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Please Wait For Your Assault Mechs

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#41 Kiiyor


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 05:30 PM

View PostPPO Kuro, on 13 September 2015 - 06:27 AM, said:

A lot of the solo games I play with an assault mech is the same. The whole team rushing forward leaving the assaults behind. Then when you ask people to wait for the assaults the general response is: Get a faster mech....ffs I'm in an assault. Or I should say, an Innersphere assault mech. 50-56 is a fast as it's going to be without being under gunned.

So how do people think about this? Should I just stop using assaults and be a egocentric rushing btard just trying to get to the front asap so I can stealkill some ones work? Should I just chill out and don't let it get to me.


Also, I would also humbly suggest that those other assault pilots (and you probably know who you are!)... actually make an effort to move out of spawn. Sometimes they can be their own worst enemy.

I have no issue with those intredpid DireWolf and KingCrab pilots that ram their throttles to full the minute their armour clad boots touch the earth - they understand the limitations of their chassis and try to address them.

I DO have issue with those assault pilots who potter around spawn for the first minute, or pick a trajectory that in no way matches that of the rest of the team, or sit AFK for the first two minutes of the fight, or spend the first half of a really mobile fight stopping every 5 seconds to flail with lasers at targets 700m away - only to realize their team is 6 grid squares away - before complaining LOUDLY over chat about being abandoned.

They weren't abandoned - they abandoned their team by dicking around.

I've been in hundreds of matches where I've spawned in the assault lance, in an assault, and have managed to keep up with the group just fine while other members of my lance admire the scenery or treat maintaining a firing line as being more important than staying with the group.

Granted, there are *often* times where assaults are left in the dust, but in most instances, it could have been avoided.

I know it files in the face of piloting a walking turret, but sometimes you have to prioritize movement over shooting everything you see.

#42 MechWarrior3671771


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 05:51 PM

"So how do people think about this?"

As a Raven pilot who loves to find a Red Team Assault left behind, I know its stupid to let them do the same to my team. But with that in mind:

1) pre-drop chat reminding me not to abandon the assault lance is so common now that its become background noise like glgf and hold locks pls. Sorry but its mostly ignored.

2) lights step off spawn VERY fast. Every second you waste appraising your own spawn situation means we get further away and focused on some squirrel. The further away we get, the less likely we are going to turn around. So you need to QUICKLY figure out how bad your situation is and...

3) TELL US! That's the most important thing. So many times, the *first* I hear from an abandoned assault pilot is that he got killed because we left him behind... And don't bother with chat - lights are checking their rear view mirror so often that chat is usually missed. Call up on VOIP and tell us you are getting left behind. We will come back for you.

#43 Triordinant


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 06:23 PM

View PostGrisbane, on 13 September 2015 - 06:48 AM, said:

or.. go clan, get fast assaults.. even better, get a timberwolf.. better than many assaults, go faster.. profit.

I heard that the PTS version of the "rebalanced" Timberwolf is even more godlike. If the changes push through to the live servers, there won't be any reason to take IS 'mechs at all.

#44 Scar Glamour


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 07:57 PM

I am not sure if the new "individual performance" system is to blame, but people are incredibly selfish these days to the point of being ridiculous. The do anything to score an easy kill. Maneuvering or trying to cover your back if the enemy is trying to surround you? Never heard of it. **** it and Nascar all the way.

#45 Narcissistic Martyr


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 08:01 PM

View PostRhaythe, on 13 September 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

Assault pilots are some of the neediest players ever. Nobody ever responds if I type, "Can us lights get some assistance?" ;)

To be fair we get blown up in the time it takes to type that.

#46 kongman


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 08:55 PM

View PostNightmare1, on 13 September 2015 - 03:44 PM, said:

I hate waiting for the Assaults because it decreases your chances of winning. Speed is life. On most maps, it's better to be in position and striking the enemy before they can gather, rather than to wait for your Assaults.

To be honest, my preferred tactic is to have the Assaults push into the enemy from their spawn point. A lot of the time, the enemy team is surprised, expecting retreating Assaults and not attacking ones. They'll get so focused on that spot, that they often fail to see the faster Mechs coming up behind them.

this doesnt work most of the time , your support bails as soon as you contact the enemy

View PostFlyby215, on 13 September 2015 - 04:44 PM, said:

I've said it before, I'll say it again: smart assaults don't get left behind. They know where to go, how to go, and will rarely be left behind.

On river city, if the assaults move to cross the bridge; yes you will be left behind. On Caustic, move along the [far] outside of the calderra, yes you will be left behind. Alpine, go anywhere except straight line to big hilltop, yes you will be left behind.

