It sucks that basically they should be managing two games right now, but thats what they need to do. Continue to support the live game obviously, but they really need to focus on this 'great rebalance' and its many aspects. Sensors is a part of it sure, so is weapons, but so is hardpoint placement and geometry and hitboxes. Engine caps. Hardpoints themselves.
Theres no reason to go through all this shabaz and not actually fix the game.
Theres a pilot skill that does nothing. We have lowered graphics quality. We lost our progressive convergence. Theres shadows with holes in them. A few weapons are totally useless. One is actually broken. Theres tons of rescaling to be done. If theyre even remotely serious about this....theres a hell of alot of stuff to fix.
Sadly...this is PGI so I know better...
Edited by KraftySOT, 12 September 2015 - 07:13 PM.