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So Now That Huginns Don't Have Their Srm Quirks.

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#21 Alienized


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:13 AM

View PostFupDup, on 12 September 2015 - 09:10 AM, said:

All lights can finish off wounded targets or do strafing runs. In fact, lights armed with more potent weaponry (i.e. pulse lasers) are probably better at such a purpose because their damage is less likely to spread out and they deal more damage total.

thats what light mechs are there for. not the things they can currently do like the cheetah or firestarter.
srms dont need facetime. lasers do. srm's can be fired in between small gaps, lasers wont apply their damage to the max there. everything has its ups and downs but lasers as their current state are far superior than anything with all those quirks.
im glad that this is going away.

#22 Spleenslitta


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:14 AM

View PostAEgg, on 12 September 2015 - 06:41 AM, said:

Maybe they'll buff MGs to the point that they're not useless (1.5-2 DPS).

Hey, we can hope.

They aren't useless when you shoot at an unarmored target. Each MG bullet has a 39% chance to crit a single component such as heatsinks, weapons, ammo and such.
22% chance to crit 2 components and 6% chance to crit 3 components.
Here is the kicker....an MG bullet has a base damage of 0.08. But when it crits it does 1350% damage. That's 1.08 damage per MG bullet and with that firerate it's lethal against a target that has exposed internals.

Try equipping 3-4 MG's along with some lasers and take it to the testing grounds.
Strip the armor off a target mech with lasers and look at how fast the MG's rip the weapons on the target mech apart.

#23 Alienized


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:15 AM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 12 September 2015 - 09:11 AM, said:

Cheetoos has everything and ecm lol

quite sad that PGI didnt learn from their FS9 catastrophe.
i guess we as IS just been victims of the clan crybabies once more....

#24 Alistair Winter


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:21 AM

It's back to being terribad. I remember when I bought it initially, it was with extreme reluctance, but I just couldn't pass on a Raven hero mech with jump jets.

They should give it a laser in each torso, like the right torso of the RVN-3L. 1 missile hardpoint, 1 energy hardpoint.
4B, 2M, 2E. It would be a bigger Anansi, with fewer jump jets and less speed.

#25 Sabazial


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:27 AM

View PostAlienized, on 12 September 2015 - 09:15 AM, said:

quite sad that PGI didnt learn from their FS9 catastrophe.
i guess we as IS just been victims of the clan crybabies once more....

I'm pretty sure the excessive amount of "Arctic Cheetah is OP needs a nerf now!" threads definitely didn't come from clan players so might want to rethink your perspective on things.

#26 GreyNovember


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:32 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 12 September 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:

um...you mean now that the temporary data collecting quirks for the PTS where they are spitballing balance ideas you don't have uberquirks......

how about actually posting a well though out bit in the suggestions section for the PTS, specifically Ravens, and Huginn?

Mostly because this wasn't meant to be well thought out.

I'm aware that the data on the PTS is temporary.

I'm not aware of how people ran Huginns before, and achieved success.

Hence the topic.

#27 Alienized


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 09:56 AM

View PostBelphegore, on 12 September 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:

I'm pretty sure the excessive amount of "Arctic Cheetah is OP needs a nerf now!" threads definitely didn't come from clan players so might want to rethink your perspective on things.

i play both sides, they are just as OP as FS9's just with more range, ecm and more hitbox fkups.
just that the FS9 loses all his quirks.

so im not rethinking a single thing here. they need a nerfbat equally. i said this long ago that the fs9 needs a nerfbat and not a clan equivalent.

#28 ArchMage Sparrowhawk


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 11:04 AM

View PostGreyNovember, on 12 September 2015 - 08:53 AM, said:

For the record I -am- asking for actual, useful builds here. There are other threads to call the Huginn useless due to unquirking.

Huggin pilot here.

problem is, the huggin is custom made for MGs and SRMS. anything else is useless on the mech. I've tried finding builds. Anyone touting a AC20 huggin is a troll or a fool. If the MGs weren't so useless, there might be some salvaging the mech, if the SRMs are back to their slow, widely spread fire. But if MGs are still trash, and now the SRMs are trash, there's not a lot this mech is going to do that you can't do better in any other light. Harrassment and hit and run for small damage, and picking at the mechs that bigger allies are attacking. But that's still very limited usefullness and probably a waste of tonnage in a drop when you could replace it with a Firestarter or a Laser Jenner.

It's PGI's call but it probably means the Huggin has been "balanced" out of the game.

merz I think you're being overly optimistic :P

#29 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 11:12 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 12 September 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:

um...you mean now that the temporary data collecting quirks for the PTS where they are spitballing balance ideas you don't have uberquirks......

how about actually posting a well though out bit in the suggestions section for the PTS, specifically Ravens, and Huginn?

Forever the optimist, eh? When have the PTS numbers ever been temporary? Aside from the weapon figures they convinced me to buy Clan Wave 1 with haha. I mean...how many times has the PTS even been up in the years we've been playing? 5 at most???

The lore side of me says that it's fine that IS mechs are worse again than Clan mechs but the side of me that wants to play a thriving, online game says that reverting the IS back to old numbers without having more IS players than Clanners per team is a mistake.