It's a shooter-type game, no one wants to wait. If you're doing anything EXCEPT taking the shortest possible route to the anticipated front-line, then yes you will very likely be left behind. Don't try to strategize in an assault class; thats for the lights, mediums, and fast heavies. As an assault class, get to the front, and lay down the firepower.

and another stupid post , get to the front , die within about 10 sec , cause that will happen if you play like that , assaults are slow targets with crappy armour , wish they would fix this .

View PostKiiyor, on 13 September 2015 - 05:30 PM, said:


Also, I would also humbly suggest that those other assault pilots (and you probably know who you are!)... actually make an effort to move out of spawn. Sometimes they can be their own worst enemy.

I have no issue with those intredpid DireWolf and KingCrab pilots that ram their throttles to full the minute their armour clad boots touch the earth - they understand the limitations of their chassis and try to address them.

I DO have issue with those assault pilots who potter around spawn for the first minute, or pick a trajectory that in no way matches that of the rest of the team, or sit AFK for the first two minutes of the fight, or spend the first half of a really mobile fight stopping every 5 seconds to flail with lasers at targets 700m away - only to realize their team is 6 grid squares away - before complaining LOUDLY over chat about being abandoned.

They weren't abandoned - they abandoned their team by dicking around.

I've been in hundreds of matches where I've spawned in the assault lance, in an assault, and have managed to keep up with the group just fine while other members of my lance admire the scenery or treat maintaining a firing line as being more important than staying with the group.

Granted, there are *often* times where assaults are left in the dust, but in most instances, it could have been avoided.

I know it files in the face of piloting a walking turret, but sometimes you have to prioritize movement over shooting everything you see.

first thing i do is move to re group with my team , but 80% of the time i do that , they push out and leave us . they dont realize how slow we are

#47 Khobai


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 09:19 PM


I've said it before, I'll say it again: smart assaults don't get left behind. They know where to go, how to go, and will rarely be left behind.

thats completely wrong.

a direwolf that goes 53.5kph is going to get left behind if its team nascars ahead at 90+ kph.

it doesnt matter where they go theyre eating the dust of their teammates.

On some maps it doesnt matter that much. But on other maps the enemy lights will pick the direwolf apart. it all depends on the map and where the direwolf spawns in relation to the enemy

But I would say on EVERY map its good practice not to leave your slow assaults unescorted. Its your job as a fast ECM light to go back and help the slow assaults get into position.

Edited by Khobai, 13 September 2015 - 09:24 PM.

#48 Chuck Jager


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 09:29 PM

The dwolf and crab have the weapons to be slow pug matches. Warhawks, Stalkers and Banshees are better choices for assaults. If you got stock std IS assault that is not elited it will bite big ones. My Whawks have a lot better stats than my Dwolves just because I can get in and out of combat at many ranges and I can twist fast enough to get hits and role damage.

I am seeing maulers with every harpoint loaded getting devastated. Buying an IS assault is kinda like trying to get an american made economy car.

#49 STEF_


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 09:37 PM

When I pilot assaults, I always have to write in chat the usual good sense things, but 80% of times ppl just don't read, o is not interest in ...winning.

The more hilarous thing is when the enemy team DOES regroup, and the squirrels of my team, trying to "catch the tail", get rekt.
12-8 in 2 minutes, so it is a defeat.
But at least I can ***** and mock them in chat.

With that said, Nascar must die. Squirrels don0t even know what they are doing: a flank maneuver (done by4-6 pugs), done even before teams get positions. That is: pure SH!T.

Edited by Stefka Kerensky, 13 September 2015 - 09:40 PM.

#50 Vellron2005


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 12:01 AM

For the first time since Closed Beta, I'm playing an assault again. I Play an Executioner EXE-D. As far as Assaults go, its BLOODY FAST. With, MASC, i can crank that beast up to 64 km/h. ANd I'm still slow (anything below 80 is slow in this game).

How do I compensate?

Well, depends on the map.. most maps, you can cut across country, especially since I have JumpJets, (witch help greatly), but if you don't have that, try to take the most direct route.

Another thing, which sort-of happens automatically, is that the matchmaker automatically puts you in a lance of assaults.. so you'r all kind of slow.. but there's 4 of you, so its easeier to defend agains lights if you stick to them like glue.

If you see you're getting left behind ALONE alot, and get harrased by lights, equip SSRM's.. these help deal with light greatly.

If you see you don't get harrased but still are to late to reach the battlefild, get some LRM's.. they will give you the option of dealing at least some damage untill you drag yourself to the front line..

Assaults are an important part of a well balanced team, and people should account for that and LOOK AFTER THEM.. they will get kills, and deal with enemy heavy's, and light's, your job is to DEFEND THE ASSAULTS after the scouting is done.. LEARN THIS and you team will win more often..

Also, if your in an ECM capable mech such as the ATLAS.. yeah.. bring that ECM.. You'r gonna need it.

Edited by Vellron2005, 14 September 2015 - 12:12 AM.

