Desert Rats <DRs>
Posted 06 July 2012 - 11:03 PM
The Desert Rats will be active for MWO and to serve as Marik unit. We have served many House Marik units over the years since 1996. If you interesting in joining send me a message.
Posted 06 July 2012 - 11:57 PM
Or direct House Marik Mech Crew?
Posted 07 July 2012 - 12:09 AM
Posted 07 July 2012 - 04:34 AM
Posted 07 July 2012 - 09:41 AM
Posted 09 July 2012 - 04:01 PM
Posted 09 July 2012 - 08:23 PM

It's good to be back, and I am getting incredibly antsy to get my BETA INVITE PREEEZZ!
Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:52 AM
See you in game soon.
Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:28 AM
Based upon your profile, I beleive your time zone matches mine.
Few Qs, though.
This group has existed before which implies some organizational experience. Any details on org style? Mech pool that spontaneously forms lances? Command structure that organizes lances as they deem most effective? Other?
PST time zone works? Other zones also?
Forum/voip resources available?
Posted 13 July 2012 - 10:02 AM
As the month of December grew to a close, WM's Commander left Battletech, causing the stable to break up and leaving an excellent group of pilots without a home. During this period of uncertainty, LtJg Anton and Sgt. Hohokam decided to form there own stable the DESERT RATS *M*. Antonn took this group of pilots and transplanted them into his new stable. During the first few weeks of Desert Rats, some important members were recruited, pilots like Lev Arris, Danrik, Madmac, Brakor, Lockecole, and Elf officially joined Desert Rats under his own account. Desert Rats was barely a company strong, but, it was a strong core group of people. During this time Maj Anton was approached by General Dalette and officially made Desert Rats into a full regiment. At that time it was known as 2nd Marik Guards. Desert Rats grew quickly during this time breaking the 25 member mark.
Just as everything seemed to be going well, General Dalette was fired and the Marik Guards was disbanded. Desert Rats was transferred to the Marik Militia by General Ghiest. Desert Rats were then known as the 9th Marik Militia. After this transfer, Desert Rats began to grow quickly, some important new members were added to the regiment like, Baboo, Maddog, Graley, Siyes, Cauthorn, Ogrim, Thunderhead, KingFang, Mekkillah, Scalphunter, and later Noisemaker and Slayer. These new members helped the Desert Rats grow past the 50 member mark. After this expansion, over the next few months Desert Rats grew to almost 100 members with the addition of a few new units.
At this point LtCol. Antonn was promoted to LtGen as AoO and regrettably left the Desert Rats. Danrik was made RCO of the Desert Rats after Antonn's leaving. Desert Rats were then transferred to the 12th Marik Militia and opened its first expansion Regiment, KOH. Desert Rats went through some tough times, first the ATI crisis, which caused many stables and members to leave Marik. Somehow the Desert Rats managed to stay together, with a great amount of members still around. Danrik was then promoted to AoO. Elf became the new commanding officer of the Desert Rats around June 1997.
A rumor arose that AOL was going to charge for Battletech, and there was a mass exodus from Desert Rats. A lot of flaming was going on the message boards, and Elf had resigned from Marik. Baboo took command in early July in an attempt to keep the stable together. By now, the pricing plan was no longer a rumor, but it was now fact. The Desert Rats Message board was flooded with resignation posts. Until August, nothing happened, Solaris became a barren desert and it seemed the Desert Rats were finished.
In August 14th 1997 Maj. Trygon was promoted to Regimental Commander, and Hohokam returned as RXO. Hohokam was missing in action for a short time since April as he created the Allied Forces as RCO of the Black Ogres. A number of men were promoted to fill in empty lance spots and a new position was created, Morale officer. Mekkillah was promoted to fill this new position.
Compiled By Gen.Antonn
Updated by Morale Officer(Msgt.)Mekkillah<R12MO><DRs>*M*
Edited by Hohokam, 13 July 2012 - 10:06 AM.
Posted 14 July 2012 - 05:28 AM
Heya Elf!
Good to see DRs still around!
Did I see someone mention Baboo a few posts up ?

Wow! I cant believe you still have that History Doc Hoho!! When did you and I write that ? like 1995 or something ? LOL
Posted 23 July 2012 - 10:27 AM

Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:51 PM
Your on the roster already.
Posted 24 July 2012 - 07:59 PM

Posted 24 July 2012 - 08:16 PM
Posted 25 July 2012 - 04:17 AM
Good to see you Antonn...I won't even speak of the rumors I had heard about you but it is a relief to see you again <smacks Elf for false babble>
Can't wait to see Antonn in an Atlas again. I remember well your skill in driving those beasties.
As the Aussie Question....nope...and we don't drive jeeps either.
Posted 25 July 2012 - 08:36 AM
I was in the DRs back when the game was Battletech:Solaris. I believe the character I played in the DRs was named Overmind. Some of the people I remember are Mishka, Snowman, Prowler, DangToy, and I rememeber talking to a Steiner pilot names Mechbob a lot... Probably around 1996-1997 or so. I ran Cats, Jenners and Wolverines mostly. I remember the DRs sort of falling apart at one point, and I ended up over in HK with a different charracter for some reason (Judicator).
it;s all really hazy, and i did play in Steiner briefly when i first started, so I might be mixing up pilots from different stables. *shrugs*
Posted 25 July 2012 - 10:18 AM
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