#30 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 12:24 PM

View PostLyoto Machida, on 12 September 2015 - 11:12 AM, said:

Forever the optimist, eh? When have the PTS numbers ever been temporary? Aside from the weapon figures they convinced me to buy Clan Wave 1 with haha. I mean...how many times has the PTS even been up in the years we've been playing? 5 at most???

The lore side of me says that it's fine that IS mechs are worse again than Clan mechs but the side of me that wants to play a thriving, online game says that reverting the IS back to old numbers without having more IS players than Clanners per team is a mistake.

well, if it's really all as bad and gloom and doom as you people want to claim, why the hell are you still here?

#31 Moomtazz


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 12:26 PM

Huginn without quirks is about even with the Myst Lynx in the Light hierarchy.

#32 Mcgral18


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 12:32 PM

View PostSpleenslitta, on 12 September 2015 - 09:14 AM, said:

They aren't useless when you shoot at an unarmored target. Each MG bullet has a 39% chance to crit a single component such as heatsinks, weapons, ammo and such.
22% chance to crit 2 components and 6% chance to crit 3 components.
Here is the kicker....an MG bullet has a base damage of 0.08. But when it crits it does 1350% damage. That's 1.08 damage per MG bullet and with that firerate it's lethal against a target that has exposed internals.

Try equipping 3-4 MG's along with some lasers and take it to the testing grounds.
Strip the armor off a target mech with lasers and look at how fast the MG's rip the weapons on the target mech apart.

Crit Damage!=Real Damage

Only 15% of Crit Damge returns to the Internal Structure, which means the MG has a 52% chance to deal the OLD damage values.

The Crit Damage Multiplier is set to 9 on the MGs, so 0.72 CRIT damage per MG bullet. That means for your typical 10HP item, it takes 14 crits to destroy an item.

Each Crit dealing 0.108 extra REAL damage.

MGs are Terribad, especially because of that random 20% nerf they took, and that 3M CoF which prevents much focused damage.

Edited by Mcgral18, 12 September 2015 - 12:32 PM.

#33 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 01:49 PM

View PostGrisbane, on 12 September 2015 - 01:47 PM, said:

because it hasn't been released and can be stopped. now if it goes live like this.. then most of us probably won't be here.

so a lesser of two evils thing, hmmmmmmmm? :rolleyes:

#34 Dethsphere


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 01:53 PM

R.I.P. Dragon-1N, it was fun while it lasted.

I will always remember your 3.5k damage CW match when I brought 4 of you.

I will now go cry in a corner.

Edited by Dethsphere, 12 September 2015 - 01:54 PM.

#35 cSand


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 01:54 PM

View Postmerz, on 12 September 2015 - 09:08 AM, said:

well thought out? wrong community, bishop. so far most people are going 'MUH DEFAULT PLAYSTYLE! MUH CURRENT META!' and completely ignoring that the quirks and values are more or less placeholder. the only thing we know is attempting to balance out ridiculous clan alphas with weapon multiplier bonuses and then maybe adding more hp quirks to increase ttk because its absurdly low in a team game is pretty much the definition of power creep. so its likely that we won't have weapon quirks in the same sense as before, though we'll definitely have them eventually.

I'd say it would be reasonable to expect a complete pass of what they're trying to do by december, assuming we playtest it heavily on PTS and try to work out what it should be instead of the usual OMG WTF BBQ GAS PAUL HANG RUSS rabble sperg.

whoa whoa whoa!

back up here man

unless you got a pitchfork and flaming torch GTFO

we don't like you reasonable types here. We prefer mindless toddler-esque dumbf**kery raging IF YOU PLEASE


new forum low the last two days. 99% of these people need to get out of the basement. Disgusting

Edited by cSand, 12 September 2015 - 01:57 PM.

#36 Mcgral18


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 01:57 PM

View PostcSand, on 12 September 2015 - 01:54 PM, said:

whoa whoa whoa!

back up here man

unless you got a pitchfork and flaming torch GTFO

we don't like you reasonable types here. We prefer mindless toddler-esque dumbf**kery raging IF YOU PLEASE

Posted Image

By far the vocal minority. 4 of you guys?

#37 Astrocanis


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 02:00 PM

View PostcSand, on 12 September 2015 - 01:59 PM, said:

allow me to repeat for you since I'v ehad enough really

you guys are really great at it, all through history, you have f**king PHD in


Irony, you have sand in your pants.

#38 cSand


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 02:03 PM

i also accidentally deleted my post instead of editing, lol

cursethis touchscreen

and there's no sand there

These are apparently grown men or at least something resembling one. My 6 year old can contain herself better than you f**tards. It's a game. get over it. Don't like it, play something else.

end of story.

SAme thing with other previous changes at times, all theusuals throw a big hissy fit, toss the toys out the crib, then 4 months later they're suckling at the teat of PGI again. This is no different. The cycle continues as the manchildren act out on the internet. Lolololololololol

Edited by cSand, 12 September 2015 - 02:06 PM.

#39 C E Dwyer


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 02:05 PM

I'm starting to think that the bottom line is hey we screwed the game so badly, if HG sue our ass over the Marauder it won't matter because there won't be anything left come the re balance, from what I'm Reading

#40 cSand


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 02:18 PM

actually if what's on the PTS wll get rid of all the arm chair experts in the forums


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