#51 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 12:25 AM

View PostVellron2005, on 14 September 2015 - 12:01 AM, said:

.. Assaults are an important part of a well balanced team, and people should account for that and LOOK AFTER THEM.. they will get kills, and deal with enemy heavy's, and light's, your job is to DEFEND THE ASSAULTS after the scouting is done.. LEARN THIS and you team will win more often.. Also, if your in an ECM capable mech such as the ATLAS.. yeah.. bring that ECM.. You'r gonna need it.

Sometimes pugs go crazy like bees, 11 rambos... and you see it from first 30 secs.... the trouble is, you can go rambo too, and get 2-12, or try to stay, with 2-3 other mechs, and get 5-12.....

But yesterday i see a miracle.
I was in RC, fight around citadel ....
Our team was loosing 3-7, 3-8 (i must agree at this point a take it as loss.) I say, ok, so lets do some rambos, at least (was playing Mal-1P AC40 in da face).
I cant say, how, but we slowly turned 3-8, into 9-10. Last mechs was me, and some heavy damaged EXE, the other sides had Atlas, A1 cat, and ACH(ecm so state was hidden). We stayed as close as possible together. I firstly got cat, then the ach somehow overheated... targeting, alpha, boom-dead.
finishing atlas was the icing.... men that was a game....

#52 Yokaiko


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 12:31 AM

There are three maps where its problematic (River City used to be way up there)
Mining Colony
Frozen City.

On Caustic if the assualts spawn to the left about 60% of the time they are under fire before they get near the crater, of those, most of the time the team is on the OTHER side of the crater at the saddle ducking LRM, I see that one over and over,

Mining Colony, unless you are in a Warhawk, Wubshee or Gargoyle or someting if you get the far left spawn, you can't catch up the lighter mechs ALWAYS sprint right, and herd at the end of the highground, if you are in a 100 tonner you aren't going to get there before you are 3-4 mechs down(assuming you don't have to stop and fight off a light). I've pointed it out for people to slow down (in a Crab) I was told to go faster.

Frozen has that spawn in Jenner Alley I call the hole, if you go up the ramp RIGHT in front of you 7 out of ten times you are going to meet the lights and mediums from the enemy and every LRM they have just to make it interesting.

#53 Black Ivan


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 12:36 AM

Nascar is a big problem in MWO. Had it on Caustic Valley, Viridian Bog and some more during weekend.

We assaults were still underway wen the rest of the tream crushed into enemy who had stuck to heir assauls, guess who won - right, the other team because they had the fire power our team was missing.

#54 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 02:37 AM

View PostRhaythe, on 13 September 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

Assault pilots are some of the neediest players ever. Nobody ever responds if I type, "Can us lights get some assistance?" ;)
I see the problem(s) here.
1) You didn't hit 'R'
2) You were probably more than 1,000m away. Over hill and Dale with no LoS back to the Assaults.
3) No profit ;)

#55 Rhaythe


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 04:09 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 14 September 2015 - 02:37 AM, said:

I see the problem(s) here.
1) You didn't hit 'R'
2) You were probably more than 1,000m away. Over hill and Dale with no LoS back to the Assaults.
3) No profit ;)

But... but I meant well!

...seriously. Those UAVs ain't gonna launch themselves... grumble...

#56 Sarlic


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 04:16 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 14 September 2015 - 02:37 AM, said:

I see the problem(s) here.
1) You didn't hit 'R'
2) You were probably more than 1,000m away. Over hill and Dale with no LoS back to the Assaults.
3) No profit ;)

View PostYokaiko, on 14 September 2015 - 12:31 AM, said:

There are three maps where its problematic (River City used to be way up there)
Mining Colony
Frozen City.

On Caustic if the assualts spawn to the left about 60% of the time they are under fire before they get near the crater, of those, most of the time the team is on the OTHER side of the crater at the saddle ducking LRM, I see that one over and over,

Mining Colony, unless you are in a Warhawk, Wubshee or Gargoyle or someting if you get the far left spawn, you can't catch up the lighter mechs ALWAYS sprint right, and herd at the end of the highground, if you are in a 100 tonner you aren't going to get there before you are 3-4 mechs down(assuming you don't have to stop and fight off a light). I've pointed it out for people to slow down (in a Crab) I was told to go faster.

Frozen has that spawn in Jenner Alley I call the hole, if you go up the ramp RIGHT in front of you 7 out of ten times you are going to meet the lights and mediums from the enemy and every LRM they have just to make it interesting.

View PostTitannium, on 14 September 2015 - 03:48 AM, said:

Or its just only my tier (4) against your (2)... you know people play differently in tiers....

I still wreck with my Atlas. It really depends on the team though. Positioning is one thing, but the team is so important.

Hence i rather avoid the solo que. Whole week i have been having terrible matches. I really try to position myself good, counter flanks but sometimes it doenst cut it and i am just wasting my time.

