Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Sept 10Th 5Pm Pdt
Posted 10 September 2015 - 06:36 AM
1 - Will an ECM rework be part of the Balance Overhaul? If so, will it include a shift from hard counters to soft counters?
2 - Will the Pilot Skill Efficiencies be reworked any time soon? I know a lot of players would love to see a more role-centric efficiency tree, with actual choices to be made in how you spec your XP buys for a given mech.
3 - In CW Phase 3, assuming Loyalist Play is the focus, will Loyalists be able to unlock Titles and Unit Camo Patterns for certain elite House units by accomplishing various goals?
4 - When will ComStar and the ComGuard become a playable faction? It's the only thing that'd make me jump ship from House Davion.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 06:41 AM
Thomas May, on 10 September 2015 - 02:00 AM, said:
Could you consider giving a free mech package to the players who complete the Cadet bonuses? "As a reward for becoming a certified Mechwarrior." I believe many new players currently quit the game because of the amount of grind to get the first mechs.
Also echoing this.
I think all new players should be able to pick one free mech pack.
The mech pack would be three variants of a selectable medium chassis. I think mediums would be best for new players, lights would be too difficult, heavies would increase the queue times WAY too much, and assaults would also be too difficult for a first mech. (Not to mention that, in terms of CBills, Heavies and Assaults would feel like giving away too much for free)
This list should include:
Would you consider this?
Posted 10 September 2015 - 06:41 AM
(\/) oO (\/)
Posted 10 September 2015 - 06:56 AM
Edited by Bud Crue, 10 September 2015 - 06:56 AM.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 07:07 AM
me again, just want to ask, during the balance pass will we get the gauss charge mechanic removed, a friend of mine is just wondering because he finds that (without quirks) the gauss rifle is very underpowered.
Also, just because i really want this to be in, when can we expect inverse kinematics to be in
thank you Russ and NGNG for your time
Posted 10 September 2015 - 07:10 AM
Posted 10 September 2015 - 07:23 AM
Also, can we get a preview of some of the changes for the 22nd? We're hungry for a bone here...
Posted 10 September 2015 - 07:31 AM
I keep hearing hatchets will never be done. The engine you are using allows for melee attacks with some work to it. If you polled Innersphere players, behind unseen, is the wish for Hatchetmen, Axemen, and Black Knights with their hatchets. Range could be made 20 or less with 75 percent chance hit simple enough. You could optionally make it range dependent 50 or less for chance to hit. IE at range 50 there is 25 pecent chance to hit a random location. At range 30 there is 50 percent chance to hit random location etc. Make the location hit be random to introduce the uncertain of closing to melee. The arm that carries the hatchet should have no weapons mounted on it. Simple swing graphic could be introduced with some kind warning computer voice when hit by said axe. IE after being hit from either front or behind you hear "Warning physical Object heavy impact!"
We keep hearing about ecm changes yet on the counter point clans are abusing bap streak combo as well. Streak bots have literally to point and shoot with streaks to kill Innersphere lights many times at range beyond it's max fuel range. When is real play balance going to introduce to eliminate this exploit? Seriously try playing your new range 90 ecm mech IS mech versus un adjusted clan streak bot with bap set at 360. While your at are you ever going get rid of the clan streak lrm ? Clan mech can fire streaks at their max range and if the mech is evading the missile will hit even at the 400 and 480 range. Can IS adapt this new unlimited range fuel for their srms and lrms ? Their tech does not allow for mech that has opened range outside max fuel range to be hit. Quite litteally clan streak bots are using this exploit to destroy IS lights that evade soon as they see streak mechs. Nothing like opps I am 360 open range to 480 from the streak bot only to be hit one second later by the streaks fire at 360 that end up hitting you at then well past max fuel range.
Why are some players lights getting stuck on walls for 5 seconds and taking extensive leg damage while the exact same light on other players computers hits the same spot and do not get stuck? Seems to me there seems to be some kind of play balance issue here based either on operating system or particle density settings.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:05 AM
Can you discuss the future of ECM v LRMs? The dynamic balance is in favor of ECM. What about buffing BAP and adding a lock on jammer mode to LRMs?
Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:15 AM
Edited by SaltBeef, 10 September 2015 - 08:19 AM.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:17 AM
Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:29 AM
Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:55 AM
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:05 AM
2) What are your thoughts on hard counters in video games in general? I find that a great deal of the problem with ECM in this game comes from it being a hard counter. IMO changing it to a soft counter (much longer lock on times and reduced tracking strength once locked, but keep current range) would go a long way towards making the game more balanced and fluid without making LRMs OP.
Edited by Kristian Radoulov, 10 September 2015 - 09:20 AM.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:13 AM
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:14 AM
Currently SRMs are one of the only weapons in the game that do not get doubled range. They spread out like crazy versus the closed beta mechanic which worked better where they were tight up close, spread at 100 - 150 meters and tightened back up around 220 - 270 meters. The old mechanic allowed for more direct application of damage and made them far more useful. The splash damage helped compensate for their lack of range doubling, too. Could we get a re-visit on these items?
Question: The obligatory convergence question--any chance of removing it?
Question: Any chance of re-working flamers so they are not heat over time but instead an instant heat cloud or heat blossom?
Mechwarrior 2 flamers worked! If you fried someone with them their heat would spike immediately and it would shut them down if hot enough or even kill them if they got too hot. Flamers were... good.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:15 AM
1. CW Phase III status and features
2. New Player Tutorial
3. Quirk/ECM rebalancing
4. PSR, and showing your PSR
5. Group Queue issues/wait times and what to do about it
So with this, I'll limit my question/comment to this:
The Comstar Intercepts are good. Sharing them with the world is not good. Paul tweeting about a faction's success only to stir up the enemy is even worse (Davion and the FRR did not appreciate this). Would it be possible to lock that section of the forum so only members of that faction can see their intercepts? Could the intercepts show up only in game? I know alt accounts could be used to spy, but it's supposed to be a war with strategy and secrets and whatnot but at least give us a chance. Also, would it be possible to have multiday goals and campaigns to take several planets with tiered rewards?
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:31 AM
On to the questions:
- Hatchetman: best mech or greatest mech?
- Change rewards for Clans to reflect canon? Huge rewards for solo kills in a Clan mech, no rewards for Assists?
- What about balancing Clan and IS weapons as Damage vs Range (image below)? IS weapons do more damage at close range, but have a steep drop-off, Clan weapons do less overall damage, but do it more consistently over a longer range. This should encourage Clan players to stay at range, and IS players to get in and brawl: like lore.

Or anything from this thread:
Edited by Dawnstealer, 10 September 2015 - 09:34 AM.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:37 AM
Can you work on new maps with existing assets rather than taking the time to redo all existing maps? I'd rather have several maps with different layouts than a replacement for each map.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:41 AM
Also what is being done to try to get this game to be looked at in a positive or neutral light by most gamers or former players who quit due to the actions of the Piranha handling the game in what a lot of people see as a horrible way.
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