 days. Make different types of battles mean something (recon, raiding, assaults/invasions). Create an operational layer (movement among the stars, fleets and transports) and a strategic layer (industry, production, supply/demand impacting costs of mechs, maintenance, ships etc) and you have the game mode people are hopeful for.

Doesn't mean it wouldn't be difficult. The reality is, it is incredibly difficult to come up with a layered game design that allows people to play out those "layers" in real-time on a persistent world, and that's why NBT defaults to a league format where the tactical matches (the layer MWO does a decent job imo, especially given that plenty of people for all of their griping, continue to play it after all of these years) are what determine outcomes. But it's not insurmountable.

And NBT does what they do with a handful of player-admins and a motivated, niche fan-base. Surely PGI, small company though it is, could find out an inventive way to do this with its team if it spent a little more time on this central tenet of the game.

Edited by Lukoi Banacek, 10 October 2015 - 11:12 AM.

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