The Atlas (And perhaps the Mauler as well) with exception of the Direwolf, that one is just a Juggernaut, should be seen as a force multiplier.

Most people are forgetting this. With good Assault support any good pilot can wreck aboslutely face with it. But most people does not even have a slight idea how to suport them.

Main problem they are so selfish.

Posted Image

Perfect example that even the poor mans Atlas-K can be viable. Not saying each match is like this, but i don't see many piloting the K. Frankly almost zero.

A other case i was with Mystere in the solo que. Nice guy, had a great push on the River city while other folks was dorking around in at the Citadel. Used VOIP i think, but as soon i saw him engaging i just walked with him. A few others followed and we got hit them in the flanks real hard.

Not saying you should get a Atlas-K. It's hard mode on the highest level. You have to know what you are doing. (Streakboaters, Missileboaters, SRMs targets)

Just pointing out that you should support Assaults, no matter what.

Posted Image

Edited by Sarlic, 14 September 2015 - 04:39 AM.

#57 Yokaiko


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 04:17 AM

I actually got bitched at for not standing next to the assaults and chasing the lights.

......I was in an Ice Ferret

I also outdamaged two of the assualts combined....that weren't being harrassed by lights because I was knee deep in their tailpipes.

Edited by Yokaiko, 14 September 2015 - 04:18 AM.

#58 Nightmare1


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Posted 14 September 2015 - 06:09 AM

View Postkongman, on 13 September 2015 - 08:55 PM, said:

this doesnt work most of the time , your support bails as soon as you contact the enemy

That's mostly true regardless of the circumstances or strategies though.

What's really frustrating is when you guard the Assaults and guide them up to the front, only to have them hunker down and cower, refusing to lead a push or use all that armor and firepower and just leaving the battle to the other weight classes. It's not often that I fail to out-do an Assault with my Medium Mechs or even my Lights when pugging. I suppose that's one reason for my jaded view towards dedicated Assault pilots; I dislike jeopardizing eight Mechs for the sake of four when I feel that the eight Mechs are more valuable.

The only time Assaults have real value, in my opinion is in group drops where it is possible to coordinate.

In the end, pugging is pugging so it's all really a moot point. No matter what you do, there remains the Pugging Variable which dictates that the match will possess a certain amount of degeneracy not found in your organized group drops. As a result, it's not easy to plan or coordinate. It nearly always boils down to which team deathballs first, farthest, fastest, and with the most Mechs.

#59 Wildstreak


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:00 AM

View PostWattila, on 13 September 2015 - 04:30 PM, said:

I feel most of PUG losses are due to either 1) team refusing to group or 2) team refusing to fight. A very common case is Caustic Valley where assaults can get caught and be forced to turn and fight. Guess what the rest of the team usually does? Yes, they continue taking the long way around the crater instead of pivoting around the assaults and going through the middle. Same result, less distance, less stupid

View PostFlyby215, on 13 September 2015 - 04:44 PM, said:

On Caustic, move along the [far] outside of the calderra, yes you will be left behind. Alpine, go anywhere except straight line to big hilltop, yes you will be left behind.

Going center of Caustic is not always good.
- Heat issues.
- Large open area, enemy can safely come up edge and wear you down if not outright kill you.

Alpine, there have been times where I have been on teams the do somewhere other than the usual Hill together and it works.

Strangely, both these maps are looking at changes now, Caustic is getting a makeover, there is work on a whole new Alpine because modding the current one proves too difficult.

View PostYokaiko, on 14 September 2015 - 12:31 AM, said:

There are three maps where its problematic (River City used to be way up there)
Mining Colony
Frozen City.

Mining Colony, unless you are in a Warhawk, Wubshee or Gargoyle or someting if you get the far left spawn, you can't catch up the lighter mechs ALWAYS sprint right, and herd at the end of the highground, if you are in a 100 tonner you aren't going to get there before you are 3-4 mechs down(assuming you don't have to stop and fight off a light). I've pointed it out for people to slow down (in a Crab) I was told to go faster.

Frozen has that spawn in Jenner Alley I call the hole, if you go up the ramp RIGHT in front of you 7 out of ten times you are going to meet the lights and mediums from the enemy and every LRM they have just to make it interesting.

The Caustic issue here can happen to both sides only in Skirmish.

Mining, not always, I have had teams that actually move left, changes things up.

Sometimes you gotta go into a match and intentionally change things up like the teams I had where we held G6 on Tourmaline and waited for the enemy to come to us, usually won those.

#60 Kyle Travis


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:42 AM

View PostTitannium, on 13 September 2015 - 07:44 AM, said:

But here and there, there is a ECM raven, going to "cover" assaults. I had such games. Two.

If I am in a ECM mech - I always head for the Assaults to cover - aint I good :)

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