Duke ramulots, on 13 September 2015 - 06:02 PM, said:
That is not, nor has ever been true. People use them for one thing, to gain an advantage.
I for one like to do things like drive manual, mix my own paints, hunt with a bow, and other manly things. People that use macros do none of those things.
That last part was a joke.
No. I use my dakka macro for the dakka. If I want an advantage, I build a gauss/PPC crab and kill things with 2-3 alphas.
Especially the dakka macro is fur the lulz, for the sound of it. Suppressing fire don't work in this game in any way. If I shoot someone with 6 chained AC2 he'll back off, sure. But He'll also back off if I shoot him with an AC20.
And to be true, smarter players don't back off. Instead they start rolling damage and alpha me when they've cooled down. And If I want to stand a chance I have to start alpha-ing my AC2s and aim for components.
So whoever thinks a macro can give an advantage in this game...
The only other more or less useful macro I know is the tag toggle, but that is more of a convenience thing imo.
And that's it with macros. Everyone who starts with macroing gauss or thinks you can fire faster with a macro doesn't understand the game mechanics.
Edited by 627, 13 September 2015 - 09:50 PM.